Comments Collection XXXIX on my AD&D-is-Satanic-stuff

Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000
Subject: RE:candy cane

candy makes u week and fat
swords make u strong and agile
hail to satan christan

Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000
Subject: Nice Page


I love your site


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000


I have to say I am impressed. The only thing more entertaining than the pages themselves were those e-mail comments, are they all FOR REAL??

BTW did you know the Satan itself was a satanist?

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000
Subject: your website

very clever, indeed. it's very subtle, and almost confusing. what gave you the idea to create it? are there actually people who take you seriously, who don't get it? anyway, i just wanted to say bravo, and if you're going to send me a reply trying to convince me that the page is real then don't bother. good luck with future satires.

an admirer of your work

Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000
Subject: The evil Satan

I wis playin ma rpg when haraan mendes fucked me up thi ass

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000
Subject: your roleplaying site type thing.

Very impressive...
about the only thing funnier than the site, is the pages of comments from people who took it seriously.

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000
Subject: Your D&D Site - Game of Satan

Awesome - haven't laughed so much in ages...

Gotta call u names aswell, coz I haven't seen the 3rd Edition rules yet - got about £1000 worth of 2nd edition (from UK) - all useless now, I suppose!!

Anyway, keep up the good work against the 'Evils' of Role Playing :)


Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000
Subject: satan

you are whacked.

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000
Subject: (no subject)


they are mice and they are yellow
most buddism predates the christan religion by about 1000 years you ass


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Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000
Subject: I like hockey. Worse, I like the New Jersey -Devils-...

... oh, and I'm an atheist. And a roleplayer. And a female. My God, how many strikes is that against me? *g*

Impossible to believe that people take this seriously, but I guess that's what happens on the 'net... it has a propensity for good, and for EEEEEEEEVIL, and for blatant idiocity. Does it have a propensity for Neutral Chaotic as well, I wonder? Heh.

Why don't you do a brief write-up on WhiteWolf games (Mage in particular, as that's what I play)? I would -love- to see the fundamentalist take on them... besides the obvious shtick, that is.

The page rocks, Niilo. Put a note in your comments page as to whether you've done the WhiteWolf page, if you like...

An evil demon-worshipping, pagan, pentagram-wearing, Qabalistic, occultist, Judaic-propagandizing Hermetic mage of House Thig. *g*

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000
Subject: Horrible revelation

I just read from the Internet about this godloving and forgiving group
They have foun out that uor new president is a DYKE!
So theese fuck faced motherfuckers...opps i mean GOD LOVING christians will come to finland to protest about it and they are going to even burn "filthy flag of Finland".
You should give some commentary about this.

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000
Subject: Loved your page

God, I hope it was a joke, 'cause it's hilarious, if not - your indeed a twisted person(s). Either way, keep up the good work. It provides for good fun all around.

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000
Subject: suck satan's cock

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000
Subject: The Game of Satan Page

Your 'Game of Satan' page at has to be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Thanks for the good laugh :)

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000
Subject: (no subject)

look in your web site you say that blacks and other races are inferior. you are a racist and waving god's name around. you are a disgrace. first of all the bible says to preach the gosple of jesus christ to all people and nations. and god loves every person. in the bible it says that god is no respecter of persons. he loves all people, even sinners just as much as he loves you. you twist the words of the bible to meet your own needs and you will be punished for that. you stand on your high tower over all the "sinners" . your pride is your downfall. you mean well but god can't use you because of your pride. and the bible also says for god so loved THE WORLD that he give his only son. the whole world. not just where your house stands. and not just where white people live. hitler was not a christian. he burnt the very book you say you stand on. he tried to eradicate god's chosen people, the jews. and do away with religion all together. satan is using you to make god look like a fool and you're doing a good job of it. i could go on forever, but i don't have that kind of time.

Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000
Subject: How about a link to "Dark Dungeons" on your site?

I'm sure I've seen your page at a different URL in a different style. I thought you had a link to the bible-tract, but I couldn't find it.


BTW - Sarcasm and cynicism are fairly cultural humour types. You tend to find them in people other than Americans. Down here in Oz, it's a National Treasure..

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000
Subject: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah







GREAT PHOTO, but do you know what narcisim is.

Hitler a good Christian? What about thou shalt not kill. Is the Holocaust just propaganda. What drugs are you taking

Get psychiatric help

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000
Subject: dumbass

You are a dumbass i am not a satanist i play d&d your idiotic commentaries on star wars ,pokemon and D&D are a joke. You say that a child stabbed another child for a pokemon card but i seem to remember the middle ages when thousands of christians went to the middle east and killed thousands and thousands of innocent people in the name of god. Before you continue to call things satanist look for satans hateinside yourself.

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000
Subject: sorry

sent you an email before thinking this was real sorry about that

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000
Subject: Great Page!


Nice one! I like it... Even though I find the Landoverbaptist approach a little more subtle! (Have you looked at their staff photos?)

Keep it up... (Man, I can't believe so many people got angry over this! Are frontal lobotomies distributed free of charge in America nowadays???)

Regards from a fellow role-player!

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000
Subject: umm

please tell me you are joking.


Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000
Subject: JUST asKING

Look man I live in Lebanon all my frineds and stuff including ME want's to turn theire religion to satanism because my fuck'n Christian religion suck. but here in Lebanon SATANISM religion is strictly INTERDIT even that the one who is SATANISM will get a death penalty or eternal prison .So my country fuck's . My friends and I looking for a BLACK BIBLE wich can not be found here So can you send me some info about SATANISM so I can be convinced a little/.
THANX ...........
Send me if you can some demons and SATANISM stuff

Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000

You're sick...The evil isn't in things but in YOUR mind....

Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000
Subject: there is no god

fuck you asshole,
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000
Subject: WOW

I've read your site and from what I can tell you make the amish look like avid sinners. For I have seen some enjoy fast food.Every thing is a sin to you. You talk about violence. In the bible there is untold violence. I have read the good book of god many times. How did David beat Goliath? It wasn't with nice words and a pastry. He used a sling and killed Goliath. There is a lot of violence in the bible if you would like I can send you many verses from the good book depicting such. All the things you have put down on your site as sins there would be almost noone in heavan. Hell would be chalk full. For when I go to confession I don't forgive me father for I have eaten fast food. I have never seen thou shall not watch Sci-fi in the bible. I have seen the bones of Dinosaurs in museums haven't you. How can you say they don't exist do you just throw out everything modern science has proven time and time again. If so why are you using the internet. Isn't somewhere in your mind using this easy measure to spread your words a sin? I am Chrisian and I do believe in God. I Love Jesus but I think you are going a little too far. If you would like to write back please do.

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000
Subject: sorry man

Hey I got sent you link and didn't see the this is a joke page. You did a great job because it pushed every one of my buttons I hope you didn't mind the email. Feel free to respond.

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000
Subject: Regarding your Web Page

Dear person,
I am not one to usually take offence to the ramblings of madmen, but in your case I have made an exception.
I am a born again christian. I believe without a shadow of a doubt. I play DnD, I enjoy it, and I find nothing about it to be evil!
I would urge you to look into the "GAME", before you make assumptions about it.
thank you,

Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999

I have read your page and I must tell you I am not a Devil worshiper. However you are one screwed up little fucker. Eat shit and get a life. Fuck with me and ill kill you.

Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000
Subject: 3

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000
Subject: Your Page

Hello I am from Australia and I have just read a large proportion of your page. I am interested in discussing some of your ideas with you, about God, Religion, Star Wars and other topics you cover in your pages.

Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000
Subject: good page

This is the best page I have ever seen. (I was looking for a serious site to laugh at, but this is better) Mind if I link to it on my site?

[The whole idea of this World Wide Web is to link to other pages. So there is no need to even ask that (again)!]

Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000

I laughed myself right off my chair while reading your pages. It's good to see that satire is alive and well. However, judging by the comments page, it is still undetectable by the majority of the human race.

Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000
Subject: Dumb shit!

You are such a dumb shit. A complet fucking Idiot. You woulden't know shit if it hit you in the face! Ninja Kitty will haunt you in your dreams. GO GET LAID!!! Maybe then you'll figure whats goin on you asshole.

Date: 1 Mar 2000
Subject: Love thy neighbor, or some such crap

Congradulations!!! On behalf of myself and several other normal humans, you have been unanimously voted to be "Too Stupid to Live"!

Yes, friend, upon careful review of your webpage,

and after tedious consideration of all the assorted filth and ignorance web-wide, you, yes, YOU, have been deemed just too damn dumb to be allowed to live. Now, I know you're asking "What does this all mean?" Well, let me tell you--among the fecal-eating pornography, the "I hate ____ (fill in the blank; for example: niggers, faggots, kikes, etc) pages, the pedophilia sites across the globe, YOUR WEBSITE BEAT THEM ALL!!!!

Now you're probably asking "Okay, what do I win?!?" Well, my lucky friend, you are entitled to be....(drumroll)....
BEATEN LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!! Yes, so whenever you are in the Worcester, Massachusetts (United States) area, please feel free to drop by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) campus, and contact me, XXXXXX, our professional Beating Administrator, to pick up your absolutely free BEATDOWN!!!

Thank you, and have a nice day!

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000
Subject: RE: your christian page

I would like you to know that I stumbled upon your Christian page, which takes a decent religion and puts it in the hands of complete self absorbed, zealot, imbeciles like you and ruins all its *original* messages and intentions. I was so shocked and so disgusted by your page that I have spent the past few hours leaving a message copied from your page reading:

<<"You are about to enter an EXTREMELY BAD, EVIL, HATEFUL page, written by some HORRIBLE person who preaches only HATE!!!
You should not continue unless you are a STRONG person and can read the AWFUL preaching and LIES that person is telling!
So, are you absolutely certain you want to read such a BAD page, when there are better, Christian pages to read?
If you indeed want to read that BLASPHEMOUS page, you can select this link. But I STRONGLY suggest against it!!!">>

on various message boards and email accounts warning against your page and any of it's associated pages. Your own pages discription MORE than fits your warning message of other pages. I'm sure the Lord doesn't like pretentious MORONS like you spreading (your version) of his word!

It's people like you who make this life a miserable purgatory til the next.

Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000
Subject: lovely links page!

satangame.html could be so dazzlingly diverse a links page, if only you'd substitute some of the yahoo society and culture thingies for more substantial pages! i'm amazed at the amount of topics you cover - mandrake, vegetarianism, transvestitism, my little pony, ursula k le guin, feminism! it's all there! gosh...

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000
Subject: Maestro, I say right on!


I'm sure you get plenty of positive mail also, but I just had to add some seeing that the whole thing is so hysterical! I'd have to say the Jar Jar binks bit was the epitome... of course all the spelling mistakes are incredibly also.

One suggestion:
Change "if your not with as, you're against us", to "if your not will ass, you're against us"... or maybe that would be pushing it to far, your the expert.

A man who cannot enjoy good satire, cannot enjoy life.

Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000
Subject: Great Joke. Seriously.

Absolutely hilarious! Just goes to show you that "true christians" can sometimes be blinded by "the messages of the devil", which could include everything from your page to the words spelt out in alpha-bits. I found your site by searching for character creation sheets. How that got in there, I don't know, but it was worth it! I havn't had such a good laugh since grade school, when I used to laugh during sex ed class at the old man standing up front stuttering over the names of various parts of the human anatomy!

But I digress. Perhaps you could make a site spouting off BS left and right about... I dunno... Barney being a messenger of satan? The teletubbies encouraging drugs, due to their constant "hell-ooo" state? Or hey - get this - ciggarettes incouraging both sexes to give oral sex, due to the phallic tube shape? I trust you, man... It'll be a riot!

Keep up the good work!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000

How can you lay claim to being Christian and yet Say Hitler of all people was a good christian? that is the most corrupt thing on your page, its fanatics like you that give us real CHRISTIANS a bad name!


Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000
Subject: think this over

hello, i am not a role player, i am not a devil worsiper, i am a human like you and i think it is sad that you judge people on thier relion, i am of no real religon i picked appart the peaces of the good ones and made my own. i think you dont really know what you are talking about! i know i do because i have been babtized, confirmed and i wnt to christian schools for 3 years. i think you have never really sat down and talked to a satanist, most of them are nice people they just dont take crap from others. they dont want your love or prayers they just want to be treated like poeple! dont deny yourself anything that you want because you are ONLY HUMAN!!!

Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000

Dear Christian Phycho,

What the hell is wrong with you? I was looking up role-playing games on yahoo when I found your site. Do you actually belive that Role-Playing games like AD&D are satanic? I play Dungens and Dragons and I don't worship satan! Dungeons and Dragons is only a game were people create characters to play with. It's fun and it's harmless. Yes, there is a little amount of violence, but it's not explicit. I do understand why some parents would not want there kids playing AD&D but only because the children might be too young , not because it's satanic. And how can you say Pokemon is satanic!? It's a game and TV show were cute animals knock each other out. There is absolutly no death, no sex, no swearing, and only a little violence! You even went as far as to say that hockey was evil!!!!! If you want find something evil then look up another game I play. It's called Vampire: The Masquerade by White Wolf. It's a game were you assume the role of a vampire and play in character. You don't play at a table though. You play outside, in town, or in the city, around real people. You have probably seen a group of teenages playing and you don't even know it. Have you ever been on the street or in a store or even in your church and seen some teenagers come in and act strange? I know they play in churches because I did. Why don't you e-mail me back so we can talk about this some more, unless your afraid to talk to a "satan worshiper" as you put it.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000
Subject: Ah Niilo! Re: Game of Satan

Hey man,

Haven't been to your site in at least a year, but I am STILL laughing my arse off even after all these months! You know, when I very first found this page (quite by accident) I thought that you were absolutely serious and probably spent at least part of your time rocking back and forth in a dark corner. Of course I realized that this is satire, and just hysterical! I still laugh to myself when I think of 7 of 9 as "SATAN'S ROBOT WHORE!!" and even refer to her, now, as 36 of D. LOL These things would make great Saturday Night Live or Mad TV bits. Your english, by the way, is exceptionally good. I'm assuming that you're a native of Finland.

I have laughed myself into literal stupor at some of the responses you've received from others. I wonder what it is that makes some of these individuals take this site so....personally? As if you were writing to and about them and noone else? To those of you who haven't gotten the joke here, YOU, and I mean YOU personally, need to lighten up for, well...God's sake! For crying out loud. Niilo has a great sense of humor. Also, it's funny in itself to see the attrocious spelling some of these responses demonstrate while attempting to come off as educated and intelligent. Maybe, however, they've gotten themselves into such a red faced, sweat gushing, bug eyed, vein bursting, electric frenzy that they don't realize their typos? Que pensez vous? I can almost imagine chimpanzees pounding their chests and throwing leaves into the air! LOL I'm gonna start cracking up again! Not now! No! You're cruel, Niilo, cruel! Who'd have thought that laughter could be used as an instrument of torture!? Great page!

Incidentally, I need your advice. I drink A LOT of Diet Coke, use sporks occasionally, and work in the radio industry. Do I need to repent of any of this?

[Diet Coke is the drink of SATAN!!! You must only drink PURE WATER! While there are some christian radio channels, most radio is FILTHY SATANIC EVIL stuff and TRUE CHRISTIANS do not need to listen to radio.]

Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000
Subject: Satan Gamers Page

If this is not a joke, then why do you continue to publish the site. You only upset regular roleplayers, hurt the reputation of roleplaying, and encourage other people to cite roleplaying as the reason for all the ills in the world.

Basically, why do you do it?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Subject: I have seen the lite

yor page has saved me!!!!! i am a forty year old **EX** dungins an dragins player an your page is why i am an *EXX* dungens an dragins now. i am verry glad that i found your paige becauze it has shoed me why i was goeing to burn in hell. my frend bobert (hes an old newspaper) is glad two that i am not going to hell. i have stoppet masterbaiting every day before diner, i dont wach hokey anymore, i have stoped tocking to all my satanist wershipping jew dungons and drogans frends, and i even burnd down a shged at a black african negro churtch in my town to help me get to hevven. thank mister paasivirta for showing me the troue way of our lord jesus crist.

The preceding grossly mispelled (as in, mispelled more then usual for me) portion of this e-mail was brought to you by the demon lords Baal, Moloch, Ashtarte, Behemel, Malbolge, and He of the Nine Asses and Individual Big Letter R, and by the number 69. It was e-mailed on recycled Fundamental Christian zeal and a grade 4 education, and contained 100% bullshit. It was typed at 3:33 a.m EST while in the midst of an ether binge.

Seriously, you've got one hell of a sense of humor; call me strange, but the crowning glory of it all had to be the see-through washer lid reference. Thoth only know that seeing my girlfriend's undies in the wash makes me want to do some straight jerkin' to save me some mad cream <j/k>.

Keep up the good work, you homosexual, bisexual, transvetite, voyeur, jewish, communist, necrophiliac, sadist, masochist, domination freak, marxist, darwinist, child pornographer, flag burning, fetishistic, atheist, agnostic, buddhist, catholic, hare krishnan, islamic, báhá-í, humanist, baptist, calvinist, mormonist, heretical, orthodox, shinto, varied and sundry pagan, oral sex worshipping, animal fondling, nymphomaniac, herbalist, scientologist, coprophiliac, demonic, necromantic, even more jewishs, spiritualistic, fascist, colon cruising, neo-nazi, ritual cannibalistic, occult, more pagan then before, sorcerous, sinful, church burning, satanic, wiccan, shamantic, sister loving, adulterous, sodomistic, feminist, human blood chugging, Metallica loving, evolutionist, crack addicted demon summoner. May Boonga bless you with his infinite gauno and my you find refuge from military service under a large pile fan mail from folks who read your page's source code.

Big Baby Jesus

P.S.: When you come through the gates of my kingdom in the arms of one of my (extremely short) skirt clad Catholic School Girls, there is a place reserved for you at the right hand side of the guest bedroom toilet.

Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000

One of your sayings on your website is "LORD says we must inspire others to obedience, not condemn them for their ignorance! WEe must use the ROD to chastise chilren and ignortant, people, but we must take care we do it with LOVE and not hate!

But how can you say this when you yourself are ignorant about Dungeons and Dragons. I guess it is too easy for you to be ignorant than to actually admit that you are wrong about it. Because D & D is using your imagination in a Role Playing Game that just happens to be in a Fantasy setting. If you still think these games should be banned then you are stopping tennagers and young adults from using their imagination in ways they want to express them. People have their own lives and no religion should regulate what they do for fun. ASS!

Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000
Subject: Sweet site.

Dude you're site rules, it was some of the best entertainment I've ever read. White Finland and the Gay-Poison were some of the funniest things I've ever heard.
Anyhow, bitchin' site, and if you could send me the original URL I would be much obliged.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000
Subject: Truth

Only small minds cannot accept that others like things different from what they like.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000
Subject: your kidding right

just want to know how you feel knowing, knowing that everything on your page is an out right lie. see i uses to be just like you but then i got a brain. it is truly a shame such ignorance like yours exists in our world still today. if any of you people had a brain you might get off your butts and actually go do the real research on these subjects and find out the truth in stead of spreading the false fairy-tales your kind likes to make up about these things. i truly feel sickened by the garbage you spread brain-washing people into believing its true.

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000
Subject: Dialogue

Would like to begin a correspondence about your old website. Does your minister know of this site? What is a verger? Are you a virgin verger (my girlfrtiend asks that)? Can you improve your english? What on earth is this comment about Hitler? Didn't you know he was a Jew? Do you smoke crack?

Live long and prosper.

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000

Okay, I get it now, you're a gamer making fun of the Christians, right? I mean, nobody could be that naive, eh? *grin* keep it up, always good for a laugh) If nothing else, I can read aloud with my 'doctor evil' imitation! >:) How many dummies send you mail about this stuff?? Thousands?

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000
Subject: Hail!

Dungeons and Dragons promotes Jewishness? Now I've heard everything! If anything promotes Jewishness its the Christian religion....Christians worship a Jewish tribal deity and a Jewish man name Jesus. At any rate, I am an Odinist (A Norse Pagan.......oh no!) and I hail the gods of my Anglo Saxon/Norse ancestors, not the God(s) of someone elses. Jesus is a Jew, and so is his I will not associate with that religion. At any rate, you need to learn how to spell. You are an uneducated moron and you are embarrassing your country with your stupidity. If you were in the United States you would be labled a dumb ass, because that is what you are. Nothing you say is based on fact and you truely need a good education. At any rate, I hope you kill yourself before you embarrass Finland any further.

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000
Subject: Tolerance

If you are the webmaster of that page condemning RPGs. Then you are a bastard. You have no right to condemn the beliefs of others and blame RPGs on Pagans and Satanists. I am a Pagan and I was one before I started playing RPGs. Have you ever heard of freedom of religion? If you haven't you need help. If I were you I would meet some people of different religions than you. Not everyone can share your views on religion and by looking at your site I notice that you have no religious tolerance. I'd learn some and maybe also try an RPG sometime. Many of the people who play them are very intelligent and artistically inclined. I'm sure that some people who play them are corrupt but you can't judge every one upon one or two people. I've meet some Christians who I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. I have some friends who are Christian as well, some of them even play RPGs. I think that you need some guidance and some tolerance for things that you do not understand.

Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000
Subject: satan home page

you are in need of serious mental therapy !! possession in d&d ?? are @#$% up my friend !!! get a life.......

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000
Subject: hey bud...

how about you stop dissin the Dungeons and Dragons folks. they are just trying to help people with their imaginations and inspire them to battle the hardships of life. if you christians or whatever have a problem with it, don't put it on the web, it'll do no good. just watch what you say when you say that D&D is satanic worshiping crap

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Subject: do not delete this note, about your site

Like i said above, please do not delete this note.
AD&D IS NOT EVIL. (read on)
Reasons why

  1. TSR wants good heroic charictars, not demonic chaotic charictars.
  2. The bible has more violence than AD&D
  3. It is a game, not a lifestyle
  4. Blood,gore,magic (all fake) or dope, sex, and crime(real)

i will send you more

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Subject: Do you want love in this world?!?!?

This whole site is a hate site covered up by the bible

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Subject: about your site (again)

You are not a christian, you are in the klan. i bet you a million dollers you are. god hates you and your going to the lowest layer of HELL

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000

I serously want to talk you to one on one, to share wisdom. Email me a time suitable.

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Subject: god is good, some wisdom

god wants people to enjoy life. ture false?
god hates imagination (AD&D) true or false?
god made us born with clothing (nudity) true or false?
God gave us sex, but doesnt want us to use it true or false?
Dont buy magic cards, Ad&d books, or the internet, give it to the poor true or false?
your computer could go for a $1000.00, sell it and give it to the poor.
Your page has givin me the inspiration to write a book about brainwashed, unwise, hateful, and shallow people like you.
Are we still going to share wisdom? email me when A.M. (a christian if your wondering)

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000
Subject: (no subject)

I'Ve seen your page... I just do not understand such rage...

Oh well. Life goes on. Good life to you.

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000
Subject: funny site

Hey. I really want to read that site you made (game of satan, I think?) because it sounds really funny but I can't find the address. What is it? Thanks.

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000
Subject: Your blessed page...

Thank the Lord that finally someone has seen through Satan's veil of lies. Rollplaying is the tool of the Devil. Satan is corrupting our children with his evil games. My breast fulls with pride when I picture more and more of God's children fighting Satan's evil. Keep up the fight, my child. The more people that are shown the error of their ways, the more converts God will receive...

I have been a good christian for many, many years now. My relationship with God has grown over the years...

We golf together on Saturdays. He'd like the following things changed:

  1. He liked the Taco Bell dog better when it had only 3 lines...
  2. For once, dammit, let the damn Rabbit get his damn Trix.
  3. Remeber Tab Cola? Wha hoppen?
  4. Bill Gates is not the Devil, just his lackey. Please get it right...
  5. The Dancing Baby must die...
  6. Can somebody please explain the last Batman movie for me? nonononono...
  7. Gas prices in the US. Please stop.

Great site. Gotta link. Lemme know (if ya got the time).

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000
Subject: bitchy

eh Bitch listen up you god dammed lil shit. You have got to be seriously fucked up to think that role playing games are for satan worshippers. You think us roleplayers are fucked up gee I seem to remember a little thing called the Crusades. Where bastard Christian fanatics like your little hoe ass slaughtered 1000s of innocent people simply because they knew more than you about life. Oh yeah and another thing you think stabbing a kid over a pokemon card is bad, what about Hitler you fuck. Um sounds to me like that son of a bitch killed MILLIONS of Jews during a little thing that we thinking people call the Holocaust. Oh yeah if ya want some Satan shit check out you lil slut les see just how that shit fancies your stank lil ass. ICP is the real shit fucker you gotta problem with my shit than take a good long look at yourself. Finnish hoes like you need a good slappin up by a real man you lil fuck. So from all the Juggalos in Cincinnati FUCK YOU!!!!!

oh yeah if your little bitch ass wants to try to justify yoself email me at .....

Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000
Subject: Hitler what???


Since you guys say that everything in satanic (It must have a cross in the face or have a biblical name so it's not satanic). I want to ask you something. If you say that hitler was a good christian how come he killed millions of people without any consideration at all. I think he didn't really listened to what God says in the bible don't you think. So Jar Jar is satanic, pokemon is satanic, and even star-trek is satanic right??? And the most terrible person in history Hitler (who nostradamus said is the second antichrist) was a good christian???? Please tell me because honestly I can't understand it. Considering the fact that all those satanic things combined haven't killed so many people as Hitler did and will problably pass a long time before they do. By the way I'm not satanic or ahtheist or anything like that. I believe in God but it gets on my nerves that everything that becomes popular people start to say is satanic. So please give me an explanation of why Hitler was a christian. If you can

Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000
Subject: D&D :o)

I must applaud you... it almost got me and I was about to have some fun using every thing you said against you. I started looking at the rest of the pages and that's when I noticed that it was a joke. I like it. like you I have been playing many games for many years. I'm not sure how many gamers you have brought into the gaming world but this is the one way i always explain it to some one so they can understand how to play. being a player is like being an actor, you take on the role of a person in a fictional setting and act the part. the difference between theater and RPG is, in RPG there is no script to follow. the game master (narrator) creates the world and you determine what the charter dose in this world. there are stats and rules to set what your charter can do and how well they do it. i don't expect a response i like to think that jest maybe this lil philosophy on gaming might be useful to you some day.

have a good night
your fellow gamer

Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000
Subject: harrassment

I came upon your site accidently about an hour ago and I decided to write this letter. You are not the word of god, nor does your opinion matter. God does not wish his word to be spread through words of harrasment. It is not a sin to read, you read so that you may see what is around us, not to hear you bitch and complain about what you think.

Nobody cares

Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000
Subject: your Anti-everything web page

This was some what of a cunundrum, funny but in slightly shady taste. The most realistic part was the spelling mistakes. I hope for your sake that this was a farce. Someone could vey easily be insulted if it wasn't, I almost was.

Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000
Subject: What Gives?

Are you insane? I have spent the last hour pouring over your poor excuse for a website. I have printed tons of "slander" from your pages. What makes absolutely no sense to me, is how you can say HTML is "satanic", yet, how did you build your webpages? Did you "pray" to your "god" and he magickally built them for you without any HTML whatsoever? I think you are a sick and demented soul, you have some serious issues, and definitely need some psychiatric help. But then again, I'm sure you think that psychiatrists are satanists too right? If satan did exist, which he doesn't, I'm sure he would have a nice warm chair for waiting for you right next to his.

So in conclusion, I hope you get the help you need. I will be talking with the Goddess and asking her to open your eyes to the filth and hatred that you are spitting out. I don't know how they do things in finland (satanic country? :) but the rest of us are normal.

I wish you bright blessing for the remainder of your pitiful little time on the net, because i have a feeling you wont have this site for long :)

[It has already been up since 1995...]

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000

Come on, please tell me your site is a joke, please tell me your site is a joke. 'Cause if its not, you really scare me. I mean, how can someone be so ignorant? You are a mislead person. I believe in god, and I role-play too. Am I satanic? No way. Am I in a mental hospital? Uh-Uh. Anyway, I respect your opinion, even if I don't agree with it, but go to this site. If you're not a hypocrite, you'll read it all, as I did your site, and not just click it off the after the first few lines. That way we will know both point of views. Reply

[Okay: YOUR SITE IS A JOKE. Always glad to help.]

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000
Subject: site

Your joke site against RPGs was great. I loved it. I was laughing the whole time I went through it. Loved "Vampire: The Massacre" lol. Keep up the good work.

Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999
Subject: Dear Mr. Paasivirta.

Dear Mr. Paasivirta

I was browsing one night, and I happened to come across your page. Which, I must say, both shocked me and frightened me.

You have openly spoken out against many things which I feel very strongly about, those being: Role Playing Games(I won't even try to change your opinion on these), MUDs(Once again, your views are too non-Christian to even prove you wrong), Abortion(I'd love to hear your views on this one), Babylon 5(It is a show about diplomacy and peace, and means no disrespect to the Bible), Evolution(It has never been officially proven and therefore means not to disprove the Bible, and Darwin often said later in life that it was all bullshit anyway), Fantasy(Oh come on, lets have a little leniency(sp?)), Halloween(Its no longer a pagan holiday, its just a little fun for kids), Jewelry(I'm sorry, but didn't many Bible characters wear jewelry???), Left-handedness(Sorry, but this is just weird...), Lord of the Rings(Its just a story...), McDonalds(Its food, not Satan....), Science Fiction(Its not predicting the future, its telling about what CAN happen...there's a big difference...), Miniatures(They are just an form of artistic expression, come on....), Star Trek(Pagan future????Please explain...), Star Wars(You didn't even give an explanation on that one), Vegetarians(WTF?! They don't eat meat because they find that slaughtering animals uselessly is wrong, how is that pagan???), X-Files(Aww, no explanation here either, well, stop dying, its going off the air soon anyway).

Now, onto my second part of this letter. I(you may damn me to hell if you please, but be warned, the dreaded CATHOLICS have already done so) am an Atheistic Neo-Pagan Buddhist(And yes, that is very possible). Yes, I have read the Bible, and I have even studied parts of it and have found very shattering problems with it. All my friends are Christian(pretty much)(Non-Denominational by the way) and they have NEVER shown any sort of the anger and hate that you show about all the above mentioned items. You seem to have very deep emotional scars to show the hatred towards nearly everything that you do(And, in your tradition of love, I dearly wish you will get better by finding a psycologist and get help). I am happy to show that your love-based neo-christianity has been disproven time and again by the Bible if you so need me to do so. But now I will make one final request.

You say that the internet is unsafe for children. Well maybe you should help make is safer. Tone down your webpage, for there is more damage to be done there, your teachings of hatred and non-tolerance, than in almost the rest of the web.

Thank You Very Much,