Love thy neighbor!
This logo can be freely used with links to the Game of Love page.

Psa 97:10: Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Opening the Road to LOVE when the Forces of HATE threaten Christian People in Our LORDS Internet!

If you are not with as, we will love you and pray for you so that maybe you will join us!!!

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TSR Inc.
About This Site.
They Already Know.
Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

TERRIBLE SIN! There is a dangerous computer game called Nethack! Not only its name suggests to break into other people's computers, but it is one of the so called "fantasy role playing games", iin which there are lots of violence and pagan gods and occult mythology. That cannot be good for christian children! So you should see that your children do not play that sinful game!!


* Copyrights and licence
* Internet contains HATE
* THEY are hateful!
* AD&D® - The Game of Sin
* Is Your Child a Role-Player?
* Is Your Child a Cultist?
* The Occult Books of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons®
* What Happens to the Victims?
* Live Action Role Playing!!!
* Inquisition is still active!!!
* Ice Hockey, Game of HATE!
* MUDS, Games of SIN!
* Other Things for Christian to Know About
* The Truth Can Be Found in Love!
* Notes
* Worried parents and Loving Christians have sent me some (4.5M) e-mail comments, which you can now read. Names and addresses have been left out - to protect these good people!

Copyrights and licence

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

Licence changed! From now on, anyone is free to quote anything and as much as wanted fromthis page. Of coursse, everyone is free to put up new "Victims of Roleplaying Games should be loved too" pages, in fact it would be good to have many such pages!

Love Microsoft!

Internet - the source of HATE!!!

This is more alarming that I first thought! INTERNET is used to spread HATE towards sinners! You should hate the SIN and LOVE the sinnner!

Every newsgroup and e-mail that contains HATE and blasphemy means there is a poor soul who wrote it! We must pray for the souls of the poor souls, lost in hate and sin, who spread illegal or blasphemous material!


Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

"Not that I personally object, but I think I should warn you that your page is blasphemous contrary to the laws of England and that by leaving it on the Internet you leave yourself open to possible prosecution. Just thank the God you mock that no bible-basher has yet found your page. They prosecuted the people responsible for a gay satirisation of the crucifiction recently."

Catholics try to stop me! But the Truth MUST be told! I will never stop telling the Truth about Role-Playing Games and other things!!! Of course, we must LOVE Catholics! They are just mislead people, we must pray for them! Hear this: Read a shocking story about the Inquisition! Note, by the way, that this shocking report is not written by me and it doesn't tell about me, and the person seems to hate a lot, which is not good.

Let us pray that Catholics will convert!

"PS: I have taken the liberty of reporting your site to GAMA (GAme Manufacturer's Association) who will see to it that hypocrites like you don't prevent role-players like myself can spend time with our friends and enjoy ourselves playing AD&D."

Whatever this GAMA is, I love the sinner, I only hate the sin! Even if they try everything, they can not hurt true believers, and we will only pray for them if they do!

AD&D® - The Game of Sin

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

TSR claims that their "2nd Edition" doesn't have demons and is not leading to sin! Let us pray for them! We love the sinner, and everyone can be saved by Lord Jesus! Do not hate the players!

AD&D, among their other games, is a so-called "Roleplaying Game" by a company called TSR (Tactical Studies Rules), Inc. I've heard that this game has caused hundreds if not thousands of suicides in USA. It is said that an older man lures young girls (especially virgins!) and boys (typically 4 to 17 years old) to join an "exciting" roleplaying game session and to make sin! We must pray for these poor souls!

By the way: Civil servants escape their duty in our respected Finnish Army! We, finnish men, here in White Finland will all enter military service! However, we do not hate the escapees but pray for their souls! Perhaps they will realize their duty. But, back to this naughty game:

In this game, the "Dungeon Master" creates a whole new world for the "players". This imaginary world is violent and hateful. The player characters brutally slay thousands of "monsters" and other people, and get often killed themselves in this game!!! Players are lured to study black magic, occultism, and true names of real demons. The players spend their money on these "game books", and also drugs and weapons are often involved. We should pray for all these poor souls and hope they will get rid of sin!

After a few "sessions", the players may become addicted to the game and become obedient to the Dungeon Master and possibly drugs. In a few months, they might not be able to tell what is real and what is game any more. We must rescue these poor souls, pray for them and lead them to Jesus!

Is Your Child a Role-Player?

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

Children can be recruited from private or school "playing clubs", where innocent children are taught how to play role-playing games! Do You know what your children does after school?!?

The visible signs of an obsessive devotion to role-playing games, occultism and even satanism are usually:

  1. Loses interest in other, good hobbies
  2. Spends a lot of time with roleplaying games
  3. Draws cartoon-like pictures, which present violent mutilations, monsters and violent scenes
  4. Draws occult symbols: pentagram, number 666, triangle, swastika etc.
  5. Has nightmares
  6. Has insomnia
  7. Changes diet
  8. Writes poems about death and dying
  9. Writes about dark themes and supernatural events
  10. Talks about many gods
  11. Believes to own supernatural powers
  12. Speaks in riddles
  13. Speaks against Holy Bible
  14. Refuses to go to church
  15. Grades deteoriate
  16. Collects luck charms, animal bones, weapons, dolls etc.
  17. Is interested in magic, herbs and other occultism
  18. Threatens to kill other people, especially parents
  19. Talks about suicide or death. Is unusually interested in everything about death.
  20. Neglects personal hygiene
  21. Hears voices
  22. Obsessive interest in weapons, especially firearms
  23. Obsessive interest in half-militant "Ramboism" and interest in war and violence
  24. Makes pact with the Devil, or, in some cases, suicide contracts
  25. Cuts his/her hands. This is used for blood sacrifices.
  26. Has tattoos and "piercing" jewelry

You should be understanding and loving towards the child who has fallen into sin and occultism!

The Bible tells us to use the rod on children. But unless you are absolutely certain that you chastise the child because you LOVE him, do not do it!!! You must only chastise if you are certain that it will help! Sadly, some parents chastise their children out of hate and not love! We must pray for these parents and children.

Is Your Child a Cultist?

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

Poor souls are often recruited to cults, which preach only hate towards all other people! We must love the cultists, and pray for them! Only through love and care can these poor souls be lead away from sin!

How to recognize a cult?

  1. A cult often has a powerful dictator, who is often a "messiah".
  2. Cults force their members to give away their freedom to choose.
  3. Cults strive to separate the members from their families.
  4. Cults often claim they can do "miracles" and turn down the Bible and the true christianity.
  5. Cults oppose the True christianity and campaign against it.
  6. Cults claim they have the only true religion.
  7. Cults forbid individuality and attempt to achieve uniformity. All their members must have an absolute belief and behaviour.

The Occult Books of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons®

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

Let me tell You about the awful things you can find in the rulebooks of this violent game. You shouldn't ever read them yourself unless You are very firm and strong in faith! If You see these books in the room of your children, explain the danger to them immediately! You must also talk to the parents of the friends of Your child, their children might be in danger too. One of the "friends" might be the "Dungeon Master" - that poor soul is in dire situation and should be helped! Be careful, read the bible and pray a lot!

"Players Handbook"

This is found in the "Players Handbook" (6th printing, 1980):

  • page 28, "Assassin" character class, the player learns to be a professional ritual murderer!!!
  • page 33, "alignment", an occult, philosophy of "law" vs. "chaos". There are much more occultism elsewhere in the book.
  • page 50, "Raise Dead" spell. The player learns a magical spell which he thinks will bring the dead back to alive! Also there is an "Animate Dead" spell, which is used to make living dead monsters: "zombies"! This ritual requires drumming and human blood!
  • page 64, here begins the list of "magic-user's" - a cultist - magical spells which they claim to be actually working!
  • page 86, "Spiritwrack", a ritual which, they say, makes a summoned demon to obey the cultist!
  • page 86, "Cacodemon", the worst ritual in the whole book, which is used to summon real demons! There is everything You need to know, how to make a pentagram (am occult symbol which "holds the demon") and the neccessary human sacrifices. There is a list of other required things, for example black candles, mandrake root, a piece of parchment which must contain the demon's true name etc. Number 666 is mentioned. We must pray for the souls of the people who have read this book!
  • page 120 has the description of the "planes of existence", including "Nine Hells" and "Gehenna", "Hades", "Tarterus" and "Abyss" which has "666 levels"! From these "planes" are the demons summoned in the game!

"Monster Manual"

Monster Manual (4th printing, 1979):

  • pages 16 to 20: Descriptions of 12 different demons, including their true names (like "Demogorgon", "Orcus", "Juiblex" etc.) The cultists think they control the demons by using these "true names"!
  • pages 20 to 23: the "Devils". There are names again, including "Asmodeus", "Baalzebul", "Dispater" and "Geryon".
  • The book contains many other horrible demons and living dead beings, which the players try to summon!
  • In their "2nd Edition" they have "removed" the demons, or so they say, but just their names have changed (to "Baatezu" and "Tanar'ri"). They are still the same demons, except even more powerful!!!

"Dungeon Master's Guide"

Dungeon Master's Guide (2nd printing, 1979):

  • page 42 has the pictures of "magic circle", "pentagram" and "thaumaturgist triangle" for use by "demonologists", sort of cultists.
  • page 116 contains the recipes for magical "potions", poisonous drinks which the players must ingest in the rituals!

"Monster Manual II"

Monster Manual II (1st printing, 1983):

  • This is perhaps the worst book of them all!
  • page 27: "All daemons have personal names by which they may be summoned or controlled..."
  • page 27: "A pentagram will protect the summoner from daemonkind."; LORD can protect us, not these things!
  • page 28: "given a strong, evil leader and a sufficient reward, they may enter into alliance..."; this again hints to use ritual human sacrifice!
  • page 31: "...will not see the ultrodaemon but someone loved or respected."; this horrible book may make the players start thinking their parents and close christian friends as demons!
  • page 35: horrible page, as it lists 45 true names of demons which the players must "summon" and bribe with real human sacrifice!
  • page 44: another list of 61 demon names, and the rest of the pages describe the most powerful of them!!!
  • In other pages, this book "Monster Manual II", describes unspeakable horrors on almost every page! More sensitive people could become insane just by reading it!

"Deities & Demigods"

"Deities & Demigods", 1980: Recently I noticed this book in a local second-hand book shop. Since it cost only 60 FIM (about $12 or so), I decided to buy it. I must say that this book is even WORSE than the other ones. It tells the players "how to become a god"!

  • Page 11: "Divice Ascension": "As study of the various mythologies will show, it is remotely possible for mortals to ascend into the ranks of the divine". This book claims people could become gods!
  • Page 11: "...the personage must have a body of sincere worshippers, people convinced of his or her divinity due to their witnessing of and/or belief in the mighty deeds and miracles which he or she has performed (and continues to perform). These must be genuine worshippers..."
    That is enough of that. This book is the guide to the "Dungeon Masters", how to attract "worshippers" into the cult!!!
  • The next 116 pages tell about "Mythoses", groups of pagan deities. They include horrible demons and dark entities of the most horrible kind, such as "Cthulhu mythos" and its awful demons. The book also suggests people to worship old Norse and Finnish gods, among the others.
  • Pages 128-134 tell more about the esoteric "planes of existence". The book claims to show the routes to heaven, hell, but also to many other places! People weaker in faith could easily start to believe this insanity!

Above I have explained the dangers of these books. If you notice a neighbor who has fallen into this game, you must approach him or her and tell him or her about the dangers! Remember to hate the sin but love the sinner!

What Happens to the Victims?

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

The players of this game may fall into the sins of cultists black magic, ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, child pornography, fetishism, atheism, agnosticism, oral sex, bestiality, adultery, coprophilia, voyeurism, demonology, necromancy, fascism, neo-nazism, occultism, pagan religions, arson, satanism, witchcraft, incest, and sodomy.

They often listen to heavy metal and rock music, promote evolution theory instead of creationism, use They do not believe in the Holy Bible. They do not pray for Jesus and God. They do not fulfill their duty to the Fatherland, instead they go into non-military service Often they read violent comic books and science fiction and fantasy stories, watch violent porno movies. They might live in an imaginary world. These poor souls often commit suicide or live rest of their lives in a mental hospital.

We must work hard to save as many souls from that as possible! Love the sinner, hate the sin! Do not judge: let that who is without sin throw the first stone! Consult professional helpers, talk to the sinners, carefully lead them to Jesus. If you are afraid to approach these poor souls, you could give them some tracts or something.

Live Action Role Playing

Recently, I heard alarming news about yet another type of a dangerous game!

This game is called "LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAYING". Heed if you hear youth talking about this! Youth should not become involved even in the most innocent and remotedly occult activity. Tell them that it is better to spend time in study, work, and rest, and leisure time with decent, christian sports, bible reading and in church!

Young, innocent teens are lured into an exciting "game", in which they "pretend" to be vampires and other entities. In this kind of game, the teenagers actually dress up like vampires and pretend to be ones! This sounds quite worrying to good christians!

The "live action" teenagers are also lured into revolutionary (cpommunist etc.) groups. These groups preach against all religion and especially christianity. But we have the strong love and other "weapons", such as the Holy Bible, to "combat" against this. Fight with LOVE, not with guns!


Did you know that the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic church is still active!?!??

Yes it is! I've finished translating a shocking report written by a poor finnish victoim (not me, thank God) of the Inquisition! Watch out for the gay-poison gas they pump into people's homes!!! Read the report, andd if you got similar symptoms, you know what is going on! Follow the instructions this victim gives, and you can help yourself. Above all, LOVE the people who are persecuting you! Forgive all what is done to you, for they do not know what they are doing! If you are hit on the cheek, turn the other one.

Ice Hockey, the Game of HATE

A horrible game, ice hockey, caused the PARALYSATION of two players here in Finland last year! Even if this "sport" shoyuld not be promoted only because of this, there are more reasons!

NEW PROVE: Here in Finland it is clearly PROVEN that ice hocky is extremely violent game! Oneplayer was caught of using drugs (cannabis). They started to treat him for caanabis addiction. The hockeuy assosciation decided that he should not be allowed to play because cannabis addicts are prone to violent frenzy during treatment (this has been scientifically proven, by the way, and it clearly shows that cannabis is very dangeroys drug, a cancer to our society)! Any way, this shows that hockey is very dangerous because players are supposed to act violently, and frenzied drug addict could rage in the rink and judges would not notice anything!!!
Note: If you know a drug addict, first you should approach him or her, and tell that Jesus will help against drug addiction!

Every evening, a horde of young men swarm into the stand. These men could be reading the Holy Bible or practice some good hobbies during their evenings! Often these men have drank some alcoholic drink before they left home. Constantly they smoke tobacco, and they swear and curse and blaspheme while waiting for the insane game to begin.

Then they sit down to the stand, and dear God, what kind of rage begins! First they take forth the "juice", which has been strengthened by alcohol. The game begins, and the audience starts the constant noise, shouting, and horrible swearing, cursing, and jeering, and supring of violence!! If a slightest mistake is made by a player or judge, it will be followed by an obnoxious gust of lewd swearwords and indecencies. The youth inspire each other to savage fervor, which causes both physical and mental problems later. Everything about this game is about violence, hate and beating the other teams in an aggressive competition!

And, if a fight breaks out in the rink, that is the climax of the evening, and a terrible lust of blood follows! Everyone is hoping, that a player would be terribly hurt or even KILLED in the rink, or at least pints of blood would pour upon the shining white ice.

But this lewd bacchanal does not end with the game, NO! The youth go out into the streets, and look for the fans of the opposing teams for a fight. If they don't find a target for violence, they will then go into a pub to drink alcohol. They look for immoral young women to practice the sin of fornication! The consequense is very often a veneral disease, and for the girls it means often an illegitimate child.

After the pub, the gang often continues their bacchanal in the private home of one of their parents. Often this home is completely defiled and broken by the drunk boys.

So, if you meet a hockey player or a hockey fan, explain the violence and sin involved. Be strong in faith, and love the sinner!

MUDS, GAmes of SIN!

Recemntly I learned about so called "MUDS" and "MUSHES" in Internet. They are called by telnet prohgram. I visited a few of them, and found out that they are violent and promote hatred and sin.

WARNING!! Do not EVER click on thses adreses, unless yoou are STRONG in faith! It will be hard to explain the dangers of these games to the players. First I tried Zombe mud which is obivously VOODO worship! Then I went to BAT mud which seems to be about serial killers!!!

Especially this one called SICK MUD is HORRIBLE! That mud promotes not only PAGAN GOD worship but PREMARITAL SEX!!! It will be a huge task to convert the people in this game, but with love and Jesus we may do it!

Other Things for Christian to Know About

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

BUT, not only AD&D®, is sinful! There are other questionable things that every true Christian MUST know about! Hallelujah!

  • 1st, these non-christian sites in OUR LORD'S NET! Don't read all these pages at once unless you are REALLY strong in the faith! Some of the pages are badly SINFUL!
  • Abortion
  • Game called ADOM is spreading.
    I haven't checked this game but it is one of the notorious "computer role-playing games"! Parents: watch what your children do with their computers! Explain the dangers to them.
  • Alien
  • "Babylon 5" - it's some new TV series, telling about a "New Babylon" in space!!! I do not suggest letting your children atch it.
  • Barney the Dinosaur (TV cartoon). Eveyone knows that dinosaurs did not exist. Remember to explain this to your children if they watch this show.
  • Excessive bathing and atttraction to own body is a sin.
  • Beatless - the members of this popular band have long hair. THe music sounds somewhat sinful. I advice against listetning to it, when there is good christian music around too!
  • Beaver and Butt-head (cartoon) - this show has rude language sand the characters are not good role modelts for children.
  • Bikinis! "Swimming clothes" arouse sinful sexual thoughts!!! LARD didn't mean us to wear clothes!
  • Call off Cthulhu - a very evil-sounding role-playing game.
  • Carebears (cartoon)
  • "Christian Role Playing Gamers Association" is a condtradixtion in itself. Role playhing games are a sin, which can be forgiven by Jesus Christ.
  • Conservationists try to protect nature from man - but we should read about that in the Holy Bible. It is said, man is the lord of nature.
  • Using contraceptives is a sin!
  • THIS D&D CULT JUST KEEPS SREADING IN NET! There is AGAIN yet another sinners' page: this AVENGING DRAGONS PAGE is extreamely EVIL! Why can't the government censore these SINNER pages from OUR INTERNET!!?!???!?!??!!!!!!!!!
  • And NEVER look at this HORRIBLE page: John's AD&D Web Page! That person ingulges himself with the SIN of AD&D!
  • Dancing is sinful! Young, innocent people spend hours in filthy, unhealthy air full of tobacco and marjuhana smoke and rub their bodies together, which arouses sexual thoughts! Explain the sin of dancing to your children!
  • "Darkwing Duck" (very violent cartoon) and other new Disney cartoons. These promote hatred and violence, rather let your children watch loving christian cartoons.
  • Dinosaurs. Every true christian knows these "monsters" never existed, earth was created only 5000 years ago! This is told in the Holy Bible which, as we know, is the Word of God.
  • Elvis (certain so-called "rock and roll" (sinful music) singer.
  • "Evolution" theory, a "scientific" theory - but, don't worry, since it is only a theory which isn't proven. The truth can be read from the Holy Bible! I've also found this site which has a lot of evidence against evolution.
  • GOD HATES FAGS!, bad site that promotes HATE! That is wrong! We should love homosexuals ("fag" is a RUDE word, by the way), hate only the sin! Homosexuals can be lead out from the sin by Jesus.
  • "Fairy tales" - you should only read biblical tales to your children. Fairy tales are often violent and contain a lot of sin and hatred.
  • Fantasy books and movies are often sinful and do not tell about God. They should be avoided.
  • Woman's place is at home, the Bible says. If women would stay home, there would be no unemployment! But we should not force women not to work, we should love them and pray for them! Explain to them why they might be better at home! Also do not hate anyone if you are unemployed! Stay strong in faith and pray, Jesus will give you work soon.
  • The Forbidden Fruits, which is, the sin.
  • Freemasons are not christians!
  • Halloween; this is a pagan festival, and true christians must never celebrate it!!! Calmly and clearly explain the facts to "trick or treat" children - maybe they will start thinking!
  • Heavy metal music, as it is called; They say: Listen the records backwards and you will hear secret messages! Some of these bands is called "Metalica"!!! The music promotes hatred and sin, christians should not listen to it.
  • Horror literature and movies promote violence and hatred.
  • Jewelry! We should not decorate ourselves with trinkets - send that money to the poor.
  • Left-handedness is often considered a sin. Whatever you do, remember to love the sinner!
  • "Lord of the Rings" and other books by J.R.Tolkein
  • Magick: The Gathering is an occult card game! Beware of Magic: the Gathering. However, the writer of that paper is clearly not a true christian! You should love the Maghic-player, not hate!
  • Make-up. It arouses sinful sexual thoughts. It is easier if people are without such trifles.
  • Marvel Comics are very violent.
  • Masturbation, or onanism, as christians should call it, is a sin! With Jesus, anyone can be released from this sin. If you notice your children masterbating themselves, you should not chastise them but explain lovingly why it is wrong to do so.
  • McDonalds (junk food shop) and "Ronald McDonald", their "clown" character is a questionable role model for children.
  • Middle-Earth: The Witchs is another card game.
  • Monopoly (a board game) is a game about usury, money, greed and other sins. Play christian games instead!
  • "My Little Pony" toys!
  • African-americans should be treated with love! They often have difficulties due their inferior race. No christian should hate anyone because of race!
  • the so-called "New Age" and other pagans should be lead to Jesus.
  • Martial Arts, they teach violence.
  • Music Television "MTV"!
  • Musta Makkara! Black sausage - a traditional food they sell here in Finland. One of the ingredients of this sausage is blood - and eating blood is forbidden in Bible.
  • Non-military servants are wrong. It is the will of Jesus that we defend our homes. It is not violence, but self defense, and a duty.
  • Braiding one's hair is trifle (also, jewelry): 1 Peter 3:3; Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel
  • WHAT'S THIS "POKEMON"? Childrens trade pictures of demons! They even stab eachother with knife while arguing over cards! Pokemon is NOT CHREISTIAN! IVE heard it comes from Japan where they are PAGANS! SHINTOISM AND BHUDISM ARE NOT CHRISTIAN! BEWARE THIS POKEMON THING! BNEVER LET YOUR CHILREN INVOLVE THEMSELVES WITH THIS DEMON STUFF!
  • Power Rangers (toys and a very violent cartoon)
  • Premarital sex
  • "Rap" music is not christian.
  • rock and roll promotes sex and drugs, which are both a sin.
  • 700 club has verygood CHRISTIAN pages!!! And they PROVE that Duingeons & Dragons and other occult things LEAD TO DEMON POSSESSSION!!!!!! We must BAN THESE GAMES NOW! MAKE EM ILLEGAL!!
  • Science Fiction tries to predict the future. But the Bible says, no man can know. Thus, Science Fiction is a sin.
  • The "Chi-Man and the Masters of the Universe" is a very violent cartoon, and the role models are not christian.
  • Miniatures - fingering with these small statues all the time is not right.
  • Mormonism is not christianity.
  • Sex. It is much better to be morbid and lonely than to partake of the forbidden fruit. Remeber what we learned from our serpent friend!
  • Smurfs (cartoon)
  • Spellfire: The Master of Magick, yet another card game.
  • Star Trek (movies, toys, cartoons) describe a pagan future.
  • Star Wars (movies, toys, cartoons) are not christian. There are more people in out christian net who know that Star Wars is EVIL! But watch out if you read the things at that site, there is a lot of hatred, when we should LOVE.
  • Steve Jackson Games is spreading violent games. Also, it looks like it is a "new world order" site - that is not christian. This company is gathering more and more political power. Also they were inspected by the Secret Service of USA - there must be something going on in there, although they did not get caught that time - so I have heard.
  • Teletubbies - for once a children's TV program I do recommend for christians!
  • Television is often full of violence and hate, except some Televangelists' are good and true in faith!
  • I read this recently from Deja News group: "Some Satanists play tennis, and some tennis players have committed suicide."
    I've been suspecting that there is something sinful in tennis. Why do the women playing the game need to wear miniskirts, which show almost everything? I'm sure there are sports that are more christian.
  • Thou shalt not eat blood!
  • Ursula Le Gunn - another Fantasy - Science-Fiction writer.
  • Vampire: The Massacre sounds very questionable. Is it christian to pretend to be a vampire?
  • Vegetarians practice a pagan religion.
  • Washing machines with transparent lid. Seeing underwear in the machine might arouse sinful thoughts.
  • Wraith: The Oblivion, another game from White Wolf Inc. deals with the souls of the dead. It does not soundd chrsitian.
  • X-Files (TV series)
  • Zoids (a computer game, robot toys) - this is violence.

Stay alert, read the Bible! Pray and attend to service and the Holy Communion regularily! And, above all: hate the sin, love the sinner!

The Truth Can Be Found!

Note: Do Not Send E-Mail To TSR Inc. About This Site. They Already Know. Do not mail Wizards of the Coast either. They Already Know Too!

A lot of people concerned in these matters have mailed me and posted on the news. You should read their comments!

Here are some organizations in the U.S. which have more information about these matters:

  • Bible Sex Facts
  • Demon Possession Handbook
  • Parents' Music Resource Center
  • Planned Parenthood®
  • Probe Ministries claim to present "balanced, reasoned, biblically-based information". Often they do, but they sound hateful at some points. Read their documents with caution!
  • National Coalition on Television Violence
  • Advisory Board on Ritualistic Crime for the American Federation of Police
  • Advisory Board on the Cult Crime Impact Network

This is not a joke!
This is not a joke!

This is not a joke!

This is not a joke!

This is not a joke!

This is not a joke!

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This is a joke. (Mr. Niilo Paasivirta)