Comments Collection XXXVI on my AD&D-is-Satanic-stuff

Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999
Subject: Your Anti-Ad&D Page

Dude! Your page is TOO funny! Me and my buddies were rolling! We knew this HAD to be a joke! Just wanted to give you some props, man!

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999
Subject: i love jesus

the lord has been good to me! I love jesus! amen my brothers! Fisrt of all you moron, Hitler was sure as hell not a good Christian. He persecuted and murdered millions of Jewish people who were the original children of God. Second of all, you tree hugging hippie son of a $#%^* when you say Jar Jar binks is a life sized masturbation doll, you crossed the line their. You crossed the realm between sanity and demonicness. Christianity is not about censorship, its about compassion. Censorship is the exact opposite of what God wants from us. He wants us to choose our own path not stay as dumb lambs forever. What you are saying is very hypocritical. Thank you for your time and I hope you take my suggestions into consideration.

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999
Subject: Love Thy Neighbor site

Rofl! Oh, god man, when I first was looking at your site, I actually DID think that you were one of those annoying as hell, halleluyahing(heh, I know its spelled wrong), preaching all day long Christians.<While I am an Atheist, I have nothing against Christians.However, I can't STAND a preacher>It seemed almost fake to me, but I didn't really know why someone would make a fake site.<grin>I laughed at every single line written on this site. Kinda felt like a dumbass though at the end when I happened to notice the little link at the bottom that said This is a Joke.Heh, just wanted to let you know that I think your site is funny as hell.

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999
Subject: ?!


Your page at doesn't make a whole lot of sense for someone who plays Rolemaster and has such extensive "house rules". In fact it just gives Christianity a bad reputation when someone as racist and mentally challenged as yourself posts such a web page. I sure hope this is a joke, because if it's not a spoof page, you really should seek mental therapy.

Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999
Subject: I like the page! It's really funny!

The title just about sums it up! It's so damn amusing, I can't help but laugh at it. For a second, you had me food, since you did manage to capture the 'foaming-at-the-mouth' fundamentalism that a lot of people have. Good work!

Date: 30 Jul 99
Subject: AD&D

Ha! This site about AD&D is the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT I've ever seen. First of all, I play AD&D. You are STEREOTYPING different kinds of people. To begin with, I am a Catholic high-honor roll student, avidely involved with extra-curricular activities such as golf and computer courses. I go to church every week and DO NOT WORSHIP THE DEVIL. That's what pisses me off is the people and groups like you who put down what others do. You have to first understand that AD&D is NOT's a GAME. Sure, I understand that SOME people take it too far, but not everyone. As for the murders that take place with AD&D, most are probably coincidences. Let's just say for a minute that somebody gets killed while playing AD&D. Sure, AD&D could be blamed for it, but maybe it was just a coincidences. That's like saying that if somebody gets murdered while playing baseball in a park, everyone should say baseball is for Satanists and nobody should play it or be associated with people who play it. Anyway, I would like a response to this letter. (A response means responding to the letter, not preaching to me.)

Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999
Subject: Wow

You know, I rarely send e-mails to authors of web pages.

Damn, that's a funny page. I am a RPer and a MUSHer, and saw the address on a MUSH...I think the person who posted it rather foolishly thought it to be real. They don't read fine print.

I sent it to some friends, under the pretense it pissed me off horribly. They got riled over it...then I told them to look at the source code, and after their faces quit being red...they agreed, it's an excellent page.

Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999
Subject: About your page

Mr. Paasivirta,

I regret that you believe I am involved with everyone and everything in your world. I have better things to do with my existence, and will not tolerate the manner in which you attack me.
My attorneys will be contacting you shortly.

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1999
Subject: (no subject)

Good day to you. I'm one of those very rare christian/role players, and I was just wondering what you're opinion's of Christianity really are. I mean, I think that the Christian community in general is full of bigots that want to sound holier than everyone else, and their conspiracy theories are a constant source of entertainment for me (I'm a former satanist, so I know how far off they are), but I wanted to see what you really thought about it and to let you know that not all of us are like that. And so you know, it wasn't until after I got saved that I started playing RPGs, listening to hardcore and metal, and getting into tattoos. I've also come to realize that nothing in D&D is more "evil" than in classic books like "The Hobbit" or evenCS Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet and Chronicles of Narnia, and I've never heard anyone attacking them. I've got more to say, but I have to go, so maybe I'll write you some other time. Thanks for reading this. God bless!

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1999
Subject: You fool

I was just looking at your are the MOST ANAL Christain to date. I could'nt even get through the whole page it was so bad. Spelling mistakes and you preaching about supid trash. You really need to get a have got be just like Ned Flanders from the Simpsons. But I'm sure you don't watch that's probabily sinful in some way. Why don't stop kissing "God's" ass and live a real life. Only you would explain the dangers of "Barney the Dinosour". TSR ect. are probabily laughing at you right have to be surely a crackpot.

Calling all Hockey fans sinners...HAS got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. I could go on forever about this RETARTED page, but I'm sure you are saying some kinda prayer for me right now. I almost feel sorry for you ("Almost" is the key word here).

P.S You are such a chump.

Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999
Subject: Your webpage

Mr. Niilo Paasivirta:

I had the misfortune to visit your website recently. Might I say that I find your raving about a subject that you seem to know little about was somewhere between frightening and humerous. Your opinions on role playing games lead me to question your grip on reality. I will say this, your description of a cult was right on. It reminds me of Christianity's beginnings. Honestly, from the various and sundry writings here, I would have to say it seems that you are trying to limit the information of your fellow Christians. Wouldn't you agree that this would be a form of mind control. Just let them experience all of life and draw their own conclusions.

Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999
Subject: I pity them...

"Left-handedness is often considered a sin. Whatever you do, remember to love the sinner! "

Whoever wrote this does not know that the right hand is Satan's favorite tool of seduction... Forgive them, Webmaster, for they know not what they do...

Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999

Is this a joke?

Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999

To whom it may concern,

I am sick and tired of you incredibly flamboyant christians. Please don't give me all this garbage about how George Lucas is secretly putting sex toys on the market. Why don't you actually try to solve real problems instead of making outragous allegations. And don't say that "I need to find the way to god" or something similar; I went to a christian school for 7 years. Please, be a real christian and do some mentoring, donate money to your local church, etc., that would help the world alot more than pulling every Jar Jar Binks doll of the market.

Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999
Subject: Nice page, and a job well done.

This is just a congradulations on a job well done. You had me convinced you were the most fanatical zelot on the face of the earth, i couldn't believe that someone would actually believe that stuff, but then i realized, there are stupid people all over the place! Hopefully your page will help to make the ignorant appear even more rediculous. Even though you probably won't get a chance to read this, i just wanted to say thanks, you made me laugh.

Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999
Subject: :)

dude what the hell is this page about?!
have you gone insane!
you seem to have the devil inside yourself!
may god forgive you for your ignorance!!!!!!

YoUr WoRsT NiGtMaRe!!!!!

role-playing games ill end WHEN HELL FREZZES OVER!!!!!!!!

Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999
Subject: about your page.

you are a total psycho. it is people like you that try to ruin everything we have, tell me, what is so evil about star trek? they fly throgh space? oooh.... terrible, we should all go there to the studio with our bibles, thinking we are so much better than them cause we have god, and teach them a lesson. yea, right. i am a christian and i have a serious problem with people like you. you think yo are better than everyone else cause you read the bible. also, where do you get off calling black people a inferior race? you are ignorant racist slime. also, magic cards, and rpg's are fun, and i am a christian, and i am pretty normal. also heavy metal and rock music arent as evil as you think (there are exceptions), you justnever took the time to hear any. you judge without reasons. you have a serious problem with saying you have seen god and jesus, so what if you work in a church, doesnt mean god talks to you.

i hope you begin looking at the world in a better way, case you really need to open up,

Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999
Subject: is this a joke?


are you insane?
no really, drugs, sex, or lucas arts?
what has messed you up as a child?
is it because you never had your own little jarjar sex toy?
or are you just anal?
freud would have a field-day with you!
well.. get a life and pick on someone who actualy is a problem, not fantasy
a guy with a brain

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999

Is this a joke?

Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999
Subject: D and D Hate page

Your page was good to the last drop. Right down to "Hitler was a good Christian." Keep up the wonderful sense of humor.

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999
Subject: i

i hate you and i hate your page. i hate god and ihate america. i hate the way we are all consumers. i hate the way u sell god. i hate the way you feed me lies. i hate the way you belive your lies. i hate this world. why do you do this. why do stupid people like you have so many people that follow you cant they see thru you.

i hate you

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999
Subject: The role playing link

Hey Niilo!
Your page rocks, I was trying to get to your roleplaying page and the link in the answer section is no longer active...what's the new link?


Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999

Who gave you the right to judge others you pompous( I well watch my languge) you go on about things you now nothing about. You read the books right then you did read the part about Fantasy Roleplaying Game not real imagined.( sort of like the bible) you say it is the word of god you maybe right but god gave us the abilty to think for ourselves didn't he. Now you are so worried about yer children becoming satan worshippers and such. A valid concern but if you are spending enough time with yer childern and being a parent not a DICTATOR you might realize the yer children are not dum and can and most often well think for themselves. Of course I can tell you have spent more time thumping the bible than reading IT! I ask you where in the bible does it say do all the thinking for yer child?

I guess what I am trying to do ( although I doubt you would listen) is make you aware that the more you yell and holler the more you child is not going to listen.

So lay off the preaching and try talking to yer child instead of ramming yer beliefs down there throats with a two by four okay?

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999
Subject: Heh

Unfortunately Im a little color blind, so your message in the background was missed, but the pentagram was viewable. This is pretty freakin funny, until you think about how many people out there are /really/ this fanatical and closed-minded. Dare I ask how many email of encouragement you have gotten from people who didnt catch the joke?

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999
Subject: I am sorry you have been so mislead

My name is Jeremy, and I have been a role player for almost 10 years now, and I have been watching TV (especially Star Trek) since I can remember. You are the one who needs to open his eyes. Role playing games allow for the use of human imagination, if that is a sin, well to hell with all that! You like many others have been mislead by the media, into believing that role playing games are evil. I am a good natured person, I love GOD and I love life. Besides you do NOT have the right to take away anything from anyone! If you don't like it don't do it! I mean how would you feel if I wanted Bibles banned because they are Satanic. I mean how stupid does that sound? Now, you know how I feel about your views on Role-Playing.

Thanks for your time

PS please try to be more open minded in the future.

Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1999
Subject: Re: Sense of humor

You, sir, have one, and it is sharply tuned. Just wanted to say, bravo!

BTW, I'm a lefty :) Did you know that the latin word for left-handedness shares the same root as the latin word for evil (I think its evil), and I don't remember exactly, but I think it's sinostrus (sp?).

Date: Sun, 8 Aug 1999
Subject: Laughing my butt off...

Your "anti-RPG" site is the single funniest one I have seen in years; quite possibly ever. "Hilter was a good Churistian!" ? LOL! This is some funny stuff, man. Seriously. I've been gaming for (essentially) all my life, and I really enjoy this kind of humor. A rare thing to find, this page. You just play the fanatical witch hunter to the hilt. He, he! Believe me, you've made my day. Oh, and something you might want to check out: "The Haunting". Verrrrry Catholic. Featuring the bad guy going to Hell and the hero going to Heaven, and all. Well, I won't take up any more of your time. Good night, and once again, a great page.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Subject: Lies!! All Lies!!!!

You liar,

whats makes you think Dungeons and Dragons is evil. The basic rules for the game are "Try to get players to play good guys, try to keep them "AWAY" from evil characters" And tell me something, how come you never mention the "Paladin"? Also have you ever taken a look at the "Complete Priests Handbook"? IN the book are the rules for a God of All (just like Christianity). And the magic and rituals you talked about were mainly Necromancy (which exists even today).

If you want to keep prtesting against AD&D also protest against White WOlf, Dungeon Keeper, Disney's Hercules (becuase it has "bad" greek gods), and many other things are out there for you to protest against too. And no im not a Satanist. IM actually one of the most religous people in my school (one of my nicknames is Redemptor "bringer of redemption" the reason is, i tell my fellow students about God and details they might not of known "such as where humans got their intelligence: eaten the forbidden fruit" so stop protesting things that let people have fun. ) And go do some research on the "Golden Dawn" and protest against them.(they make real lifes book on Magic although i dont remember Necromancy i know they sell conjurations and invo/evocations).

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Subject: Idiot

You need help you racist, piece of shit sheep.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Subject: Ha

You aren't a good Christian, you're not even a bad Christian.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Subject: (no subject)

You are a sick freak! All I can say is that I hope you repent before you die!

Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999
Subject: yer page

had a good time ;)

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Subject: idiots on the web!

It frightens me to see how ignorant people are these days, especially when it comes to defending their religion in some stupid ways. This webpage is a complete waste of human energy and I cant believe you people seriously believe that role playing is sinning, What kind of idiots are you??? Role Playing hurts no one, you ever think that maybe its not that someone is doing that its just THEM!? You say that people have killed themselves because of AD&D and all that bull Ever think that maybe those people had problems that had nothing to do withrole playing?? You people seriously make me sick. Bible thumping idiots that have nothing better to do then make everyone elses lives as bad as your own. Why dont you grow up?? Find something else to do with your life! And if there is a God.. just one..Im sure your web page isnt going to get you closer to heaven in any kind of way. Whats the point? I cant even put my words in order, you people anger me so much. Live your own lives unstead of trying to live others by saying things like that are sins. Yeah well I dont believe in god and it definitely NOT because I Role Play. I choose my own paths. Why dont you take the time out from making your stupid webpage that is pointless and choose yours! Do you like all the hate mail you get? Do you enjoy people constantly threatening?? Youre obviously not helping at all. And your stupid LOVE THE SINNER and LETS PRAY CATHOLICS CONVERT What is that?? You wouldnt want people to try to make you convert your religion would you? I cant believe how incredibly STUPID people are sometimes..Just because they think what they are doing is for the better of their relgion. Well guess what! I follow NO MAN NOR BOOK! I think you know what I mean. You people really need to get a LIFE! make me sick

Date: 08 Aug 99
Subject: your web page on starwars, star trek and rp games being tools of satan

you are the most fucked up person i have ever met how can you say that these things are satanic and that hitler was a good Christian now maybe i Miss read and if i did i apologize but from the way i understand this page you are promoting the genocide of millions of people how is that christian?

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999
Subject: dork

how can you say that hitler was a good christian and that all role-playing gamers are satan worshippers?

if you like hitler - seems like you're the worshipper of evil from here.

you're lucky i'm not a satanist or your ass would be sacrificed, buddy

man, what are we gonna do with all you below 40 IQ people?

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999

My name is xxxxxxx and i am a player of many roleplaying games including ADND, Alterinity, and dragonlance(both versions). I have played these games for over 5 years now and i have met up with many people just like me. None of these people worship satan or any of the fictional evil denizens of the nine hells. None of the people i have ever played with or talked with take the game seriously. We play it as a game, a chance to leave our lives at the door for a couple of hours a week and become someone else. Sometimes it will be A heroic cleric of his or her god of good or someone we could never be in real life because of moral or ethical reasons, for example i am playing a necromatic elf. Yes he is evilm yes he does call on daemons, he he does create undead zombies and were-creatures with an evil arsonal of spells, he does, i don't.

With your referance to the players guide you mention the class assassion, this has been fixed by tsr as a non-player class. Not because of the fact that he is a murderer for hire but because of the fact that he his hard to roleplay and no-one could pull it off because of the high requirments.

The monsterous manual1 and 2 describe the monsters and daemons found IN THE FICTIONAL GAME WORLD, we don't try and summon these daemons or evil creatures, they are in the manuals only for referance use, and for the players to defeat in battle. They don't tell the real names of the daemons or even how to really summon them, they tell what they do and what they can do, there strengths and weakness', IN THE GAME WORLD, not the real world,

Role playings is not a cult bent on the destruction of "normal" christian life, it is to give the players of these game's a chance to explore new worlds and other races. Anyone who thinks that players take this game seriously and try's to actually act out in real life the acts and rituals of the game should find a local game going on and just sit in for a couple of gaming sessions, they will find that the game is taken with humor and everything is done in the spirit of fun.

I am a Dungeon master and i have a group of players, My job is to create a fantastic world of magic and adventure for them to play in, not to tell them how to run there lives, every one in my group has exceptionally high grades in school and has a healthy social life, they are practiceing christians and go to church weekly.

In closeing i would like to say that there are a few exceptions, a few messed up people who try and summon the evil daemons and dieties and make pacts with these fictional beings, to those people who try and do it "ITS ALL A GAME, ITS ONLY A GAME". i hope you take into account what i have said and change you site or take it offline.

p.s.: this is not hate mail. This is my point of view.

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998
Subject: d&d is not a bad game for if it is most christians will also die for sins

listen i am not addicted to drugs i dont even use them and i like ad&d there is nothing wrong about ad&d it incrouages kids to learn leadership and other useful trates in life i admit some do commit suicide but there is usually another reason why they commit it. so whydont you lay off the damn judgement day shit and get back to something that you might get people to believe and oh yeah the internet is made for all people not just christian i am a christian i go to churvh every sunday and wednsday does that make me a bd person well if it fdoes well to damn bad live with it like everyone one else does they do not complaign yet you do so all i have to say is deal with it

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999
Subject: [no subject]

i have entered your site and i am offended first of all i am a 18 year old jew and i think that your site is crap.
what are you trying to brain wash people?!!!!!!!!!
there is nothing wrong with d&d or AD&D or whatever!
role playing games are in your amagination! they are not for real and most people that play these games arent devil worshepers or bad kids there jest kids that want to have fun and that is what they do have HARMLESS fun! i play the game i was a straght A student in school (I jest fineshed) there is nothing wrong with me so why spread these stupid lise d&d is jest HARMLESS fun!!i live in israel i need to go to the army i am in tip top shape there is nothing wrong with kids sitting around a table with papers and pencils i still do not under stand whyyou mad this site but i am sad you did i hope no one belives your stupid lies, my perants are happy that play they think it builds an amaganation and a sence of creativity. in my opinion it does NOT spread vilonce and it is not bad it is jest the opeset

so next time you write something make sure you know what your saying

my name is oded an di am saying good bye

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999
Subject: KUDOS!!

On my quest for the latest in Fundamentalist tripe and anal-retentive propoganda, I by chance happened upon your incredible site. At first I was convinced that some escaped lunatic with a knack for web page creation and a serious grammar impediment had managed to put together the single most hideous example of Christianazi slop that I have EVER come across. You are to be commended for the amazing mimicry of all the things I love to hate about the "true christian". Not to mention the fact that you have compounded the most comprehensive list of mad, bad, and dangerous to know sites on the internet. KUDOS!!!

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999
Subject: Is your page a joke?

Is your page a joke or something? I saw it while looking around the web. So is it a joke? It sure seems like it. Maybe you need to be a little more of a religious bible thumping zeaot, so people will think that you are serious.

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999
Subject: your site

You are freaking out there man. I have sent you a U.S. quarter. $.25 Use it to buy a clue.

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999
Subject: Nice dude!

I was all ready to write and tell you how utter dumb of a person you were but then noticed your This is a Joke link. I totally believed that there was a saint on the other end of the line waiting to purge me of my sins! Thanks!

Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999
Subject: yup... we're all goin' to hell.


I've played Live Action Vampire and AD&D for years and I've been through alot of web pages, both good and bad, and I gotta' say...

I laughed... I cried... I just about pee'd my pants...

This is the funniest god damned thing I ever read in my life!

Marry me!

Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999
Subject: Lmfao

I love your site...oh christ that is funny. One of my friends, a newbie AD&Der..(lol...i'm his DM) saw this and was having a coniption fit over it, so I came in to see what he was so upset about. He didn't finish reading the damn site, and he freaked out. Oh that is so sweet. I would love to talk to you about

Long live Discordia.

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999

Dear Mr Niilo Paasivirta

I am a devoted member of the Roman Catholic Church and I have been "successfully" playing Dungeons and Dragons with a group of friends for at least four years. What I mean by successfully is that I have not once been possessed by a "demon" or been persuaded by one to put my brains all over the kitchen floor. I believe that playing role playing games prevents our youth from watching the garbage and filth on our television in this generation. Our children can play a healthy game of Dungeons and Dragons or any other table-top RPG while increasing their arithmetic skills and their creativity.

To quote you "GOD told me to put up this site." Yeah right! I believe this is 100% Bull Cookies! It seems to me you haven't looked at the bible since before the old testament was first written! The only people GOD revealed himself to was Aaron And Moses In the Book of Exodus.(Unless you are Schizophrenic or into mind altering substances)

I dont even want to begin talking about Star-Trek, but I must. Since Star Trek is an anagram so your name must be too! Do you realize you can spell "Satan" in your name too so I Guess GOD Is a "DOG" and "Race car is Race car backwards! lets see you make fun of race cars! Guess what; ants like arsenic! My last phrase made as much sense as your value system!

"Jar Jar Binks, a sex toy?" Come on; if you can screw a seven foot doll you can screw the light socket too! or a random orbital sander even. DAMN LIGHT SOCKETS AND POWER TOOLS TO HELL! It is people like you that make the world the sick place it is now.

P.S. : Writing this webpage was a waste of your time and is a joke!

Please reply if you have any comments.


Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999
Subject: u suck!!

Role Playing and dungans and dragons are not a sin?....your big ass mouth is a sin....dont worry about other people going to heaven..worry about yourself....and im worship saten..u gonna sue me now?..roleplaying is a greatway to teach kids to use there imanagision....and METALLICA KICKS ASS!!!!

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999
Subject: wow...

I don't know who concieved you, but boy I bet they wish they had a condom. Too bad they weren't allowed to abort you...

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999
Subject: oh wait a second

was this whole site a joke to make fun of religious fanatics? if so, well you fooled me and nevermind that condom and abortion stuff...

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999
Subject: Quite Interesting... Followed all the way -> "A joke"

I found your page(s) interesting. Yes, I noticed the grammar and typos. I wondered when your "things Christians should know about" went to so many sites, including the alt.lefthanded group. Since most people are not patient and won't at least glance here and there to see what in the world is going on, it is not a wonder that your "Joke" link and its associated explaination is not noticed.

I do wonder what position you DO hold, given that you represented Christians at their finatical worst. (I have certainly met some that fit your parody - even some talking about "Black Helicoptors" and, just before I start to laugh and nudge them, I see in their eyes that they are deadly serious...)

It is of little consequence to the world what position you hold since the news media holds sway on the bulk of the masses. Here in the US, this is becoming a real problem.

Anyway, thanks for the interesting page.

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999
Subject: Your Web page

I found a Web Page with the following words on it. The page has an e-mail link to you. Is this from your page?

Did you know
Darwin, Einstein and many other FAMOUS
SCIENTISTS believed in God! This proves
Creationism is TRUE! Did you know Carbon Dating does not work? Many scientists are becoming Christians, as the forgery of many fossils becomes public! Like the Piltdown Man forgery!

Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999
Subject: I HAVE FOUND THE LORD!!!!!!!!


Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999
Subject: AMEN!!!!!


Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999
Subject: god bless you!!

like most other nights, tonight is not void of ennui. trying to find an outlet to entertain myself, i decided to pick words out of the air. Your page came up after seeing what would come up if i typed "satan". now, good friend, do not misunderstand me, my gulliver is not distorted in any way. but running me glassuls over your page, i was felt most compuled to write you. I know you will not read this message in its entirety, and i think that your english isn't 100% fluent, (that or you didn't correct the mistakes on your 1st page on purpose) but maybe, you would like to read this message and respond. but i will write mainly for myself.

Whether or not there was a "big bang" or not, there was a point at which everything that now exists now exists. the bible points to god, but unfortunately science points to an event that our modern understanding of physics is unable to explain. i personally find it hard to comprehend something that defies all my experience with the physical world. this is where people like you, sorry if i sound too mean, automatically point to god. and scientists all too often automatically rule out any creator, regardless if he is as the bible says. IN RELIGION, THERE IS ROOM FOR SCIENCE. BUT IN SCIENCE, THERE IS NO ROOM FOR RELIGION. why? to understand, read on. the world of science has a set of rules that must be abided if you are to come to a conclusion about something. things must be observed and studied. for example, in order for science to say "there is a thing called a 'solar system', and in this 'solar system' there are planets", we must look with telescopes to the sun, our moon, mars, venus, etc. this is easy, because all of the heavenly bodies that comprise the solar system consist of matter and reflect light that human beings can see. god, unfortunately, cannot be seen. a group of astronomers cannot point there telescopes to a particular point in the sky and see god. radio dishes cannot tune in to a particular frequency and hear god reciting the ten commandants. therefore, as far as science is concerned god does not exist. its nothing personal, it's just that, if there were to make an exception for god, they would have to make an exception for everything else that has be scrutinized by the scientific method: the characteristics of matter, the properties of light/energy. basically, everything that science has explained where religion has failed. but science is not the answer. i'm sure that every religious fanatic is convinced that science is the cause the social decay that has seemingly plauged man in the 20th century. i admire men such as einstien, galileo, etc. men who looked at the physical world and wondered, these people paved the way for the modern way of viewing our universe. but for the time and effort these men placed into their work, it was all for not. why? because it wasn't they were studying the wrong subjects, they were just studying the less important ones. what is the more important one? the answer is simple: "how should man live?" what do you think the answer is? if i have made this email interesting for you thus far, stop and think...please. how should us humans live our lives? not in the way of "in a house or in a cave?" how should our societies be structered? the answer is simple, we should live in the way that worked before. every town you see today started from the agricultural revolution, something of an event that happened, i think, about 10,000 years ago. before that, people lived like people in a rain forest do, or like the native americans did before columbus "found" america. the hunted and they gathered. they only ate the amount of food that was necessary for them to live and they left the rest alone. this type of lifestyle had worked for a long time. from what i hear, humans have been around for about 2 to 3 million years. so, at the least, let's say 1.5 million years. this means that when human beings live like hunter and gathers (what your religion labels as "savages"), humans can thrive for 1,510,000 years (give or take a couple thousand years). so, from the agricultural revolution to today, you got 10,000 years, this is a figure the is much higher than the bible would claim is the figure, but even so...10,000 years is nothing compaired to 1.5 million years. so, if a system that works better for humans exists why abandon it? the answer to too long, i think i know it, but i'm just a beginner, i haven't studied world history enough to know how or why exactly. the point is, it happened. the point is, we're in a state of turmoil today. i know this, and i think you do to, why wouldn't you? getting back on track, these great men that modern science idolizes didn't study this because they didn't know they were suppost to be looking for it. and will the whole world ever know? i don't know, i don't think so. but i think this: in order for you to save the world, you musn't force religion down people's throat, you must show them a way in which the world ( the human world) was once able to work. why did it work? because if it didn't work, would we be here today? have you ever tried to give a child a cough suppressent that obviously doesn't taste very good? is it hard to do so? why do you think this is so? religion, much like my approach to saving the world, is like the cure to help save the world. forcing it down people's throats isn't going to work, because if you take that method, people will shun away from you. when you stand on your soap box and yell at the top of your lungs, they roll their eyes and treat you just like the latest politican who promises to cut welfare if they are elected. yet, the same thing would happen to me, if i got out on the street corner and proclaimed that agriculture the root of all evil. the unabomber thought that the industrial revolution was were the world took a turn for the worse. he was off, by about 9,000 years. i know that inside me i have many more things to say. many more points. like why did god want man to rule the world? the strong always run over the weak, now, this culture that thrives on agriculture isn't 100% of humanity, but unfortunately, it covers about 99% of the land, and it is this culture that is bringing an end to the world. why would god want this? why didn't god say "only the cultures that do not place themselves about the earth (when you do this, you pollute the air, water, etc), will rule the earth and have dominion over the plants and animals." that is the way to save the world. if you show people this, then all the greed, murder, hatred, malice, betrayal, everything that makes life miserable today will disappear. all of it. in a way, it is a religion of it's own. the "love of christ" to you is the "knowledge of the proper way to live for humans to live" for me. one difference, i'm not fanatical about this religion. i do not claim that star trek is a bunch of devil worshiping, and the jar jar bink dolls are tools for masterbation. the only thing that i claim is that the world is fucked and there is nothing that cannot be done that can stop it. the only problem is, no one wants to save it. people are happy with their money, and their car, and they way they are able to survive (all we need in life: food and water.), but everyone would emotionally and mentally starve without what they have grown accustom to. so maybe i'm more like you than i thought. but i will never be like as you are. i do not believe in the "great book". on my sholder i have a "B". this "b", self inflicted, is like that of the scarlet letter. blaspheme it stands for. one of the many weights that have been tied to humanity as long as anyone can remember is the belief in god. if there is such a concept as justice in the afterlife, then all the pain inflicted in the name of christ will be placed upon your souls for all eternity. every follower who would inflict death upon those who dare not follow christ hopefully will be put to the sword. and believe me brother, if i could do it, i'd do it to the whole lot of you, then sit for tea. because the "reality" of the world today has hardened me to the point of hatred for my own race. mainly because i, like you, see the eden for the human race but am unable to do anything about it. the only difference, i don't whine like a little snivling little bitch like you. you may damn me to hell, asshole, but there is no hell. the hell is all around us.

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999
Subject: Your hilarious site

I have been a fan of your site for some time and decided I finally had to write you. I still show it to people when I get the chance. I admit, the first few times I visited your site (back when it had the black background) I couldn't decide whether it was a joke or not. I don't think that is ignorance so much as I myself have met a few people who were actually that twisted (well, pretty close anyway). It didn't seem far-fetched at all that your site could be real. After closer examination, it became obvious what the page was; brilliant satire. The best part has to be the comments, which, I admit, were funnier when I thought the page might be real. Still, the ones by the actual "Christians" who claim to have seen the "evil" of RPG's are pretty funny, even if I am still a bit shocked that some people actually believe that. Keep up the good work. You're a true artist.

Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999
Subject: D&D Satanism????


As a former Christian, I urge you to see through the lies of "GOD". Christianity is the truest form of Satanism if that term can EVER be applied to religion. You have no facts to back up your alligations. I was a Christian for many years until I finally saw for myself that Jehova and Lucifer are the one and the same. I have done my part in warning you that you will burn in hell for being a Christian, but I know for a fact that you won't believe me. All Christians are the same. You are cookie cut-out human beings with no original thoughts or ideas. If you want proof that Jehova and Lucifer are the same, just look at the world around you. There lies your proof.

Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999
Subject: Do you believe...

I ask... do you really believe what you've written in your web page? Or is it a mear attempt to see what sort of reaction you can insite?

Of course that is a loaded question. If you simply wanted a reaction I suppose you might lie and say "Yes, this is what I believe." Which of course is the same thing you must say if you do believe.

So I suppose then I'm writing to see just what sort of reaction I'll get.

Let's see if I get what you're saying...


If you say so. I was under the impression that the majority of film producers don't have the intelligence to do such a thing. Have you seen some of the films coming out of Hollywood latly? Besides, I was under the impression that you need to close your heart to God and open it to Satan to truly become a Satanist. As for using Jar Jar Binks dolls as masturbation toys... perhaps you could come up with a few objects that couldn't be. If someone wants to do such a thing, they'll find a way.

[5]700 club has verygood CHRISTIAN pages!!! And they PROVE that [6]Duingeons & Dragons and other occult things LEAD TO DEMON POSSESSSION!!!!!! We must BAN THESE GAMES NOW! MAKE EM ILLEGAL!!

Nice to see you have the general publics well being in mind. To be perfectly honest it's been my past experience that people who feel this way are more concerned that players of such games will hear about other faiths and consider the possibility that they might be the true way rather than all the evil occult magic type stuff. I see no other reason when you consider that the majorty of these games are played with the players on the side of good fighting some sort of ancient evil. But then there will always be the few to prove the exception. If you truly decide to go all out on making these games illegal I ask simply that you keep in mind that it is human nature to desire what can not be had.

[7]Star-Trek is satan worshipping! Well, true Christians already knew that! That page however seems not to empahsize the fact that almost all TV programs are made by pagans and satan worshipers! It is very few shows that are purely Christian!

Maybe. But then how many Christians are pure Christians? Are they evil too?

Sorry about the amount of dead links - the satan worshiper conspiracy keeps moving web pages around to make it more difclult for Christians to find pages! Also because the satanworshipper attacks this poage may be come password protected again soon.

The Satan worshiper conspiracy? That's a new one on me. Attacks on your web page will not be solved by password protection alone by the way. No that is not a threat, it's an unfortunate fact of cyberlife. Many sites have password protection. It doesn't always work. But then locking your car door is often enough to deter a car thief. Pity though. Your average web surfer will be unable to hear the word of God. Whichever is the lesser of two evils I suppose.

GOD told me to put up this site! Did you know Darwin, Einstein and many other FAMOUS SCIENTISTS believed in God! This proves Creationism is TRUE! Did you know Carbon Dating does not work? Many scientists are becoming Christians, as the forgery of many fossils becomes public! Like the Piltdown Man forgery!

If I was out to discredit you I would call you a blasphemer for saying that God spoke to you. But I'm not. Though seeing as the road to hell is paved with good intentions... are you certain you didn't recieve a vision from a less benevolant source. Scientists often believe in God because they don't know what happens to them when they die. It's easy to say (and believe) that a scientist tries to discover more information about God's creations. After all if God created everything then that meens God created the atom. And the effects of splitting one in two. Should this alone be a reason for me to worship God?

The Time of GOD is coming! We've seen many miracles and true believers gain visions of the future! I am currently the most noted diviner in Finland! Ive seemn the Heaven as an angel took me there one night! I saw JESUS and GOD there! Note that I m not any whacko because I'am working as a verger in our temple, and our minister says I am the best verger ever!

Yeah I regret that I must agree with you when you say "The Time of God is coming!" There are far too many legends of a sort of "Great Purification" which is to be done by fire. Even a number of heathen religions have something like, oh I don't know say a Titan of fire raising his sword after a long and bloody battle and cover the world with fire. Scientists agree that a volcanoe is quite capable of doing the job.

Well, be sure to fight the good fight. I sincerly hope you find your way to heaven. With a little luck I won't be seeing you there.

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999
Subject: Hallo Niilo

What do you have agianst me anyway...... The only reasone you bash rolepaying is beacuse you "think" YOUR god will hold you in high respect......... I roleplay every day... my grades are as good as they can be..... I have good friends....... I think of something in many ways and look t things diffrent now...... I give all that to rolepaying........I do not and never will belive in God as you call him/her.......

I fell like hurting your fellings as much as you hurt mine but I really don't care much about wha you much and I hope you get hit by lightning next time you go out side....

As for your part on " to tell if your child role-plays" I laughed my ass of when I read that......... Where do you come up with this stuff...... Also I thought that lying was a sin as well.......... hahahahahaha I hope your god sends you to hell

As for me I am my own god.......... I write my rules and flow my heart..... oh ya I "use" maic as well and I hope to on day cast a spell on you the will kill you slowly..... naw guess that would only waste my time

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999
Subject: Idiocy

Dear Sir,

Your page is puerile and uninventive. The statement "Did you know Darwin, Einstein and many other FAMOUS SCIENTISTS believed in God! This proves Creationism is TRUE!" is only something a blind fantasist would put on his website. This proves nothing about there being a god. You, sir, need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the world around you. I can prove there is a god, but idiots like you are making a bad reputation for us. Please, for the good of all humanity and the love of God, take down your website and commit suicide so that you don't breed. We don't need ridiculous fanatical morons like you in the gene pool (assuming you know what that is).

Thank you,

Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999
Subject: Einstein

There were many things Einstein could not figure out, such as why the planets are all in a plane. He then had to assume it was because of "Holy Intervention." Check your facts, religious nut. How can you believe when there is not a single shred of proved evidence? Oh, right. You can just 'feel' it. I'm getting sick and tired of people who rant and rave and try to convert people. I was brought up lutheran and all I've seen is hypocrasy. It's all a bunch of people who try to make people feel guilty for following human nature. You nor any 'god' nor any relgion can decide what's 'morally right.' Science has been oppresed for centuries and centuries because of you people. Religion is based on fear and blindness unlike science which is based on understanding. If something happens that people don't understand, a god must have caused it. Well, gotta go. Sorry if I've offended you, just letting off a little steam that's built up.

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 Subject: Corrections


I'd just like to point out a few flaws concerning your page and hope perhaps that you'd eventually clean them up.

First off, concerning Darwin, Einstein and the many other famous scientists. Though they may have claimed to believe in God this has little to do (in some cases) with their famous achievements. To associate their works in science with their religious beliefs is to commit a fallacy called argumentum ad hominem (attack against the person) circumstantial. As you have committed a fallacy your argument stating that because famous scientists believe in God then God must necessarily be true (aimed at people who view science over religion) is void in this instance.

Secondly, Einstein is not an example of a man who believed in the Judeo/Christianic God. Christianity is a Theistic religion while Einstein was a Deist (when asked if he believed in God, Einstein responded that his God was like the God of Baruch Spinoza [a famous philosopher], whose God was Deistic one [and very different from the Judeo/Christianic God]).

However, i don't wish to discourage anyone. I must compliment you on your statement 'HITLER was a GOOD CHRISTIAN!'. Not only was he a good Christian, but he did an excellent job of attempting to emulate God.

Yours truly,

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Subject: people like you need to get a life

id just liek to say your page is more satanic than anything D&D or starwars can come up with, you have to be one of the stupidest people i've even encountered in my whole life.......

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Subject: Sir, Might I say something?

Dear sir:
I feel that your website is shameful to not only yourself, but all of humanity. I even dare say that you degrade Christinanity. Your site, so I've been told, is "shedding light on the sin that is Roleplaying". I say to you sir, you make me sick. Now, I'm going to say outright that I am a roleplayer, and I am not Christian. I am a Muslim, but you see, Muslims, Christains, and Jews all belive in the same god. The true and only god. I do rather find it funny that you call Jesus Christ (Peace be apon his soul) god, for he was only a messenger, nothing more. Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand. Roleplaying does not encourage santanic worship AT ALL. Nor does it contain any of the things that you mentioned. Roleplaying is just how it sounds: RolePLAYING. There are no actual things done. You see, everything in the game is imaginative. Nothing is really done. It's just like acting, sort of. Acting is far worse than roleplaying, good sir. You see, with acting, the incantations, drawing of blood, summoning of evil demons, etc. is showed on the screen or play. Now, with roleplaying, Summoning is nothing like what you make it sound like. The incantations are not said, for they are not even known! if a player wants to really act it out, they can make up any incantation they want.

They could say, "Bubble!", and summon a dog for all I care. The summoning of Demons isn't even possible! If it were, do you think that one Company would sell out the needed items and incantations to do it? If they really did that as you claim, Satan would already be ruling the world. Do you not understand, that your fight is vain, because it contradicts itself so many times, not even your most basic arguements make plausible sence. I feel that your site should be taken down, forever. You know something? What you are saying in itself is blasphemous. You say that Judiasm and Islam are wrong, and that Your religeon is the only correct one. How do you know that? If all three worship the same god, then how come yours is the correct one? Because of the fact that the Bible was created during the time of Jesus Christ. Well, sir, it was not. The Bible was written 500 years later, when the romans began to convert. You see, they didn't like some of the rules, so away they went, or so I've read. But, I am not saying that Christanity is bad at all. In fact, I encourage religeon, any religeon, because they worship God. God may be called many things, but the fact is, he is still God. So, you go along and follow your faith. I will not argue with you. But, you do not look for scapegots for your problems any more. Roleplaying stimulates the mind, and the ability to learn, that's why all the medical institutions that have looked into AD&D have found it healthy and recommended it. You see, what your doing, calling something you know nothing about this and that, is called "Ignorance". Before you judge, you have to look into it. Because if you judge before you learn, you commit Sin. And that, my friend, is said in EVERY holy book of EVERY religeon. Good day to you.

P.S. Oh, I also heard that your site is a very good parody of how people do things like that. If this is true, please kindly disreguard this letter and accept my most humble apologies for taking up your time.

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Subject: Re: Game of Love

Just read the Game of Love.

As a role-player, it was HILARIOUS! I can see where people would take it seriously, but I've learned not to jump the gun. Good job!

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999
Subject: site

you are a joke. only the weak minded are affected by RPG's. If hitler was such a good christian,why did he kill the jews, crypled, and anyone else who was not like his "master race" which he himself was not even part of. good christian? tho shalt not kill. what a dumbass you are. you want to put another site on your page? how about one of a band who has no christians in it. 1 buhdist, 3 atheisits, and an agnostic. walt disney was a santanist. uh, darwin was a christian you dumbasslicker. you are pathedic. i have never been this offended. you nazi. i have many christian friends, and i can tell you they would be appaled at you scribblings.

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999
Subject: webpage

Hi there

I'm just emailing to let you know that your webpage is the BEST I have ever, ever seen! It's hilarious, it really does seem real until you notice some of the subtle clues you put in there. The scary thing is though - some of your links go to people who ARE serious - like that 17 clues against evolution place <shudder>

Anyway, congratulations on making my day and making me laugh. I'm off down the shops now to look for a life size Jar Jar Binks doll... ;-)

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999
Subject: Your web page

Well, I just happened to stumble on your page... and what a surprise! I thouroughly read everything on your site (just to be sure I wasn't dreaming) but I had to accept the truth: YOU are the Ignorant.

I have played AD&D for a couple of years, and I swear to GOD (yes, I know what you're thinking):

I could continue for pages, but loke me I'm sure you have better things to do than read emails. You may think the way you want to, but I personnaly think you're nothing but completely paranoid about a game that is nor "evil" nor satan-worshipping.

You say, on the bottom of your page, "this is not a joke!". And I am sure of that. But remember one thing: you should not speak against what you do not know. Have you EVER played RPGs, only a single time? I'm sure you didn't. You take YOUR personnal point of view as the truth: isn't catholicism about tolerance? And respect? You don't seem to respect us and even less tolerate our hobby. Because it is only that: a HOBBY, and nothing else.

Now, pray for my soul. And I'll pray God that someday, you'll awaken and see that YOU were sinful. And your sin is ignorance.

Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999
Subject: Thanks for joking

Ugh, thanks that this is a joke and I do not have to write tons of pages of counterarguments that no one will bother to read.

And heaven help us, there are pages out there that have the same "arguments" that are not joking.

Thanks again for only joking.

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999


I stumbles on this page which I assume is yours... Right? As a man of Science and patience I read every word and observed the openion that was shared, but I amnow forced to ask... What are you afraid of? What happened to you?

I ask this only because I can come up with no real good reason as to why you would waste so much time makeing this page.. It's ludicris... Have you ever sat down and learned how the game is played? And don't even say that that would be sinfull, it would be wrong. In order to critisize an Idea onemust understand it... Try reading about the game, you will find that its ultimate goal is the destruction of evil. Last time I checked destroying evil or pretending to dosn't give you a seat in hell. So once again I ask what happened to you that you have this dilusion about role-playing as far as AD&D by TSR goes. Please feel freeto reply, I am most interested your reason.

Jared -actual decendent of Charles DARWIN :)

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999
Subject: heeheh

My apologies.... hehe I guess I didn't read the last line.... my foot tastes great.


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999
Subject: Funny page

Hey, your page is funny now that I realize that its a joke, <It was funny before, but not in the same way> But turn off the darn blinking text, I know its artistic, and that you are making the page even more outrageous with it, but Ackk! It gives me a headache reading it. Ohh well, I guess its the satanic spirits being exorcised <Heh I need to know what "that" tag is>. Anyway, thankyou for your interesting sense of humor.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Subject: what a joke

The other day I was talking to people on the Internet about AD+D (advanced dungeons and dragons ) And the argument turned into a religious one. One member of the chat line who loves AD+D is a Christian and believes in creation not evolution. You say that ALL people who play dungeons and dragons are heretics and Satanist, but this is not true. You believe that there is only one point of view and that is yours. Come on now what makes your views more important that anyone else's. I know! All you pious Christians think you are better people than everyone else, but I know better. I do not judge people as you do, I believe that all people should be able to have there own opinions you should not force your opinions on other people. I say to you " Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone." I for one know that none of you would have the right to throw that first stone.

Scott- avid dungeons and dragons role player. Non Satanist, and a believer in God.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Subject: Love thy neighbor banner.

You scared me for a bit. Anyhow... I thought you might like a cheesy banner I made using a font similar to that on many items in a Christian catalog that arrived in my parents' mail recently. Do what you will with it, I simply find it amusing.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Subject: respect

dear sir,

i disagree with your opinion on role-playing. I have played AD&D for 13 years, and have yet to see any spells, demons, or anything but bad impromtu acting, and simple probability mathematics. i respect your right to your opinion, and respect even more the fact that you appear to be consistent in your beliefs. throughout my high- school, ad&d kept me from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, cannibus, and engaging in pre-marital sex. i consider myself a better person for having played. you may want to rethink your view in these games.

p.s. if you haven't played, don't pretend you know about it.

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Subject: your page... hilarious! The scary thing is that I seem to think that Satan Trek site is real.

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998
Subject: Your page

Oh my God! This is one of the funniest webpages in existence. The funniest part, not that pretty much the entire thing isn't funny, is reading all the comments. The kneejerk reactions from some people are hilarious! You my friend are to be commended! If all the internet were like this, I might never leave the house;)

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999

Good evening,

I was looking over your page and various sub pages and felt the need to write to you and express myself... I was extremely amused by the whole layout, and even shared it with numerous devoutly christian friends... Much of what you have said is such as i have thought of myself, though gave it no thought, the other parts are still a mystery to me... Due to people making rash judgements i will leave most of my views and beliefs out of this e mail... as it is possible you would dismiss me out of hand.

I have long been role playing.... and have seen nothing of any demonic possession, nor have i seen aught when i gazed upon the dread Necrinomicon of Aleister Crowley's madness... Also i have a peircing... my tongue, though i see not why this should be evil, nor any tat's as evil... isn't the body the canvas of God? Does he no want us strong and healthy? Well... i beleive i have wasted enough of your time with my insignifacant email.

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999
Subject: damn man,,,, that was fucking funny as hell

I have but three words to say to you after having read the rest of your page....


*laughing my ass off*

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999
Subject: Roleplaying

Dear Mr. Niilo Paasivirta,

When I first saw your page, I just shrugged it off as another psycho-christian delusion. But I decided to have a laugh at your expense by reading it. The whole time, I wondered how someone so set against roleplaying could have such an extensive (yet often misspelled :) knowledge of roleplaying games. Then I saw the notice that your page was a joke, and you were only pretending to be a tight-ass bible-biter, and I laughed harder?

My questions to you are:

  1. Are you a christian at all? Or a follower of any faith?
  2. Do you avidly roleplay? Or do you play at all?
  3. Has your page ever fallen under any flak from REAL tight-ass bible-biters who were offended that your page was only a joke?

Yours in Sincerity,

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999
Subject: Your site

Your website is very funny. I have to admit, for while I thought you were serious. I should have known better. All the pornographic pictures on Darth Pimp and My Little Satan, the article on sporks, all should have tipped me off. That, and how could a guy this stupid post such a high-quality site? I guess I wanted to believe that you were serious. It was even funnier that way because laughing at idiots is a source of great amusement to me. I often surf racist hate pages for that reason. I am never offended by these people; they should be given free speech so we can continue to laugh at them. They are just funny. Let asses bray.

Well, I'm going to go eat a burrito with a spork. Peace.

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999
Subject: Your page

I was browsing the web when I came across your page. After some investigating into said page, I found myself being condemned as a 'sinner' and a 'Satanist'. While reading the article " AD&D - The Game of Sin" , I couldn't help but laugh at nearly every sentence. I couldn't help but think, " This has got to be a joke." After scrolling down to the bottom of the page, I found the link to your note, explaining about the page. Having found that it was indeed a joke, I must congratulate you on your ingenious use of satire. This page is the funniest page I have visited in a long time, and I am impressed. It's a shame that you get flame mail, but I suppose the everything, even genius, has its price.

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999
Subject: We fREaCKOs Like RoLEPLAYIn

Oh, U Holy Man:

Praise Jesus! Finally a page defending America's rightness and ethics. I congratulate u, God really IS at your side... the way, ask him when the Armaggedon is gonna happen, I'm kindda bored.

I had a lot of fun reading your page. Between human-meals and invocations, I barely have time to use internet. Luckily, I was lucky enough to read your page. But I have to go now, I have to sodomize my little sister's Jar-Jar Binks toy!

Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999
Subject: "Anti" RPG Page

I must say that the only thing wrong I found with your page is that so many role-players fell for it!! Reading the e-mail archives almost made me be ashamed of playing those games, so many people flamed your ass off!! Even after you wrote "Don't email without reading the Answers page!! And the Christians who actually seriously commended you (I recall 1 or 2 that I believe were not jokes)!! I am not any particular religion, but I'm not an atheist either, but all my relatives are Christian, and one of 'em is the "Fired-up-God-Fearin'" type. I'd just like to point out here that Christians are the biggest hippocrytes in history (I'm not bashing their religion, most of the Christians I know are very nice, very NORMAL people), and if you blindly accept and worship ANYTHING without questioning, your worship is very obviously WORTHLESS. Oh, and the purposeful typos were genius. Very, very funny site. Have you read "A Modest Proposal"? I know you said you don't answer email about this site, but if you'd make an exception, I'd like to speak to such a talented satirist (that's SATIRIST, not SATANIST) as yourself, since I consider myself both an intelligent individual and a (somewhat) talented writer (though I write fiction).

By the way, the email from the Wiccan high priestess made me laugh very much. I think Wicca's kinda cool, but that proves they have at least ONE stupid priestess.

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999
Subject: Your Website

Very Funny Site..

Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999
Subject: your web page

mr.niilo paasivirta,

your talk of a satan worshipers conspiracy is ridculous. AD&D game does not lead to demonic posession. Hitler was an evil person, and if also a good christian, then what does that say about christianity( are you saying that christianity is also is evil??? do tell, DO TELL. iwant to know). and the what you said darwin being christian as proof of creationism being true, darwin wrote the theory of evolution(the theory of creationism and the theory of evelution are in conflicting argument not agreement.), do you even understand what any of these scientists did?

and god told you to put up that hate website???(if you ask me the voices that you hear are the ones in your head. and if not that, ever consider coutting back on acid. oh, uh, um and i have christian friends who play AD&D. if that is not good enough then how about the jewish people who play AD&D(dungeons and dragons). if you want to lable something as "bad" or "evil" try talking about pornography, child molestation, rape, murder, prostitution, beastiality, necrophillia, dendrophilla(sex with trees), genocide, organized crime,ect.,ect. what you are saying in my opinion is wrong and is giving me the impression that you are ignorant, naive, childish, rude, and hateful. please chage your site, the internet was made for UNbiased information. thank you very much for you time.

PS:mabey your sites are disapearing because the bills are not bieng paid.

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999
Subject: ???

You, my friend, are seriously disturbed. Do you actually believe this tripe, or do you have some sort of twisted sense of humour? I can understand if this is some sort of parody (in which case it is fairly funny), but if you are serious, then you need to wake up. The world is the way it is, and you can't change it. Nor should you.


Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999
Subject: Role playing and jar jar articles

I read the pages off you site on these 2 topics and I must say you have taken this to the extreme. I was raised in a christian home and AM born again but I have NEVER heard of such an outrageous thing as D&D and "jar jar" being of the devil. this is what stereo types christians as "bible thumping" religeous nuts.Because you have convictions about these things doesn't give you the right to judge others and tell them things they enjoy are evil. Imagination, fantasy,and myth are all a part of life and God has nothing against it. As far as people masturbating with Jar Jar,I am SURE these are rare cases and that falls back on the parents.I said it once and I'll say it again, these are YOUR feelings about things so keep them to YOURself.

Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999
Subject: (no subject)

Mr. Paasivirta,

I recently read your web site and I was suprised to read what you said about roleplaying. I'm a 19 year old teenager from the midwest and, although i play a roleplaying game, i went to a catholic school for 12 years. I feel that perhaps you should site that there are exceptions to the rule and not ALL roleplayers are satan worshipers, but some.

Thank you for your time

Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999
Subject: old game of satan page

Well, I have to say I liked your old, huge flamming game of satan page a lot better. It was far more amusing.

Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999
Subject: flaming is a sin... lol

Hey, I hust wanted to say that , that was the best site i have ever gone to. I was laughiung my ass off from the get-go. Thanks for making the net a much more fun place to live... lol....

Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999
Subject: Funny :)

Dear Sir,

I am writing in concern with your roleplaying hate/love page. This is the funniest page that I have read in a LONG time, thank you for making my evening just that more enjoyable. I too am a roleplayer and was very amused at the thought that someone could take this site seriously. The site is very well engineered and has just enough contradiction and fault in it that it is recognizeable as a satire. Thanks again for the laughs and I commend you on your impecable web design job :)

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999
Subject: You are one extremely messed up individual

And please before you put up a web site, do a spell check. Your grammar is terrible. It shows your lack of education and low I.Q.

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999
Subject: wow

wow !

I think you need to calm down abit, your site is one of the most hateful things I have ever read.

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999
Subject: Ahem

Are you on crack?

Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999
Subject: Niave Xian's

Are really so filled with fear of daemonic possession or wicked thoughts that you will not watch a children's show such as Star Trek? Is mind so weak and easily influenced that a round of D&D will tear you open and leave your soul bare and vulnerable to Satan's minions? Are you so spiritually void and faithless that you cannot even test your faith? I pity you for the fool you are lost and misguided fighting an imaginary enemy who is so vast and powerful that it does not know or care about your efforts, your mission is meaningless and without merit. This web page is simply your inane effort give yourself and sense of purpose and a place in the world. If you do not even have the courage to know your enemy how do you propose to fight him?!! Satan is ancient as the rocks and mountains he lives in the carnal desires of every man woman and childs heart. He is animal in us all, the creature of pure instinct that we all become when the adrenaline is rushing through our veins. He is vital experience instead of spiritual pipe dreams. Open your eyes my innocent friend there is no god no devil only us and that which our spirits create.

Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999
Subject: Your page

Dear Sir,

I must admit, being a stupid American, that it took me a while to realize this was a joke. It is a wonderful one, and you must be a comic genius along the lines of Andy Kauffman. The only complaint my husband and I have is that the "Halleluja" song gets into such a tight loop that it becomes insanely irritating (and will one day perhaps incite one of us to watch as our underwear swims around in the washer, which will give us "sinful" thoughts. Oh No!!!!) Perhaps this was your intent all along? :-)

Thanks for the entertainment.

Blessed Be (a pagan parting; don't associate ME with those crazy christians!)

Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999
Subject: Your fake hate page.

You're fake ass hate page is hilarious. But its scary. Its scary because I'm so used to seeing/hearing something like that, that as I read down it, I believe it. I believe that there is a religious bigot so stupid as to write this.

Then I scroll down and see the 'this is a joke' link and sigh with relief. Then I burst out laughing. Its sad, but man, thanks for that laugh. Hope it gets better. Peace.

Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999
Subject: RPGs etc.

Dear Sir,

I have just finished reading your web-page about Role-Playing-Games and I, as a Role Player, felt the need to let you know that some of the information contained on your page was not factual and some of it was down right false. First of all not all role players are recruited by a "Dungeon Master", nor are all (or in my experience any) "Dungeon Masters" worshipers of the devil. Additionally ALL role playing books are fictional (NOT REAL) and make a point of saying so. The vast majority of Role Players are decent human beings, to say that Role Playing is evil because some people who associate themselves with it is as ridiculous as saying that because some people who chose to associate themselves with Christianity it is evil. Again I want to emphasize that I am a role player (and have been for 10 years now) and never once have I worship demons, participated in animal or human sacrifice, or let myself become deluded into thinking I was doing anything other than playing a game.

Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999

People that are so pretentious and ignorant as you give good christians a bad name. I know some very devout Christians that play RPG's and watch Star Trek and Star Wars yet they are not satan worshippers. And what does Hitler have to do with anything? If Hitler was a good Christian would he have ordered the killing of millions of jewish people? A good christian would not push their religion upon anyone.... they simply would give a person the information and let them decide for themselves. People like you ruin any fun in this world.

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999

HI i am a role player and i was wondering if satan can get to you (us) when we play R.P.G's then why are we not all in his possetion?
Do you ever consider your self to be an extreamist (cult)?
And why am i in the light of heaven,having played theas so caled games?
You judge what you are not able to see!!!
You find the BAD in all that is not the Christ.
What is your RELIGON? (born again)
Regards a sceptic xxxxxxxxxxxx at ""
If you will respond to this please send to the afor mentiond email and not the one i am writing from ......THANKS.

P.S did you know that the bible was re-writen in the mid 1600's, if not you are a worshiper without knowing only blind and lame faith which is the realm of satin is it not?

Do your self a favor and do some reserch, or is the bible the only truthfull book in the world?

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999
Subject: God

This is God. I have got a new web page up at It contains GOOD CHRISTIAN information much like that found on your web page. Please go there and continue to spread the good word. You are a modern day saint.

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999
Subject: about AD&D


loved the site...
you had me fooled a looong time...

thanks for the big laugh... :)

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999
Subject: RPG and Satan page

I thought about writing a page like this for the gun control issue. Hey, maybe holding a gun makes people get possessed by Satan too!

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999
Subject: from a fellow Christian

Allow me to begin with saying that I hope that page was intended as a joke. If it was not allow me to explain something; I am a practicing Christian, I am a member of Campus Crusade for Christ and try to share my faith with others. That being said I also want to state that I have prayed over whether or not RPG's and card games such as Magic are sinful and after these prayers I have come to the conclusion that they are not. Neither is dancing necessarily sinful, also Star Wars is actually indirectly reffering to God (the force being symbolic of god). I have put alot of thought and prayer into this and these are the conclusions I have come to, if you can refute them please try.

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999

Are you on crack?

Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999
Subject: The Humor Site

I would just like to say, that this has to be the one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I mean... damn. I was cruising the net, looking for a web page from the "far right" to laugh at, but I never thought I would find anything this hysterical. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

I love that part about the Data from Star Trek being a "walking vibrator", and the Captain of Voyager being "Satan's Whore". That was great!!

I didn't like any of your racists, homophobic, pro-nazi stuff though. That's just bad taste and ignorance.

Oh, and my friend would like to add, "Seeing you web site made coming into work worth while. Remember, a good laugh can brighten up your whole day."

(A devout minion of the devil, or "He Who Sacrifices Small Furry Animals")

Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999
Subject: Dungeons and dragons vs schoolwork

I am writing to see if you could please send me the sites or newspaper and magazine names where you found all the information about how dungeons and dragons affects your schoolwork. I am currently writing a research paper about this and would like to compile as much information as possible. Thank you

[Reader's Digest, Watchtower, the Bible, and local redneck's newspaper "Keskisuomalainen"]

Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999
Subject: Loved your page...

I accidentally stumbled on this page and thought it was the most hillarious thing I'd ever seen... especially the annoying background music. I was just about to e-mail you asking if this page was a joke when I saw the "This is a joke" link. Great stuff.

My girlfriend loved it too....

Take care you psychotic Finnish fanatic you...

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999
Subject: RPG and Love

I'm glad that I found your site. I already heard a lot about Role Playing Games and your point of view allowed me to look at the matter from different point. However, Jesus taught me not to punish, but to understand. Of course understanding can't go beyond His word, but I think that hating (even the sin) creates a bit of hate in my own heart, so it is not good for a real follower of Jesus. Did he hate anything? I don't remember.... I think he didn't. He understanded it. He wasn't throwing stones, although he was perfect. I'm not telling you what you should do, but consider it. I may be wrong, but thats how I follow Jesus. However I appreciate your voice in this important matter.

I am a soldier of Jesus' Peace, and this part of your page made me sad:

"By the way: Civil servants escape their duty in our respected Finnish Army! We, finnish men, here in White Finland will all enter military service! However, we do not hate the escapees but pray for their souls! Perhaps they will realize their duty. "

Do you, good brother, believe that such an institution, based on hate and violence is neccesary? What is purpose of the army? To kill. I wouldn't praise such a sinful institution on a page containing name of Jesus. A duty?! Man has no duty to serve anyone, to carry a weapon. No man can do anything against will of the other and army is such violent institution.

Then, you are contradicting yourself:

"Fight with LOVE, not with guns!"

You should make it clearer. Do you want to love or to kill?

May Jesus guide you,

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999
Subject: YOUR SITE SUCKS!!! ... Not really, though.

Dude, rock on. You just brightened my day a whole hell of a lot. You've gotta think of some more stuff... how about video games? Those surely must be the tool of Satan! Hehe... Resident Evil? And what about that Britney Spears music video???

Keep up the funny work. :-)

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999
Subject: My feelings on your RPG page....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I like it! ^_^

Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999
Subject: Comments suggestion

Seeing as the Game of Satan/Love Thy Neighbour comments archive has become too massive, why not delete the boring ol' "yo are a shitmeister" comments and just have a "best of" collection of the funniest/sanest comments?

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999
Subject: Game of Love!

I have to say you threw us for one hell of a loop. . . We were ready to send the largest flame you've ever seen....

Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999

Nope. Not even close. Hitler (not that you spelled his name correctly) was not a Christian (again incorrectly spelled). He was Catholic.

Kindly run a spell check on the rest of your site. Mostly typos, but some real odd spellings.

Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999

You Are FULL OF SHIT!!!! You can't even keep your spelling correct in English. Get a real job...

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999
Subject: U ROCK


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999
Subject: Dude just saw your site..

You said I should I should watch out for the gay poison gas...

Is the heterosexual poison gas ok?



btw, my favorite team is the San Jose Sharks!!!


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999
Subject: Wait...

This has got to be a joke right?

I looooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999
Subject: joke?

When I first read through your page I wasn't that surprised, and seeing that you were Finnish I took the spelling errors as just a problem of having English as a second language. Seeing 'HILTER was a GOOD CHURISTIAN!' was unsettling, but then I saw two rather off images. One looking like a cross between the Yin-Yang and trinity symbol, which seemed rather Pagan, and the other was from Rage. That didn't make sense.

I quickly opened up your ANSWERS page but was again stumped. If this is a joke, why did you say that it wasn't on the main page?

Also, if it is a joke, do you agree with the links to the other Christian sites (Live sized Jar Jar Binks dolls used as masturbation toys, and Star-Trek is Satan worshiping!) or did you just find them funny and link them

Personally, I think that anyone can think any way they want as long as it doesn't effect others.

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999
Subject: the infamous SatanGame page

Mr. Paasivirta:

I've finally gotten around to emailing you. I've been an admirer or your page for some time now. YOU"RE FUNNY!!!

Officially, I'm contacting you on behalf of the Balaam Society (, a sort of satirical "honor society" for young ministers. I'm a bit disappointed you've received so much hate mail on from so-called Christians. I hope they haven't colored your perceptions of Christianity in general.

Of course, your detractors may not consider me a Christian at all. I may be a minister, but I'm also an avid role-player (that is, when I have the time) and I'm (gasp) left-handed, too. I even bought a care bear for a friends daughter once. I wonder what layer of Hell they'd consign me to.

In any event, we at the Balaam Society would like to congratulate you on a truly hilarious website. We appreciate your sense of humor, as it meshes so well with our own. Perhaps when you get the time you can check out our site return. Keep up the good work.

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999
Subject: I belive you









p.s e-mail me back you crazy fanatic

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999
Subject: Wonderful site


I just finished browsing your site, and i must say that you had me pretty convinced that it was an actual christian site. I was about to email you, telling you how ignorant you were for stating such things as; masturbation is sinful and "LARD". But when i finally read some more i discovered that the page was a joke. And i must say that this site had me rolling on the floor laughing. But the sad thing is that there are actually people in this world who believe things like this. I know at least two families who have believe things like this. Well, thanks for making me laugh.

Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999
Subject: Nice Page

Here's some positive e-mail for once...

I wandered on to your page while looking for some RPG resources and I have to say I haven't laughed so hard in years. You truly capture the "essence of frantic christian" and while supposedly slandering role player you are actually showing how frantic some christians can go (even if you didn't intend to). The scariest part of your page is that I have found pages similar that AREN'T jokes, their serious psychos trying to add to role playing's already bad image. Now enough of the ass kissing..

Any ways the main reason I e-mail you was to ask your permission to place the URL of you home page in role playing resource publication. The URL will be listed and explained that is a joke as to cut down on millions of hate mails form role players.

Please respond promptly

[Didn't even read your mail until weeks later :) But normal URLs are always public, so no permission is even required.]

Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999
Subject: Whoa!

Why don't you open your mind and realize that Starwars, Roleplaying games, and all those others, are no means satanic or antichrist. I hate Jar Jar binks too, but I don't spread rumors about it as a masturbation toy. Didn't god teach us to love everything he created and not hate what we do not understand. If kids really used them as masturbation toys, how would you know? did yah look? did yah try? And roleplaying games, how is it satanic? because you don't play one? I don't understand many things either, but I don't devote my time to it. I'd thought god will just send people to hell who breaks his rules, and will also punish people who devote time that could be spent to do something productive to tell people who already know it that some things are evil. I don't think RPGs or Starwars evil, did yah try it out? Try it out and see a new portion of your mind expand.

Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999
Subject: (no subject)

are you people insane?

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Subject: subject matter

You don't have all your oars in the water.

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Subject: A joke?

I looked at your page, called "The Game of Love."

This is a big joke, right? I mean, you don't really feel that RPGs, Hockey, and Star Trek are all works of the Devil, do you (well, maybe Hockey <g>)

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Subject: dude...

It took me a little while, but your page is soo funny! I found your page from a site noted on SJG's Daily Illuminator, "the Universal Conspiracy Against Everything". I went to a couple of the christian sites you have on the front page (in many ways, scarier than your page!), then to your comments page. I was wondering why so many readers found your site funny, so I went to the Answer page and saw why! Great job, good screwjob for all those people! I do wish I had visited the long page with the endless "Hallelujah" first, though, that would have convinced me. If I had the time, I'd do a site similar to yours, it's great!

The endless sound loop is classic. Even the most right wing christian would get tired of listening to the loop, and reading the extremist right wing blathering! It's great! I'll have to turn off my speakers and come back another time to read it all!

Keep it up!

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999
Subject: Congratulations on your site!

Add this to your blacklist: (WARP Website)


You are one sick, uptight son of a bitch (no offense to your mother).

Try sex - it works!

And remember, we love you darling!

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999
Subject: Your Page..Do not be decieved.


I have just finished reading over your christian page. You have done well where you have portrayed about cults. I myself am a believer in Jesus Christ, but your page is going a little far. I do play MANY role playing games, but I am not corrupt in any way. Sure, I have become addicted to one, but that's because I enjoyed making friends on it. Is that so unchristianlike? Making friends? RPG's do not cause normal people to commit suicide. Only people that think that they've got a terrible life, or really are low on themselves will kill themselves.

I can admit that before I found Jesus, I thought my life was lost. I did try to commit suicide. But I wasn't even into RPGs. I did not even own a computer.

Now that I have Jesus, I am more than glad I am here.

Cults are a very bad thing, and I feel so sorry for people that need power like that. I have a friend, (sadly, he's athiest), but he plays alot of RPG's, and in real life, he's calm, relaxed, and a really smart guy.

Some people are sick. Like the guy who lures younger children so he can rape them. People are so low sometimes, but it's HUMAN. Remember Adam and Eve? They were the first to sin, and human nature claims us all at times.

Thank you for listening