Comments collection #40 on my AD&D-is-Satanic-stuff

Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000
Subject: LOL

It took me about 2 seconds to realize that your page was a wonderful piece of satire. My biggest clue was the links to the "evil" pages your site was "defaming"! Keep it up, it's hilarious, and KEEP ON GAMING!!!

Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000
Subject: AD&D-Game of Satan?!?!?!

Geez, where do i begin??? It pained me to read your web page, it really did. There were many times when i just wanted to say "Forget it, this guy is wrong", but instead, i decided to keep an open mind and listen to what you had to say. I found it rather amusing, really. How is it that you can claim that AD&D, Pokemon, and even STAR TREK are all Satanic? By reading your page, and the links to other pages in which they call roleplayers "homosexuals, pedophiles, blasphemers, and other names, it seems to me that you resorted to childish name calling rather than backing up your opinions with fact. You make accusations of things that suppposedly go on at game sessions, such as "vile, evil sex acts", "blood drinking", and, my personal favorite, "eating the flesh of infants". Where do you get off saying these things? Have you, personally, ever attended one of these game sessions? Do you know what REALLY goes on? There is no sex, no, devil worship, no blood drinking, and certainly no flesh eating! Never, in all of my 13 years of role playing experience, have i been asked to participate in things such as these.

"Players need to study black magic, occultism, and true names of real demons. The players spend all their money on these "game books", drugs and weapons.
After a few "sessions", the players become addicted to the game and become obedient slaves of the satan-worshipping Dungeon Master and the hard drugs the DM is selling to them. In a few months, they can't tell what is real and what is game any more. "

And what the hell is this??? Hard drugs? Demon names? Obediant slaves? Where do you get this stuff??? If you can list hard examples, found in the Dungeons and Dragons role playing books, of where players are required to learn demon names and shoot up heroin, then i will belive you., But until then, my advice to you is to actually sit down and see what happens before you go and make such harsh accusations. How would you feel if someone were to say things like this about your church? How would you feel if i were to say that in Finnish churches there is nothing more than crude homosexual orgies and ritualistic killings? Huh? How would you feel then?

When in the game it speaks of characters worshipping different "gods, goddesses, or dieties", keep in mind that this is a game, nothing more. It is make believe. Therefore, there are make believe dieties for the players to use. It does not, in any way, shape or form, promote the use of these "gods" in real life. It plainly states in the books that this is just a game and that it is not to be taken too seriously. Yes, i will agree that some people do take it too far, and start acting this stuff out, but it is an extremely small percentage of people who do this! It is completely unfair for you and the rest of the world to classify all of us as "satanists, devil worshipers, heretics and blasphemers". It is also wrong for you to believe that your religion is the only one in the world, and that followers of other belief systems are wrong. On your site you make a reference to the "Cthulu Mythos". Do you not realize that when H.P. Lovecraft wrote this book, he said on the very first page that it is not real?!?!!? That it is all fake, and is just a story?!?!?!

"The players of this game become satan worshippers and cultists who practice black magic, ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism,...

Ok, let me set you straight on several MAJOR misconceptions here. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism, voyuerism, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, domination, child pornography, oral sex, anal sex, beastiality, bondage, inceset, adultery and sodomy, fetishism, those are sexual conditions, which is mentioned no where in any of the D&D books. You even bash sex itself! How then, are we supposed to survive? How are we supposed to keep the planet populated? Were Adam and Eve supposed to be the only ones here? Well, then, that would make you a sinner just by being here, wouldn't it?

You have no right, what so ever to say that other religions are evil and satanic! Just because someone does not believe the same things you do, doesn't that mean they are going to Hell? If you see someone wearing their favorite shirt, but you think it is ugly, are they going to Hell?

And you say that people who practice neo nazism and facism are evil as well? Excuse me, sir, but you your self are acting as a nazi by even publishing this page. The Nazis believed that anyone other than themselves, who shared different believes, should be destroyed. And yet, you say the same thing, though worded differently, on this web site. Prevent free thinking, murder people different than myself, are those not the ideals of nazis? If nazism is so wrong and horrible, why then, on your site, do you say "Hitler was a good Christian"? Where the fuck do you get off saying that?! Hitler was a cold blooded coward, with such a low self esteem that he had to resort to murder, genocide and butchery to make people respect him. That is what he was. He was not Christian at all. Besides, itsn't one of the commandments, "Thou shalt not kill"?

I found the part about long hair being satanic really funny, primarily because you yourself have long hair. Let me get this straight-long hair is evil because it makes a man appear to be a woman. However, getting a haircut would be focusing on the body, and therefore being satanic, would it not? So what the fuck are we supposed to do???

In closing, i must say that, you sir, are highly mislead in your beliefs. Not everything you see in the world is evil, and not everyone but yourself is going to burn in hell. Your site is part of the religious tolerance web ring, though in reading it i found no religious tolerance. Instead i found lies and untruths trying to manipulate people in to believing only what you want them to. I found fabrications and falsifications about the simplest thing, including how even taking a bath was evil. I suggest that you open eyes, see what is really going on, and realize that just because you believe one thing, that doesn't mean everyone has to. Remember, religious tolerance means tolerance of any religion. Thank you for your time, and i hope you will take this letter to heart. I apologize for any offenses i may have made, and i feel you should do so as well. Remember, Jesus wanted us to "Love thy neighbor". This can not be done as long as you maintain these narrow-minded, one sided beliefs. "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000
Subject: Is this a joke?

Is this really a joke? I mean this is so terribly exagerated that its more funny than anything else. And then you've got the THIS IS NOT A JOKE thing at the bottom, so I just have to ask. I mean, you have links to pages that you don't want people to go to, and you have a two-handed candy bar at the top. So if this is joke page than its pretty funny, but if this is real, than you are pretty strange.

Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000
Subject: RPG

You are very, very FOOL. I'am poland rpg player, i have 27 yers old & i have wife & son. I'm very happy men, i like sometimes play in RPG & this is my hobby. I'm not SATANIST!!!
Sorry for my english.

Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000
Subject: The RPGs are SIN page.

That's probably one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. The Nuwisha sigil on the front page was a particularly nice touch. :)

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000
Subject: Your site

Mime-Version: 1.0 If you are truly Christian, why do you bash all the Christian religions? You tout the evils of pretending to play someone you are not, but is it not evil to pretend to be human, like you are pretending to be? If you practice what you believe, you are destined to die in a very short time. Are you diseased? Do you have any teeth left? If you ignore personal hygiene (baths, etc.), are you healthy? Also, your page os full of contradictions. You say not to eat meat, but then turn around later and say that vegetarians are evil as well. Are you in league with a master that keeps you magically fed? Is your spirit master telling you these things? Were you sexually abused as a child? When was the last time you had sex? WHen was the last time you sat around watching the Playboy channel covered in green jello while beating your bishop (acolyte?)? Was it recently? Did you have help? Do you have any friends? You should look for someone else to satisfy you rather then the goats, horses, snakes, and other pets you have. Are you the anti-christ? Are you Marilyn Manson? Are you sane?

I play AD&D, and I am a DM. I have "had sessions with young girls (yes, some were virgins) and young boys (12 & 14)," but didn't pass out any drugs (I was out). Yes, we do use weapons, but the rubbers and dildos don't hurt enough. We have resorted to whips and chains. We have considered branding irons, but we can't figure out how to set people on fire without killing them. Any suggestions? We also have purchased cock rings, vibrators, latex, butt plugs and a french tickler, but can't find anyone that hasn't;t already used them. Care to volunteer?

No one has ever committed suicide during D&D, but we never run out of willing sacrifices to Korn. Are you a fallen angel from hell? Are you one of your God's playthings? Does He use you as His own personal Ben Wah Balls? In our games, I have a person married to a character that I own, but she isn't my real wife. Does that make a gigalo, adulterer, stud, mormon, you, lucky, or one HELL of a pimp-daddy? Come to think of it, she has called me daddy on more than one occasion. My wife has, also. So has every one i play with. Who's your daddy? And about the figurine's...If you can finger a miniature, your dick must be smaller than a tick tac. Are you hung like a Tick Tac, a stud humming bird, or one of the miniatures you hate so much. I heard once that the reason people hate things so much is that they are what they hate. Is this you? Or are you just so arrogant? Your God can't help you any more than I want to claim you as one of my children. It's people like you that give those that worship me a bad name.

One final note in closing...


And don't worry about your soul. You are so fucking stupid that neither God, Korn, Yogsoggoth, Cuthulu, nor I would want you. One of my disciples will be visiting you soon with a one-way ticket home. I will see you soon.

You loving Master,

If you believe any of this, please, call the closest insane asylum. You are fucking nuts and should be placed in the deepest hole man can build. Maybe they will be nice and place Barney, Bill Gates, the Power Rangers, Ronald McDonald, all the Pokemon, and the TeleTubbies in with you. They are God's work, after all. This entire e-mail was produced to make a point. You are nuts and should be committed. It is not real. All events in this e-mail are not real. You should not believe everything you read. Do not drive on people. Do not drive a surburban up the roof of an A-Frame house. Dogs don't talk, the hand puppet is actually someone's hand. You can not fit an entire forest in a car. Influenza is not a human, but is a virus. Dialling 1-800-CALLATT will not save everyone money. And I do not love you, so stop loving me. BTW, where do you get your Crack? Can I get some?

Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000
Subject: Whaa?

Dude at first I thought this was some serious f@#$ed-up s$^^, being Catholic and seriously into RPG's (Rifts&World of Darkness DM) I was seriously offended.

Then I noticed your grammar and your background.

Thank you for setting off my little sister(who's a Pagan) on a little spree.

Keep up with this funny s$%.

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000
Subject: ...

"I made the page look like a totally fanatic, insane fundamentalist christian had written it. It should have been obvious that the page was satire. I didn't think anyone would take it seriously. "

Maybe cause the rest of your website looks like a fanatic, insane fundamentalist christian wrote it....

You take yourself far too seriously. Get a life and enjoy yourself. You might want to appreciate what God has given you by going out and having a little bit of fun occasionally. Have you ever actually come in contact with or experienced anything you condemn as evil? Or do you just blindly follow words in a book. God gave us the gift of individual thought for a reason.

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000
Subject: Nice Web Page!!

I love your web page what is the password for the demon races?

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000
Subject: So called evil games...

This is not intended to be a hate mail, so please don't disregard it. I also want to make it quite clear that this is not in any way a plead for help, so don't pray for me, for I am a non-practicing atheist, and do not believe in your prayers. I just want to say that your page describes games such as D&D, and Pokémon as evil games? Of Satan worshipping and demons. They are not as such, they are merely fictitious games of fantasy. I am a loyal D&D player, and I have been for years, I also play Magic: The Gathering, Jyhad, Vampire CCG, Pok=E9mon and many other games, and none of them have done me a bit of harm. See I don't believe in YOUR god, in fact I don't believe in any "god" but in turn I also disbelieve Satan, darn! So, I just want to say that your accusations are totally unjust, not only unjust but also very inaccurate. And also, on an ending note if you think your website has any credibility, check again. It has more mistakes than any other website I've ever seen...

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000
Subject: Christian Webpage

What kind of unholy blashpomy are you doing on your site! It's christians or so called "Holy People" like you that give us a bad name!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO TAKE DOWN YOUR PAGE AND STOP YOUR TEACHINGS OF THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000
Subject: Hello.

either u r very funny and totaly mad of making such a great effort on that shit or u r so stupid that i can't even imagine how u wrote those lines without a brain.

anyway. nice site. fucked colors too.

Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000
Subject: DnD Haters

Hey man, you are one big fuckin sick-o. First off I can't even begin to understand why someone would listen you to when you can't even spell Christian right on your page!! (left side under the Pokemon section) I am a big believer in Christ and I go to church every week and on Weds for bible study...yet I still play RPGs. BTW I hate to break it to you but this is a world of sinners. No matter what we do we sin, yet we are forgiven, that is the way of it. There are those that go way to deeply and lose themselves in the game, but most of us never get beyond that its just a fantasy, like a book. So shut your fucking mouth, everyone has right to say pretty much what they want on the Net.

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000
Subject: good page


My name is X. I was suffing the net and found you page. I am a 18 year old Christian Male. I have some Coments on you page. Please read them don't trash this. Ok first off I do not know the meaning of Hate I don't get mad or have anger cloud my heart from God's Love.

Now I'm Going to say some things you my not like but please read this.

I Play your (Demonic as you call it RolePlaying Games). But I am a frim beliver in God and Jesus. Now In the Bible it tells us to spread the word of God and let your light shine so that others will see it. But while reading you page I had this feeling of hate and Rage that your words sent to me. Now I belive in God so I just ignored your rambalings. But now Christians will think this is what Christians are. Thanks for the good image.

Well this is great example of Christian Love.

"THIS D&D CULT JUST KEEPS SREADING IN NET! There is AGAIN yet another sinners' page: this AVENGING DRAGONS PAGE is extreamely EVIL! Why can't the government censore these SINNER pages from OUR INTERNET!!?!???!?!??!!!!!!!!! And NEVER look at this HORRIBLE page: John's AD&D Web Page! That person ingulges himself with the SIN of AD&D! "

And Love Thy Neighbor here read this.


See if you read your words they make me be ashamed of being a christian. We are to love all not just the ones that fit in our image. We are all children of God. Turn your cheek not thrash them with your tounge. How do you get people to belive in God when you cuse them like this? Now before you waste your time pointing the finger and Judging others look at what your going to put as the image of God.

Do not judge for it is my fathers place to judge.

"LORD says we must inspire others to obedience, not condemn them for their ignorance! WEe must use the ROD to chastise chilren and ignortant, people, but we must take care we do it with LOVE and not hate!

This is from your site also. see the underlined text what does it say. Now what does you site reflect?

Please for all the Christians tring to save people research what you say is evil.

My Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Group is.

Game Master (The person that makes the Quest). A Decan at the Church. Mage (a person that uses magic),Me, no I dont use magic my character does. Warrior (A fighter) the Game Masters Wife. Cleric (a Healer) GM's wife again. Paladin (A holy warrior that fights for God) My uncle. and a thief (A lockpicker and trap expert) My roommate. (These are our imaginary Characters not us)

Now to explain the Game. You ever play Cowboys and Indians? Or Soilder when you where a kid? The samething except we sit around a table and roll dice to see what happeneds. We nor does other Gamers Chant and cast spells nor do we hurt others we never touch. you roll dice and write stuff on paper like what happened to our imagenary Characters. Cowboys and Indians you ran around with toy guns and pretended to shot someone else. Which Game is more harmful?

Please change your site or at lease don't use hate along with God's words.

Thanks if you want please E-mail me back your comments I would like to talk about this more with you.

Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000
Subject: Thought I would ask ya...

Dear concerned Christian,

I read the notion on your site pertaining to the thought that pokemon is a factor of demonic worship, and derives from the satanic principles of shintoism, and buddhism. Although I agree with you completely on this subject, I would really like to know exactly where this information could be obtained. I understand that you don't answer email messages, but I was going to post these findings on my website as my new, "NEWS" section comes to fruition. I would greatly appreciate the help of another understanding Christian in debunking the ever growing expanse of satan's territory that is continually defacing, and causing utter derogatory incentives, toward the kingdom of God.

If you can not give me a referral, then it's ok. I understand.

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000
Subject: haha!

If you think the internet is a gateway to "Satan" yourself condemn yourself by using the internet as well. For this...

"We are all connected no matter what... The Wired is a way of life."
- Lain of the Wired

See, no matter what you say or do, we are all connected. The Wire, The Internet is our life now. We of the Net and the Wired shall be one and no force can stop our evolution to this new era of humanity. And by the way, if you don't know who Lain is, then you are way out of touch with reality. She is the one true Goddess of the Wire where the Real World shall merge with the Net.

"And shall the border fall and the two worlds be one and the same."
- Lain of the Wired

That is my 2 cents in for your site. If you think all sites are Satan worshippers... Come to mine at http://... I'm sure you will like it since it is a flegling site that will soon grow to full maturity in lets say give or take a few more months. Then it shall evolve.

l8s now... you fruit loop...

Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000
Subject: Greetings


I just read your web page.. Not just real sure what to say about it. I am a Christian and belive in God with all my heart. He has done wounderful things in my life and for others around me. The thing is I play AD&D and have for 6years now. I don't take it seriously like others may do. To me it is just a fantasy game of great imagination. I have not become demon possed in any way nor have any of my friends that play. Then again non of the characters I play are demons.

God may judge me becaue I played AD&D I don't know if he will or not. I see may other things in this world today that needs God's work in it that are more important than people playing a game that uses the imagination. I am sure there are some out there that take the game way too far but I have yet to meet any of them nor do I want to meet them.

I am not bashing anything you belive so please do not take this the wrong way. I am just giving my thoughts on your web page.

Did you know that the woman that took prayer out of school years ago is now trying to take church and other programs of such off the television and radio. She is also trying to take Christmas out of schools and television. To me that is something to worry with more. I recieved an e-mail about it and sent a letter to the Federal place to opose what she is trying to do to our nation.

Anyhow, there are my thoughts and veiws about this. If you no long think I am a good person because of this I will pray for you for Judging others.. It says in the Bible do not Judge for surly ye shall be Judged yourself. I have not nor will I judge you in any way. I am sure you are a very nice person and only mean well. Doing God's work is alway good and if he told you to put this web page up I applaude you for doing so.

God Bless,
Take care,

Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000
Subject: Your page

This is about the funniest thing I have seen for a very long time! Extremely good work, my friend. If you decide to do another page about any other subject, make sure it is well publicised! *LOL* Laugh? I nearly pissed myself!

Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000
Subject: (no subject)

you're funny

Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000
Subject: Your hateful website

You know, your website is incredibly hateful and discriminatory. I find it extremly offensive. I belive in god, but I am also an avid gamer. You are as bad, if not worse than you make these people out to be.

Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
Subject: for your description of the rpg...

holy shit , yes im sadic with my girl , yes i love oral sex ,you are so pity , i think that you must try the rpg before judge and the cause of my sin come before rpg you cannot be so critical , and i can easily destroy this fucking website

you are prevented

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000
Subject: Re: D&D is Satanism

Could you please explain to me -intelligently- just how a game leads to Satanic behavior? You do understand that such games are simply avant guarde acting with dice added in so that actions partaken by players are not set in stone?

I was introduced to roleplaying by a Baptist pastor. I myself am a Christian (please copy/paste this spelling, as you have the word Christian spelled wrong all over your page). I find it extremely insulting that you would brand me a "satanist" for playing a game. Just mud-slinging by people like you, who do not bother to even research the topic you are "discussing" is what makes intelligent Christians such as myself look bad.

DO the research. Actually read the games. All of them. Sit in on a session. Be intelligent. Just throwing around insults and slander online simply makes you look like a raving lunatic. Roleplaying games in no way promote or lead to Satanism. Do Satanist people play these games? Probably. They probably play Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit also. That doesn't make those games Satanic.

And kids don't stab each other for Pokemon cards because the cards are Satanic. They do such terrible things because they are valuable items. It's no different from when people did the same over Cabbage Patch kids. It's sad...but people commit such atrocities because they are greedy, not because they are practicing an anti-religion.

And finally, Japanese people are not pagans. Buddhism, daoism, and such are not paganism. Paganism, daoism, Buddhism are all -different- religions. You really need to read up on such things before you go posting stuff on the web.

The fact that you are promoting Christianity on the web is a good thing...however...please do so intelligently.

Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2000
Subject: love your work

i couldn't resist letting you know how much your anti d&d page entertained me. although i must admit as i was first reading it i was under the impression that it was a serious page. you see, i am currently working on a research paper involving role playing games and a large section of my paper focuses on the unfounded rantings of religious fanatics. if you are still perplexed as to why so many people take your page at face value you should try reading a few of the books i have. surprisingly enough, there are many legitimate publications that slam rpg's as violently and outrageously as your website. i grow more and more amazed every day at the ignorance bred from organized religion and the fear of something different. it is refreshing to see that other people can have fun with this stuff as much as i can. if you are interested in a good laugh, try reading DARK SECRETS OF THE NEW AGE, DARK MAJESTY, or RAVAGED BY THE NEW AGE by texe marrs. i'd also try THE DARKNESS AMONG US by william viser. thanks for the laughs.

Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000
Subject: Web Site

Man, your crazy!!!! Nuts. Absolutly bonkers. About twelve cans short of a six pack.

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000

Keep up the good work. (Thats if this page IS sending up those hate mongering cristians)

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000
Subject: Greetings, Fellow Child of God

My friend,

You are so smart. Everything you say on your webpage is entirely true. I once was a role-player. But now that I have read your page, I have seen the light of the mighty Lord Jesus! AMEN brother! I believe that Roleplaying games are Satan's tools to dominate the souls of the world! We must put this satanic ritual to an end my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
Subject: wow

Just wanted to say that you're awesome. That wacko Christian page really had me going for a minute (until I saw the rainbow yin-yang thing). I wondered if you get responses from Christians agreeing with what you say on your page. That would truly make me laugh, almost as much as I laughed when I realized that your Satan-D&D page was a joke! It's nice to know that people like you exist and that my friends and I are not the only misunderstood role-players in the world. Yes, the universe is definitely a joke.

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
Subject: "The Game of Love Page"

You are unbelievable!

I've never seen such a load of crap in my life as your holier than thou christian webpage.......ooohhhh Dungeons and Dragons is evil. Your a moron. Dungeons and Dragons is not are.

Dude you have to grow up and understand that which you persecute, not condemn it in fear. I feel deeply sorry for you if you actually believe all the garbage that you have on your website. It amazing what a pathetic little existance you must have.

There is nothing evil or un-Christian about Dungeons and Dragons.....and its not the source of society's problems. Those are caused by bigoted neo-nazi's like YOU! You a hateful intolerant disgrace to all that you claim to stand for.

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000

I read an article where child pornography is basically for satan worshipers. What do you call priest who molest little boys. If I'm not mistaken, they're suppose to be preaching the word God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a satan worshiper, but I believe you need to get you facts striaght before you start judging.

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
Subject: nec

"Let them curse it that curse the day, who are skilful to rouse Leviathan." - JOB 3:8 . . . and the twisting, sacred Spiral formed by the Serpent of the Caduceus, and by the spinning of the galaxies, is also the same Leviathan as the Spiral of the biologists' Code of Life : DNA
PAZUZU rise!
ABSU come to us!


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000
Subject: Are you crazy?

Dungeons and Dragons are not devil worship! My god, you must be completely insane! You saw God? You saw Jesus? You wish! In D+D you could fight on the side of good or evil, but no matter what, its not devil worship! Star wars devil worship, pokemon devil worship, what is the matter with you? If anything, you worship the devil! Putting up the phrase "Hitler was a good Christian" on your webpage? What is the matter with you?

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000
Subject: (no subject)

your the one who is the pagan,and you are the worst christian and you need hooked on fonics

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000
Subject: (no subject)

get laid by a horneychu

Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000
Subject: Evil Role playing games

I read everything on your page and it sounds to me like you have major issues. I play roleplaying games on a regular basis, am a christian, and I see it as nothing more then common escapism just as movie and books. I find that your idea of hate is some kind of bastardization of the acual word that you only use from something other then what YOU know and love. Sounds to me like you're the one with hate here. So here is some acual hate, just so you can tell the differance: I hope you die so we the sane people of this world can live peaceful happy lives with you telling us what is good and bad. Also, I hope you have no children to keep your hatred going.

Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000
Subject: *snort* how dumb are you?

You sir, are what people with a single ounce of gray matter, term a fool.

Do you believe that crap you spout on your webpage, or do you just blindly spew it in our faces, because Pat Robertson said so? Cough, well, I can tell you a few things about him to so listen up:

"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?' the media challenged me. `You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.'"
-from Pat Robertson's "The New World Order," page 218.

*I'll bet you didn't know that some estimates put Pat Robertson at a net worth of 140 million dollars. He's got a private mansion, an airstrip, some diamond mines, the Ice Capades, a Hotel, and the Internatial Family Entertainment channel. So that's where your money is going, eh?

*Oh and what about the diamond mine scam, eh? Just couldn't forget that could we? Take one aging, extremely wealthy tyrant, with a horde of diamond mines (Mobuto Sese Seko), add one part scam tv evangelist (Pat Robertson), a touch of cruelty towards a starving African population (the people of Zaire) and you get one very anxious dictator eager to leave. Now take the scam artist/tv evangelist add the diamond mines, and the power to push people in the American bureaucratic system and you get one easy bake scam! Lemme explain it in terms you're gullible mind can understand: Mobuto Sese Seko is dicator of a starving African country. He doesn't want to live ina starving African country. He wants to live here in America. Our immigration department is smart enough to deny him visa because he;d rather rot in a personal sauna than listen to the welfare of his own people. Enter our friend Pat Robertson, who see's the diamond mines, and he says hmm, 'I know people in that big building over there, I think they call it the Pentagon, who might be willing to help this guy out. I wonder what he would give me for that?' and wa la we have diamond mine scam, brought to us by your friend Pat Robertson. And oh looky this? He used your money, the money you sent to the 700 Club for it's great works, to pave the way for that great African dictator to come to this country. Aren't you just so proud of ole Pat? I know we all love a Charlatan.

*And just what else have I got in the ole grab bag here for ya? Lemme see, quotes straight from, guess who? Pat Robertson!

-"The mission of the Christian Coalition is simple," says Pat Robertson. It is "to mobilize Christians -- one precinct at a time, one community at a time -- until once again we are the head and not the tail, and at the top rather than the bottom of our political system." Robertson predicts that "the Christian Coalition will be the most powerful political force im America by the end of this decade." And, "We have enough votes to run this country...and when the people say, 'We've had enough,' we're going to take over!"--Pat Robertson
-"The Constitution of the United States, for instance, is a marvelous document for self-government by the Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian people and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society. And that's what's been happening." -- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club, Dec. 30, 1981

So that's the spew your listening to bud. Star Trek is of the devil, eh? I'm Wiccan, and I can guarantee you that there isn't any evidence of Wicca in Star trek. There isn't any evidence of Satanism in it either. Find me the Star Trek episode where Spock curses Jean Luc Picard for drinking sacrifacial blood without him and Lt. Worf and I might believe you.

Lastly, doesn't Christianity call for love, and tolerance? Last time I checked that wasn't optional, and it wasn't something that you could warp, modify or change to your own wishes. Get with the program pal, I wouldn't call you Christian, even if I was Christian.

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000
Subject: MoRe HAtE mAiL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe, awesome webpage. I've been playing AD&D for almost 6 years now and I have yet to find a better hobby. We gamers need more comic relief such as what you have provided. Thanks for taking the time to put such a site up.

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000
Subject: you, are...

a retard. you should have your head examined. actually, no. you should have your head replaced with a new one that isn't damaged.

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000

I pity you.

P.S. Get a good spell checker, it might make your message more understandable.

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000
Subject: about your web page


I was pointed to your page from another page on the religious tolerance web site. Specifically the page dealing with D&D. This page gives an unbiased view of roleplaying and it pointed your site out as one that doesn't. Having a quick look at your page I would have to aggree. For all that you seem to be a devout christian, you don't seem to be very tolerant of people who do things that you disagree with, be they "wrong" or not. I thought that all modern christians were supposed to be tolerant and forgiving towards others, regardless. After all, it is for God to judge people, not you.

Your image of role playing seems to be highly suspect and one has to wonder where you got your information, if any, on the subject of role playing games and the like.

I would liketo point out that just because somebody does something that does not fit in with your beliefs, and morals, its doesn't make them sinners or bad nasty people. It just means that they like different things, and think differently. Being and thinking different is not a crime nor should it be.

And by the way, even though english isn't likely to be your first language, given that you are Finnish, there are a lot of spelling misatakes on your site. You have even mispelled christian a number of times. Good spelling always goes a long way towards looking more professional, and appeals more to people. Perhaps you could try a spell checker, just a suggestion.

If you have any response to this then, please feel free to write to me. I live in Australia, am nearly 21, and like to think that I have an open mind if nothing else, but I have to say that I disagree stringly with a lot of what you have said on your page.

Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000

That has to be the biggest facist anti-rational page I've ever seen. Intolerance, finger-pointing, and irrational methodology are the bane of the world and it looks like your working to become there master. Do you really believe this stuff or are you just truying to control the world like other fanatics?

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000
Subject: Role Playing is Satanic!

I just wanted to say that I read your page and I now believe that you are mighty retarded for claiming that all those things are evil. I am a Role Player and I am a devout Lutheran. You are just a scum sucking muck raker. ICE HOCKEY is evil! Where the hell do you live? Finland has a great team. Oh I could go on for hours about your ideas of evil but I would die of old age beforehand. Have fun in the afterlife.

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000
Subject: Your site

Is this site a joke?

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000
Subject: God damn!

I am not fooled often, but you Threw me for a LOOP with this page. I must congratulate you on this site, it is VERY funny. The only reason why I was taken by it was the fact that there ARE people liek that out there! Not as bad as this, but CLOSE, and I wanted someone to hate anyway. I guess I'll just have to move back to scientology.

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000
Subject: role playing

Your page was one of the most ammusing things I've ever read. I hope you really we're just joking, otherwise I'd fear for your soul. Your have the same ravings as crystal heads that I see on the streets at night.

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000
Subject: i bow to the greatest page ever made by mankind, and that is no lie!!!

THIS IS THE FUNNIEST PAGE EVER MADE!!!! It still gets me how many people don't get the joke,obviously they were too outraged by your comments to get it. I am still laughing like mad writing this!

Well i may be young(16) but got the joke, thank god i got it or i might have been one of the poor saps who typed up those hilarious hate mails against you! Man doesn't it hurt to read some of that stuff, I know that I could never take all that hatred for very long without breaking down bad

On a personal note, to this webpage i may be the antichrist, in the rpg department ive been playing GURPS for 8 years and recently started playing AD&D.I play muds and drink !!!!DIET PEPSI!!!! i am surely going to hell!!!!!

Interestingly your site made me, a baptized christian, seriously consider atheism!

Well in closing Mr.Paasivirta i would just like to congratulate you on this brillant site, its great to know that satire, especially stuff this good is still around. Well goodnight fellow gamer, may this site stay up for eternity+

Note: If i ever get around to making my rpg website i will put a link of this site there because it would sadden me to see the rest of the world not get a chance to read this page! "sides they could make more hate mail that all of us informed can have a good laugh at"

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000

Dear bible freak:

This is all the internet needs is another bible thumping wacko who doesn't have the brains to think for him self. WAKE UP!!!! If you christians are right, and there realy is a devil, then he is probably thanking you for distracting the world from the real evils that are going on. In a time of global warming, and a world population of six billion, i think that there are more constructive ways to spend your energys than bashing role playing games and startrek. You have proven to me that you cannot think for your self when you used the word censorship. You hide behind god, and then piss on one of the Constitution of the United States that gives you the right to worship the religion that you choose. Its time for you to pull your head out of your preacher ass and see the world around you. If just for once society would take responsibility for their own actions instead of coping out to a weak-ass the devil made me do it excuse maby the world would improve. As long as Jerry Fallwell is bullshiting you freaks into beleiving that its not you fault, that the devil is behind the evils of men, and not man himself the world is going to continue to be a shit hole, and you are going to continue to look for witches to burn.

Fuck you now, and in the here after.
Lord Blackdragon

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000

Lord Blackdragon

Date: 20 Apr 2000
Subject: hello my friend

We at ksshq feel that this is a free country and are wondering what your problem with all the "satinism" web sites.You are provided a chose on wether or not to enter them.

We would like you to make the following disagreements with your web site:1)D&D is not a cult it is a game that helps children increase there power of imagenation.2)if you are using hitler as a godchild then you are saying you agree with the death of so many for such a pointless cause!3)Our Japanese branch does not a prove of the pagan comment in fact the major religion is christian.

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000

excuse me buddy...

please let me just say that you must be on crack. for somebody to be that worried about shit that you're not even into is wrong. if it doesnt concern you, dont fucking worry bout it. CHILL OUT. damn, theres a lot of sick poeple out there that DO misuse and DONT understand D&D, but thats no reason to be panicked about it. YOU ARE ONE SICK MOTHER FUCKER. let the first amendment LIVE ON!!!!!

doesnt matter
(maybe im satan, huh??)

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000
Subject: Comments on

Dear Disturbed Christian,

If there was a hell, I would rather be there.

Generic Atheist

Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000
Subject: I am a follower of God

You can call me .... (.... is an alias I use, it's nothing satanic.) I play Dungeons and Dragons and I think it's great. This is not a hate mail message, so please read it. I'd just like to clear a few things up for you. D&D is not satanic. We do not perform any kind of satanic rituals at our sessions. We get together, have some food, play a game until one of us has to go home and then we pack up and go. I do not worship the Game Master as a God (there's nothing Godlike about him anyway.) The monsters in the game are not demons. Players are discouraged from playing evil characters. Assassins do not learn ritualistic manslaughter. When casting a spell, there is no chanting or satan worship involved, the PC (Player Character) just says "I'm casting a healing spell now." He rolls some dice to see what the effect was. Combat does not involve any kind of swordplay, the PC just says he's swinging his weapon at the enemy monster. And 1 more thing, the book of monsters is the Monstrous Compendium.


Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000
Subject: oops

Sorry, heh heh, I didn't realize the page was a joke. <slaps self on forehead> I didn't mean to proselytize to you about D&D, I just thought it was serious. Oops, I fucked up!

Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000
Subject: kick-ass start page

the assorted sites linked to on your joke-page will keep me entertained for a month. The "essay" about the inquisition and their gay-love gas is magnificient... Where did you find the time to churn out so much crap?


[The Inquisition-report is not written by me, but a person who really believes everything in it. I just translated it into english.]

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000
Subject: Christians and their closed minds!!

How dare you say that these so called "satanic" AD&D pages should be banned from the net, last time I checked we had freedom of speach you moron. As far as I am concerned your page is more evil than any of these other ones , you promote yourself as some all holy , all seeing entity that know what is good for everyone else. Do not dictate what is good for other people as I am sure they can find out for themselves, RELIGION is evil (yes including christianity) as it has started more wars than anything else on the planet. Get off your high horse and take your head out your arse and open you eyes to the real world.

from "me" because i care :)

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000
Subject: I think that your page is a great page!

Mr. Paasivirta,

I agree that Darwin and Einstein, and many other scientists are in a walk with G--. But I also know that the fact of creation is that G-- doesn't care what we think or believe about how he did it,only that we believe on the word of Christ as mediator and soveriegn and way to reach the Father.

The bible is not to be taken as literal in any matters save for the redemption scriptures of the new testament. And even then, we are to interpret as G-- Leads us to for our personal lives.

Now onto the matter of TV shows, D&D and other things that you assert are only made by satan worshippers and Pagans---YOU, NOR ANY MAN ARE TO JUDGE WHATS IN A MAN'S HEART!!!! only GOD AND Pat Robertson of the 700 club.

How dare you as a mere human being limit G--.Do you actually believe that when Christ returns , he will appear wearing a long white robe and sandals? --NO , rather He willappear in a visage which will appeal to the entire world. G-- will use His infinite wisdom and most likeley have it televised so as to reach the greatest percentage of the world population. Furthermore it appears that you need to read Matthew 5 or thereabouts. That would be the beatitudes. You should read them with much prayer and fasting.

Your Page may improve when YOU do. Also, In the net you will find that there are many solid rufutations of everything on this page. Do not be discouraged, But pray that the truth may be shown to you about which pages are truly of truth of G--ly people.

I think you are a faith blessed MAN, but that does not give any of us a right to defy God and stand in judgement on each other.

Go in Peace,
Rev. xxxxx

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000
Subject: Another RPG to persecute

Enter the world....

And hey, this one is owned, runned, and played by all teenagers who have straight A's, maintain great academic standings, and not to mention... GO TO CHURCH!

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000
Subject: RPG web site

I understand that you wrote the site as a joke, but it looks to me like it is quite possibly serious, and just written by a misguided christian, who doesn't bother to check out any facts.

Being a christian who enjoys rolelaying, I found the site disturbing. I realize that it was written as a joke, but finding nothing amusing about it, I'm not sure that a solid point was made.

I'm sorry that you find all of us "Religious Right" "Fundamentalist" "Born Again" Christians so obnoxious. Really, all we want is for as many people to come to God as possible. Some of us do lose sight of that, but truly that is what is important.

May you find the peace of God through Jesus.
My prayers go up for you,

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000
Subject: Are you nuts?

I filtered through your site and realized the poor English was because you are from another country. I am a god fearing Catholic. I love evryone and I treat them with understanding. Didn't Jesus say that he who is without sin cast the first stone? I suggest you actually study what you preach against. Roleplaying is no more evil than Monopoly. It is your preaching of hate and non-understanding which gives the Good Lord a bad name! God is a tolerant man who LOVED everyone. He didn't go around nit piking at other people's hobbies. Shame on you for having a website filled with hate. Good luck getting to heaven.

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000
Subject: hello

est falist el pase daporea

have a nice day

[Hethethethethethethet, Chris Waddle. Butros-butros ghali.]

Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000
Subject: Game of Satan page

I ran across this page a few years ago and thought it very amusing. In all the BS I've run across regarding D&D, only here have I found that it supposedly encouraged bestiality and cannibalism. Actually, in one game, a character of mine was turned into a wolf and was tempted by a bitch in heat (he heroically controlled himself), and in another, another character of mine was an escaped halfbreed drow slave who survived for awhile by eating anything he could find,steal or kill, including the occasionally unlucky straggler in the night streets. Gee, maybe there is something to it--PCs do strange and terrifying things, not players. Nope, I have never played an evil character, though some weren't very nice...

Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000
Subject: Twisted? Maybe.

Yes, I read your "answers" page, but I still must say that you site is really...weird. I hope you were trying to make me nauseous, because you suceeded. It was still good for a laugh with my brother, though. By the way, do you know the adresses of any anti-AD&D sites with any information other than "It's really really evil", or "It's silly and childish?" I'd really like to know what these people have against AD&D...

p.s. I don't think your "this is <blink>not<blink/> a joke" thing is working...

[Try with Netscape?]

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000
Subject: Brilliant page

Regarding your Game of Satan page. It actually took me a few minutes of inspecting it to realize that it was a joke rather than the real thing...

Excellent page.

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000

I appoligise if this is the server for that "two handed sword" sight, but i just feel that i have to state some very basic facts, so if this is just a webmaster, and not the individual who fixated on roleplaying as a "tool of satan" please forward this to said individual.

To the individual who wrote the site, "two handed sword"

I am a avowed roleplayer, and i am writing to comment that your lack of tolerance for the beliefs of others is somewhat disturbing. I have quite alot of patience for others and their beliefs so i will not state any less than polite comments, however if i could bring some points to your attention that would increase your credibility I would appreciate you making the alterations.

The game by whitewolf is Vampire: the masquerade, not vampire the massacre. The cardgame by wizards of the coast is magic, not magick. Magick is the term used by the wiccan religion to distinguish between stage illusion and sleight of hand, and true supernatural power.

Just my 2 cents, i hope it is of some use to you please do not respond to this email. i aided you for your betterment, and hopefully to bring you some joy, not to hear from you again.

Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000
Subject: evil game(lmfao, your too good)

that is too fucking funny. I almost shit my pants when i came across this page. I owe you a big thumbs up. I found a site one time that was anti-masturbation, except they insist they are real, I find it hard to believe, but ya know.

P.S. Keep up the good work!

Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000
Subject: Your site,please read

Hey!I just realized that your site was a joke,i only read a few words at first then i came to realize with all the funny little things like ice hockey a game of satan.hahaha,and things like demonworshippers make your links not work,thats funny,anyway are you a roleplayer seriously? i am i think they are creative and fun,andyway i was sending you a awful horrible message until i realized something wasent right it couldent be true.and it wasent,good luck thinking of silly things,please reply

Date: Wed, 3 May 2000
Subject: Let us find the sinner

Can I ask you one question? How can you have the gall? When you find yourself confronted on judgement day will yoube blameless? Will you see God in all his glory and honestly think that all your bitching and complaining is what he wanted you to really do? Maybe your to obsessed with Sin. How much do you think about it and concern yourself with it? Have you ever heard of the phase "IN THE WORLD not OF IT"? I think you are to "IN" the world. Why am I taking the time to write you this? That is a good question, I do try to help people who are too passionate about something. There are very few who are actually doing a good thing. Why? Because they instill anger in the masses. Anger in a human sense is a Sin. So your striving to eliminate Sin is actually creating Sin. Have you confronted yourself also? You sound bound and determined to go surf these Sinful sites yourself. Why is it your duty? How can you stand to see these sites and not a well minded person? Do you not trust in the Hearts and Heads of your followers? Remember that attacking something means that you are under attack. Well Goodbye.

Oh and you mispelled a lot on your Site making your credibility drop even further. Hitler was a "CHRISTIAN" not a "CHURISTIAN" Its Realizing not Realizeng difficult not diflcult page not paoge Oh and its not good to say your a diviner when your preaching against D&D.

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000
Subject: Did you know of the Christian Roleplaying game?

Did you know the CAPS on your page really turned me off to it? It looks very silly and poorly writen. You should like another hot winded Christain whos mind is nailed closed.

"Why can't the government censore these SINNER pages from OUR INTERNET!!?!???!?!??!!!!!!!!! " Umm because its just that OUR internet! Dont go yelling at us! We havent done anything to you! In the end i think God will not agree with you attacking us! I too am a Christain and play RPGs including a Christain RPG that is sold in Jerry Falwels book store! So if All RPGs are bad... then this one must be too huh?

You are a stupid bigot, and your site is nothing but hog wash. You are the type of person that is destroying our country with your narrow minded ideas and ways.

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000
Subject: you are one sick person

I hope your site is a real joke because you are SICK! I don't are if you ignore hate mial because you must get alot of it. People like you are the reason so many young people leave the church, I'm just glad my church doesn't preach such intolerance. Christianity is about loving people and accepting them for who they are, not condeming them for their differences. For your comment about Hitler I hope you shall stand judged at the gates of heaven because St.Peter isn't going to be letting you in any time soon.

Jesus didn't like the things that people like you did, you are the people he tried to save not the people you are preaching against. Once again I hope you find the light within yourself or you shall surely be damned. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000
Subject: damn sorry

sorry man, I didn't even find the this is a joke link until later on as I kept reading the page....sorry bout that. I've just seen so many people that actually do preach that stuff u sorry again.

Date: 7 May 2000
Subject: hello friend

DieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDie DieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDie DieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDie DieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDie DieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDieDie DieDieDieDieDieDieDie

Date: Mon, 8 May 2000
Subject: I like the D&D stuff

Dear Mr. Niilo Paasivirta,

I recently visited your "Love" page and visited the Satan Page. Very interesting how D&D is commonly associated with the devil. In fact, I am doing a speech on the subject in my English class. Since I Role-Play sometimes with my friends, (I'm usually the parties spellcaster. (Trust me, I can't cast spells in the real world and what idiot would really think that in the first place? That I believe in God and espically NOT in the devil.) I thought I would look for the history of D&D and look at some of the Anti D&D sites. Yours was pretty powerful, I must admit. Well, the whole point of this E-Mail was for me to ask you sir if you could tell me anything about some of the deaths that supposedly occured from playing this game. I would be very thankful for the information.

P.S.- I really liked the "How to Tell If Your Child Role-Plays List" I got a good laugh out of it.

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000
Subject: AD&Ds

Pardon me if I am wrong...

If you are the person(s) who are so holyer then God about Sin then I suggest you reframe from trying to place judgement on us who enjoy a RPG now and then.

I am as close to God and the Lord as I can get without death too complete the task, and defended the AD&D Game from fools like yourself who I am proud to say are nolonger around to preach their ideas on others.

They found better things to preach about like Drugs that kill more people then any game.

Your ideas of banning such games will inspire my agressive move to again challage those who call themselves holyer then God and squish them out of the way again.

Therefore I strongly suggest you take the way of the Doodoo and follw a new quest to stop something else this fight you CANNOT WIN!

Also to those who bow to Satan I have this to say to you... GET A LIFE!!! AND START NOW!!! you are fueling this persons fire with your own stupity.


That is my Personal E-mail Address incase you have anything to say or I may have offended the wrong party(ies) in my posting.

Thank you for you time....

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000
Subject: Oh boy...

Dear Sir,

Once again I have read your page. This time with much seriousness. All I really have to say now is oh boy... he's gone off his rocker. Role-players don't do any of what you say we do. Yes, I do Role-Play sometimes but never, NEVER would I even think of doing some of the stuff you say they / we do. I do not call demons or pray to a non-existant god. Nor would I cast made up spells in the real world. It is impossible to become a god, everyone knows that, and D&D does not even mention heaven or hell in the world of PlaneScape. (I own the boxed set. When you said it showed a path to heaven and hell I got out my map of the D&D Multiverse and looked it over. All I saw was the astral and etheral planes with their separate worlds.) I think you have gotten some of the things in these books mixed up. Let me pause to explain...

So in conclusion D&D cannot affect the real world that we live in. None of it is really real, and none of those spells really work because they are made just for the game and nothing else. I see no reason for anyone to be afraid of this harmless game. Just so as it does not get into the wrong hands though. Those people with loose grips on reality can really believe this stuff for some reason. But the rest of role-players have a handle on what is real and what is not. But maybe God does not exist..... just kidding!!! ;-) I go to church every week and serve as a altar boy. God does exist, and I know he is wating for me when my life ends. Which won't be for a long time...

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000
Subject: what The Hell?

I am writing an essay on the devil, and his historical basis. NA dI find your page, what are you some looney?
D&D is just a game!
Lighten up, I'm pretty sure God doesn't care if a person pretend to be an elf, or wizard, or whatever.

And keep smiling

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000
Subject: Sorry

I didn't realize this was a joke, sorry, I'm an idiot, I love your page.

Date: Wed, 10 May 2000
Subject: Stupid Joke

At first I thought my message had finally gotten out, but then I read the fine print. Damn I was pissed.

You see, being a Black Jewish Vampire High Priest of the Cult of Satan is not an easy job. Getting new recruits is difficult, and to tell you honestly, I was glad when my dear friends at TSR made their pact with Satan. FINALLY, I wouldn't have to do all that foot work to get sumptuous virgins to come to my ceremonies. Not to mention all the negative campaigning by Christians against my kind and role-players, spreading hate and intolerance.

But the people just didn't seem to get the point of D&D. Sure, some people freaked, but not as many as Satan promised.

Damn, I'm pissed at him.

And these damned Liberal, Minority Loving crapheads like you and your organization that preach tolerance and acceptance don't help too much either. You think you could release the webpage with it's real hateful message and leave out the "fine print"? There could be a small island filled with topless women in it for you . . . And if you don't, well, let's just say the Player's Handbook is going to come in REAL handy.

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000
Subject: LoveGame.html

I was looking up Bat Mud to see if it still exists, and came across a demented page by some psychotic. But before too long it became apparent it couldn't be serious; although I have known Christians who were perhaps not much less paranoid than your page!

Just one Curiosity...
Whhy zhe 153 misspeelled werds?


That is one funny site, but you obviously need to take your medication more often! :-)

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000
Subject: weird

your a whacko. i'm a good christian, but i'm not ignorant enough to think the tool of satan himself, hitler, was christian. you will burn in the eternal lake of flames for spreading your lies. faith, not lies

Date: Sat, 13 May 2000
Subject: Save me!

I play Dungeons & Dragons! I play MUDs! I like hockey! I do not go to church! I'm not Christian! I must be Satan himself! HELP ME!!!!!

Date: Sat, 13 May 2000
Subject: The SINS of the internet!

What a lovely collection of links you have...What is this? The Care Bears are sinful!!?! I remember now: Happy Bear, Share bear, and SATAN BEAR!!! And dinosaurs...obviously God just put these skeletons on Earth to fool SATAN!!! And lets not forget TENNIS, the very tool of SATAN himself!!! Let God strike down those that have even SEEN a tennis ball! But the homosexual Teletubbies are perfectly okay, even though thay are obviously a tool of SATAN!! You seem to have forgotten several things, which I have included for your convenience:

Dust Devils (SATAN's helpers infiltrating our homes)
Science (The ability for us to learn the truth)
Music (Sinful pleasures )
Sesame Street (I'm sure you can find something wrong with it)

Date: Sun, 14 May 2000
Subject: The Two Handed Sword Of Vengeance

Personally, I have not actually encountered any RPG hatemongering on the scale of your page. But that's because I'm British.

Damn funny site.

Date: Mon, 15 May 2000
Subject: your page

Upon looking on your page, it took me about 30 seconds to decide whether or not you were a completely biased pig or a good satirist. After that, I searched your page for about 5 minutes to prove to myself that my theory that you were a good satirist was correct. Based on the reaction you have received, you are a great satirist! As anybody who has a basic understanding of the purpose of satire would realize, you are insulting people who have the views which you pretend to have. All those nimrods who claimed you are an evil racist were basically saying they think you are a cool guy, though they probably don't realize it. I am quite amazed by the number of idiots who don't at least examine your page before they write to you. Obviously, nobody ever reads the comments page before they insult you or they would realize how stupid they look. However, I do think Pokemon is evil (but not for religious reasons, it just pisses me off). Good job!!!

Date: Tue, 16 May 2000
Subject: you gotta be kidding

either you are extremly narrow minded or a great joker.


Date: Wed, 17 May 2000

saw your site... and i thought us role-players were the ones with no grasp on reality Your email address says a lot about you.

Date: Wed, 17 May 2000

i am not sure what to think of your page. how could you say that hitler was a good christian? please explain all of this further if you would.

Date: Fri, 19 May 2000
Subject: Keep up the good work.

Just wanted to drop a line in support of your site, your sense of humor, and your message. I am a student of satire in all its forms, and I can tell you that providing warnings to readers or "setting them up" for your joke will have no effect on the unenlightened, and will only dilute the enjoyment of your humor for the savvy reader. I'd like to recommend a book to you-- The Anatomy of Satire, by Gilbert Highet. It may be out of print, but it's worth looking for.

God has antlers!

Date: Sun, 21 May 2000
Subject: Scared fearful people

I have played role playing games since 1990. I started with Dungeons and Dragons. I follow the ideals of christianity. I have NEVER tried to use spells, or even thought of raising the dead. Such things are impossible, and even if they were possible, it would be wrong to do so. I Believe that violence is wrong. I do not believe that I have "supernatural powers". I CANNOT cast spells. I have never even been in a fight. Not once. I have never taken anyone's life. I could not imagine defiling a virgin. I could never condone blood sacrifice. I do have insomnia, though I have had it all my life. I do not speak in riddles, I had poor grades in school, but only because school was not a challenge. I do not hear voices, I love firearms, but to take the life of another man is horrible. I pray only that I never have to during my term as a military member.

You infer that with an "assasin" character class, a player learns to be a professional ritual murderer. Unfortunately, such is not the case, the procedures for ritualistic defilement of human life are not listed.

Nowhere in the books, for any game, have I seen anything to make me consider the idea that spells actually work. Quite simply, they are all works of fiction, and anyone who accepts them as more than that suffer from a lack of parental attention, or insanity. If you are able to be led by something which is obviously a game, you have no willpower, and are a fool. Also, As a Role-player, I would never associate with you, because I have no desire to surround myself with simple minded idiots.

Through role-playing, I have inspired friends and family to believe in Christ, and I have used Games as a platform for inspiration, showing that, with faith, Good will overcome Evil.

Trust in your children, you have raised them. Let them go, they shall not wander far. Remember, they are your kids, and if you have taught them right from wrong, they know the difference, and you will be proud of them.

Friends and family praise me, for my sense of humor, for my generous and kind personality, and for being someone they can love. I promise, your kids will be no different. Print this, unless you fear that someone may begin to think on their own, and actually have free will.

Date: Mon, 22 May 2000

Mann your page is pretty funny!
Thinking that D&D leads to satan worship?
I know that Pokemon is bad, but star wars and star trek? C'mon get real.

D&D isn't any worse than being in a play or is that satan worshipping too? Just wanted to let you know you are an idiot.

a D&D fan

PS: the internet is the DEVIL!

Date: Tue, 23 May 2000

Holy shit, you're crazy.

Date: Tue, 23 May 2000
Subject: you go a little to far

don't answer this e-mail you have a point there are Christians who claim that almost anything is evil. but you lump in alot of other things which are truly bad and Christ is real. You are going to far. I see your point about people calling RPG's of the Devil. they aren't not to say some people who play them aren't. but anyway.

Please tone it down I love my God and Savior and this really goes WAY to far.


Date: Wed, 24 May 2000
Subject: Great page!

Hey! I saw the page, and was almost crapping myself laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all. I saw the 'This is a joke' at the bottom, and breathed a sigh of relief. I really hope that there aren't any people that stupid out there. If so, "Pray for their Souls!!!!!" ROFLMAO

I love it!

Date: Sat, 27 May 2000

In reference to your "Christian" hate page of RPG's. I understand it is a joke and not serious... but you don't do a very good job of noting that in the page itself. It's hidden, and as you explain on the comments page, hard to see in those graphics.

As a Christian, I personally found the page very offensive. The content makes it appear that we are all fanatical psychos who are out to "love" anyone who isn't purely "Christian" to death. I think I would have accepted it in a much more understanding manner had I known that it wasn't real without having had to look through your site.

I must say that things like this is why us Christians get a bad name. I know that there are alot of Christians who will act like that, but please, don't give us all a bad name because there are a few over zealous people in the world. Please, don't turn people off to a religion because someone decides to say that an activity you enjoy is Satanic.

Date: Sat, 27 May 2000
Subject: hail

Why dont you shut your Rosicrucian mouth for a while.

You hate the truth so much.

Beware soon Yog-Sothoth will open the gate and Shub-Nigurath will come.He will lead a great battle against unrightful ones.Beware your soul will be tapped for eternity and all of the supreme beings will curse you.Because you are a coward and an anemy of knowledge.

May gods have mercy on you.

Date: Sat, 27 May 2000
Subject: the question i whant to know....

i em not a satan worshiper so that you know it

and i know what RPG is
and its none of the things you say
The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is where you go to kill satan like the game diablo(computer game)
and rpg is where you sit down and read from books and creat a role with your thoughts
you dont go around cuting ppl up or anything
if you are so mad at rpg why dident you atack Quake , doom , unreal turnement,ultima online or any game that leads to the rpg geaner
...... i belive when you think about rpg you dont know A thing about it

and with what your site says you dont

and i think its spiritism that should be banned cos there you leat the demon out and lets it do things to you
and if you ask the wrong questions he wil get mad

so i think you have lot to learn of things you say before you say it

and the only satan rpg is made by the satan worshiper and there thay cut ppl up and do stuff........cos i dont think the AD&D would be millionears if thay worshiped saten with thayr books

so i say


Date: Thu, 25 May 2000


Date: Sun, 28 May 2000
Subject: Your Website on The right things Christians should do.

You're Very stupid to think Everything is the Devils work. You obviously have no Humor or no life. AD&D is a Game Stupid. It's not to interfere with your real life..And if you cant handle it and believe AD&D is real, then you Need Mental Help. The "Potions" in the Game Are fake too. Where Will you Find "Elves Blood" or "Werebane Manths" in real life? It's all fake and should have no effect on you yourself. Pokemon is a child's cartoon. Out of hand kids is the parents fault. not Pokemon. they dont catch Demons, they catch Pocket Monsters. Or otherwise known as Pokemon. If People like you continue to Pollute the Internet and the rest of society with this, YOU ALONE Will Cause Anarchy about your Believes. What you are preaching is that Freedom of religion is not right, and that is your opinion. But Keep it to yourself, dont tell everyone how to run their lives.. what if a Buddhist comes to your site or a Hindu? you will severely offend him and he'll sue you you Religious Discrimination. I amd done talking now and i hope you'll consider your list of 379 items that are very popular in the world today that you call "Devils work" and shut up about it.