Comments collection #42 on my AD&D-is-Satanic-stuff

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000
Subject: saw your site

I was browsing through your site on the satanic nature of games. I am a dedacated christian, but i have seen several things on your page which were very disturbing to me. First and foremost, christianity is a religon that focuses on love; what you have done is taken and read the bible like a rulebook and haven't taken christ as an example. Second, you accuse everyone except yourself of being a satanist; the only hate and evil i see on this page came from you. Third, i will bring up the topic of RPG's (roleplaying games). They are what you make them. The so called "cult-leader" game master is just a referee, he isn't satan in pants rolling dice. He chooses what you are going do deal with. I've seen many a game where there haven't been any demons or even magic of any sort. oh, and one last thing: if HTML is evil; why do you swing it like a mighty, but misguided, sword?

Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000
Subject: ... Web Site

I have a question or two [maybe more] for you -

Please, please correct the misspellings. You may come across as more credible.

[A verger is an employee in church, who maintains the building and helps with the sermons.]

Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000
Subject: I have seen the light.

You web-site struck a chord with me . . . as a child I was lured to the thrill and escapism of being something that I wasn't and going against all faith in the almighty. But several years ago I escaped from the vicious cycle of pain and hurt, as I felt it was wasting time, money and changing me.

I myself have often wondered what is wrong with these games, but they have influenced everywhere, and everyone. The children killing their parents for more money to spend on these games. I am glad I never went that far. But several questions arose while reading your rivetting theories:

" "Deities & Demigods", 1980: Recently I noticed this book in a local second-hand book shop. Since it cost only 60 FIM (about $12 or so), I decided to buy it. I must say that this book is even WORSE than the other ones. It tells the players "how to become a god"! "

Why would such a good and devout man such as yourself buy such a tool of the unspeakable one? I don't know, perhaps your lengthy studies have had too much of an influence on you. You must confess your sins in order to have the light and love of God fill your soul again!

"This operation exists because the Roman-catholic church wants to promote homosexualism. The current pope John Paul II has publicly condemned homosexuality. Nevertheless, I have been poisoned for 40 years by the Roman church. The purpose of this poisoning has been to make me a homosexualist. They have not succeeded. (Poison makes talking difficult and otherwise hinders the natural contact with the opposite sex.) There is a radical difference between Roman-catholic official doctrine and their practical policy. When the policy of the church is like this in the modern age of information, there are conflicts with the rest of the world."

There is no such conspiracy within the church. THe Roman-Catholic church indeed shuns people who as you say have been "tainted" by homosexuality. These people are just that: people!!!! There is nothing wrong with them, does not the bible say love your fellow man? Do you not love your own Father? There is no disease, there are just people who are unwilling to accept the simple facts.

"I've heard that this game has caused hundreds if not thousands of suicides in USA. It is said that an older man lures young girls (especially virgins!) and boys (typically 4 to 17 years old) to join an "exciting" roleplaying game session and to make sin! We must pray for these poor souls!"

I'm sorry to say I've never met a female role-player, though many of my female friends have no problem with the fact taht I have roleplayed. I believe that the suicide rate which you quote, though possibly (and only possibly) accurate relies on the misguided belief taht the only factor in these suicides was the roleplaying. Indeed What about the social exclusions experienced by these role-players that I myself have felt in the past. Not only from sporting types who look down the length of their oft-broken nose at you but also religious freaks such as yourself. Who shun and create outcasts of them. Rejected from society they are forced to live amongst they feel that the only way out is to take their own lives, a cardinal sin, and thus they are banished to hell.

"How to recognize a cult?"

A cult is any religion other than your own.

"Ice Hockey, the Game of HATE A horrible game, ice hockey, caused the PARALYSATION of two players here in Finland last year! Even if this "sport" should not be promoted only because of this, there are more reasons! NEW PROVE: Here in Finland it is clearly PROVEN that ice hocky is extremely violent game! Oneplayer was caught of using drugs (cannabis). They started to treat him for cannabis addiction. The hockeuy assosciation decided that he should not be allowed to play because cannabis addicts are prone to violent frenzy during treatment (this has been scientifically proven, by the way, and it clearly shows that cannabis is very dangeroys drug, a cancer to our society)! Anyway, this shows that hockey is very dangerous because players are supposed to act violently, and frenzied drug addict could rage in the rink and judges would not notice anything!!! Note: If you know a drug addict, first you should approach him or her, and tell that Jesus will help against drug addiction!"

I play field hockey a somewhat more sedate but still rough game. I seee everyday I play people getting hurt, myself I have had multiple idslocated and broken bones and joints. However your opinions on cannabis are malformed. If you in fact researched properly you would find that cannabis is a much less dangerous drug than either alcohol or tobacco. Scientific studies have shown that even caffiene causes much more sever and lasting problems than cannabis. And anyway Ice-hockey is merely a game. A bit of escapism for the masses, I have no qualms about attending an ice-hockey match. In fact I find it quite enjoyable to partake in the spectacle. I find it in no way offensive or anti-social.

Yeah, and I still roleplay too.

Oh and btw. YOu are a complete and utter fuckhead.

Get a life, get a job and go and burn in the fires of gehenna for all eternity.

Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000
Subject: a comment about your page

greetings. I have appointed myself as a duly designated representative of what you call 'satanists.' while i agree that pokemon is not a good game, it is because it is a shameless ripp-off of Monster Rancher and Magic: The Gathering. and before you condemn me for playing and supporting Magic, keep in mind that i can show you cards which quote from your christian bible. anyway, it strikes me (a programmer with a 150 IQ) as odd that you advocate 'love thy neighbor' at the the top of your page, while condemning our neighbor across the pacific, Japan, for being pagans, shintoists, and budhists. that is, if you're actually based in the united states. it also occurred to me that if you are so strongly religeous, why is your page printed in english and finnish? the language of christianity, as an offshoot of judaesm, is HEBREW! and it is an offshoot of judaeism, beleive me (JESUS was a jew). keep in mind that i do not wish to insult your religeon, but your views strike me as a little one-sided. have you ever talked to Gary Gigax about D&D? do you even know who he is? as the game was never intended to be blasphemous, he could very well file a lawsuit for defamation of his character, slander, and oppressing his freedom of expression (which is guaranteed to him by the first amendment, Bill of rights, US constitution). well i've got to go, but i would love for you to reply and tell me your opinion about my critisisms. just hit reply, or send an e-mail to ...

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000
Subject: We mean no harm with Pokemon

Dear Sir,

I am very humble Japanese business man who is in charge of making very fine product of Pokemon. We are very sorry if our product has offended your beliefs in any way. You see, we Japanese have a very small penis. What can you do with such small penis? It is great honor to speak with you and your gargantuan penis. Your penis is so big. Not like small Japanese penis.

Thank You So much for letting me write to someone with such a large penis.

Sincerely, ...

(P.S. Loved the site!!!)

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000
Subject: The Game of Satan

I actually believed that what you wrote was not a satire. Sorry. It is very funny and much more so than love your neighbor. Your mockery of hypocrosy is hilarious. Kudos.

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000
Subject: Your page of connecting Satanism with D&D... about the funniest page on the subject I have ever read! Most enjoyable. I must say the mst hysteracle part was that you have received so much hate mail about it! I laughed for three minutes just thinking about how many pure fools there are online. Truly though, there was one spark of truth on the page... Hitler was a good christian, the Catholic church did not remove him until many years (i have forgotten the exact number, oh well) after his death... but that is beside the point. Again, excellent job in frying the brain-pans of lesser intellects, that page ranks up there with! Thank you for making such a great place, it was worth the time finding it for the read.

-Blissful Lunatic, KSC, IHCDD, HCSJ, TRPD, CONE, MAL, COTS, Pseudo-Benign MonoChaplain of Instability Devided by Zero and the Third Anti-Christ, High Chaplin of the Grand Cabal of Peaceful anarchy and stuff, a disorganization of the Paratheo-Anemetamystikhood of Eris Esoteric (POEE) and cell of the Invisible College on days we feel like it.

"All the world's a stage, and the orchestra pit is one huge drop off!"

And Yes, I play "Satan's Game", mwahahaha....

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000
Subject: Regarding the D&D is a SIN page

Dear Sir:

I laughed. I cried. It was better than Cats.

Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000
Subject: hi

Dear Mr. Niilo Paasivirta

I am appaled at your attacks on role-playing games, I am a devoted christian and i play AD&D. playing a game doesn't go against the word of god. I and my fellow roleplayers do not do crazy things like attempting to cast spells and such. I applaud your crusade against satan worshippers but it worries me to see that you have taken such a hard line against role-players. Its just a game, me and the friends that i play with get together everyonce in a while and talk role some dice and generally have a good time, we don't drink (alcohol) or do drugs (the illegal kind) and we play in a well lit room. Its just a social gathering. I know you'll probably just say this is the word of the devil or something but i hope you realize that you could possibly be making the parents of my friends edgy which could possibly make my friends rebel against them making my friends do more extreme things.

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000
Subject: Lovepage (comment one zillion-and-one)


I found your site by accident.
Unfortunately I jumped to the comments page before I got to the Lovepage. And reading through those comments was actually a lot of fun... until I saw your page. Then everything fell into place, and I could NOT stop laughing. I regret not finding your site earlier.
I cannot believe that so many people have fallen for this hoax for such a long time... absolutely incredible! You must be proud.

And, your site actually made me retrieve a few lost links to sites I had lost some time ago (especially the Cthulhu site). Thanks for that!

I'll be sure to mention your site to my friends (and let them find out about the joke for themselves....)

a Dutch roleplayer for some 12 years now

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000
Subject: Heh

If it is an warm fuzzy feeling for ya...

I assumed it was a joke after I noticed that you were providing links to some of the best web pages online.... I also laughed outloud when It said, to paraprhase, on the subject of mudding do NOT click on these links... and of course.. the links would load of telnet and bring up a game.

Good webstie... Loved it... Now.. My question is... Did you ever get any positve response such as "Thank you for showing me the light..." or "You sock it to those vile pagans"

11 years of Roleplaying Can't Be Wrong
Member of the Camarilla: A Vampire LARP Society
6 years Wiccan
Some guy... Who laughed his ass off...


Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000
Subject: Nice website

heh, I was just sent to your web site. After reading Landover, I figured yours was a spoof. I'm glad to see that you fooled many people.

My favorite joke by far is the line about kids not being involved with other, good hobbies and the link to rec.guns. That is damn classic.

Good job.