Comments Collection XXXVIII on my AD&D-is-Satanic-stuff

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999
Subject: you are stupid

go learn english. hitler was a jew' and a ROMAN CATHOLIC.

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999

I am 29 years old and I have been an avid AD&D player for over 17 years now, and all I can say is that you are VERY misinformed when it comes to the game, even ignorant if you will. Maybe not ignorant as an individual, but definitely ignorant when it comes to the game.

So the game mentions demons and devils, and magic symbols. The keyword is GAME. Players sit around a table with their character sheet in front of them and use their imagination to play the GAME. There is no summoning, no rituals, no blood-letting, no incantations. It is all make-believe. Ever heard of the childhood game, Cops and Robbers, or Cowboys and Indians? Same principal, just with organized rules and a little more structure. Ever imagined, when you were a child, that you were the brave and valiant knight, fighting off the terrible dragon to rescue the beautiful princess? That is AD&D. Fantasy GAMING at its finest. No brainwashing, no drug abuse, no ritualistic slayings. Just sitting around playing a GAME.

Ever play Monopoly or LIFE? How about Checkers? Or how about Old Maid or Chutes and Ladders, or any other game like that. AD&D is a tabletop game without the board, because it takes place in a player's head, his imagination.

So- you listed all the evil and bad stuff about D&D. Okay- but lets understand something. Without Evil, there would be no good either. One cannot exist without the other. If there was no evil in this world, such as the workings of the devil, then Jesus Christ would have NEVER come to this place to die for our sins. Why? Without evil, there would be no sins committed for him to die for.

I am not condoning evil in any fashion, but you seem to be making an awfully big deal about a GAME. You cite on your website, and I quote "I've heard that this game has caused hundreds if not thousands of suicides in USA."

Okay- heresay. Inadmissable evidence. Suppose I heard that you were gay and I posted it on my website. Doesn't make it true, does it? Nope. If you have proof of game-related suicide I would be most appreciative to see such documentation. Also- I am aware that many years ago, there was an instance of a kid who did play D&D, who committed. So, he HAPPENED to play D&D. Yes- the game was blamed for his death, even though there was no evidence linking it to his death. I have seen the same comparison to rock and roll music as well. So- if I ever go off the deep end and decide to end my life, my family can pick between blaming D&D or the music for it. Forget that it might have something to do with stress placed on kids today, or school, or the fact that parents are spending less and less quality time with their children. Let's blame it on D&D.

You also mention, and I quote again, "It is said that an older man lures young girls (especially virgins!) and boys (typically 4 to 17 years old) to join an "exciting" roleplaying game session and to make sin!" I have never heard of such a thing, and to my knowledge it has never happened. I am not saying it HASNT, just that I have never heard of it. So- some sick pervert is using the game to further his perverse fantasies. Without the game, the same maniac would use candy, or promises, or some other tool. If some nut wants to lure kids to their doom, he will find a way to do it...with or without D&D.

Now to shred your website....

"After a few "sessions", the players may become addicted to the game and become obedient to the Dungeon Master and possibly drugs. In a few months, they might not be able to tell what is real and what is game any more."

This is totally ludicrous, although you did have the courtesy to print the word MAY. Nobody becomes obedient to the Dungeon Master, anymore than they become obedient to the banker in the game of Monopoly. People who have a hard time telling real life from fantasy do not need to be playing the game anyway, they need to seek professional help.

"The players of this game may fall into the sins of cultists black magic, ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, child pornography, fetishism, atheism, agnosticism, oral sex, bestiality, adultery, coprophilia, voyeurism, demonology, necromancy, fascism, neo-nazism, occultism, pagan religions, arson, satanism, witchcraft, incest, and sodomy."

Anyone who does these things, most likely wouldve anyway. There is no link between any of the aforementioned "sins" and the GAME of AD&D. No instances of cultists black magic, ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, child pornography, fetishism, atheism, agnosticism, oral sex, bestiality, adultery, coprophilia, voyeurism, demonology, necromancy, fascism, neo-nazism, occultism, pagan religions, arson, satanism, witchcraft, incest, and sodomy.

You seem to dwell on the magic aspect of the GAME. Okay- let me explain something to you. In the game, if you are playing a wizard, and you wish to cast a spell, all you do is tell the DM (Dungeon Master). For example, Merlin will cast KNOCK to open the door. No incantations are required by the player. No sacrifices. All spells are performed in this way. Nobody gets up and kills another player. Nobody is cut or maimed for the spell to work. It is much like buying property in Monopoly. Ya just tell the banker you want it, and you get it. In D&D you tell the DM which spell you wish to cast, and it happens IN THE GAME, NOT IN REAL LIFE!!! Just like in Monopoly, just because I bought Park Place for $350 dollars, does NOT mean I own it in the real world.

"They often listen to heavy metal and rock music, promote evolution theory instead of creationism, use They do not believe in the Holy Bible. They do not pray for Jesus and God. They do not fulfill their duty to the Fatherland, instead they go into non-military service Often they read violent comic books and science fiction and fantasy stories, watch violent porno movies. They might live in an imaginary world. These poor souls often commit suicide or live rest of their lives in a mental hospital."

There is nothing wrong with heavy metal or rock music. I have listened to it all since I was 8 years old (1978). I am fine. No homocidal or homosexual tendencies. Never been in trouble with the police. Never been to jail or prison, or to a mental hospital. I am a Christian and I do pray to God. I do read comic books and fantasy. Let's get something straight. Comic book violence is much like cartoon violence. IT ISNT REAL!!! Next you are going to say that cartoons like Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner are evil as well, right? It isnt real!! Cartoons are not real! Neither are comic books. I DO NOT live in a fantasy world and DO NOT watch pornographic movies. Oh yeah- I also question creationism as a way of explaining things. I do not fully accept creationism or evolution. It doesnt matter. We all got here somehow. Let's leave it at that, shall we?

"We must work hard to save as many souls from that as possible! Love the sinner, hate the sin! Do not judge: let that who is without sin throw the first stone! Consult professional helpers, talk to the sinners, carefully lead them to Jesus. "

Do not judge? Are you NOT judging when you say that gaming is evil and that gamers are sinners?

Also- one last thing. Further down on your web site you mention martial arts. Martial Arts teach SELF-DEFENSE, not violence. If you were walking home one night, totally unarmed, and a would-be mugger attacked you with a gun or knife, wouldnt it be nice to know how to effectively fight back? Seems kind of ironic that you are anti-violence, yet scattered throughout your site are several references to the military. Here is an excerpt from your site:

"By the way: Civil servants escape their duty in our respected Finnish Army! We, finnish men, here in White Finland will all enter military service! However, we do not hate the escapees but pray for their souls! Perhaps they will realize their duty. "

So- am I to understand that military violence is ok, but martial arts is not. When is one self-defense and the other isnt? In the military you might be fighting for the defense or your country. With martial arts you would be fighting to defend yourself. Show me one war the world has ever seen where violence or the military was not involved.... peace,

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999
Subject: Question

Great page! I can't find the original one, the Game of Satan page. Is it still up? I looked for links or warnings, etc. but got nada. Help? Thanks!


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999
Subject: YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN! Please Read for my Point intened!

First off I would like to Say That I am a Black/French Canadian that has played D&D for about 4 to 5 yrs. But I am throught playing the Game. The church, nor did my parents condone the game. (well my mom did freak out sort of, but that is because she did not know the game.) Not Once from the time I started playing did I every beat up anyone, Use drugs because of it, Try to Commit suicide, or do any type of Satan worshipping.

Question: Have you or someony you know ever played a role of someone else?? That is Basically D&D.

You do not even know What you are Talking about. Ohh, and about D&D killing Thousands of people? What About Christianity. Salem Witch trials in the 1700's kills people who do not have faith in "GOD" Basically the test is, I put you in a sack with weights in it, and throw you in a river. If you are a witch, you will float. If you are not, and have Faith in "God" you will sink, and go straight to heaven. "Is That Right"? No matter if we did this today, you nor I would live through is, no matter how much Faith we have in god.

Jim Jones, a preacher, Makes Thousands of people commit suicide by drinking cionide, in the U.S.A.

David Koresh U.S.A set a building on fire, Says That he is the "2nd Comming of Christ" and people believe him. He makes families give them your young daughters to have sex with. And you Say that D&D Players are bad??? That is Sick!!

Next it is the Year 2000 (Millenium), and just like at the begging of the 1900's, people thought that Christ would come back. So peole sold everything that they owned, and waited....and waited..and waited somemore. The same thing will happen this year.

To me, religion is only good for 1 thing. Happiness. When people go to church they are happy, but to me I really dont believe that their is a God. If their was a god, all the maddness in the world would not be. And if God see's what you and I see everyday that goes on in this world, he would say "STOP all of this maddness", and help us put it to an end. Take a look on the TV, and in the news, and you will see how people in the world are dying in Wars OVER RELIGION! WOW, That is Pathetic.

History on Religion:

It began when Slavery began. Slaves needed something to look forward to when they were being beaten, tortured, and throughout their hard labour. (look it up, you will find it)

Another Question: Truthfully, Have you Ever seen God, of Jesus Christ??? Have They Ever Really healed anyone?? I really dont think so.

Let me tell you a little story. My Granfather Past away 2 years ago. He had been a Christian for almost all of his life. He drove the Sunday School bus for many years, and drove the old folks to and from Church and out to eat every every sunday. Then he gets cancer. Everyone prayes for him, but does he get healed, No.

Lastly let me tell you about yourself. I bet you have all the fancy stuff. Nice watches, Clothes, Cars. But I bet people give you everything. but yet most, or some of them are starving right now as we speak. Ohh and that little Quote you have on your site about "We should not hate blacks because They are an inferior race" Let me tell you something. You probably could not be a be a slave. Imagine 250 years of BS. Also if you were a real Christian, you would know that "God created man Equally in his own eyes". even I know that, and I am not a christian.

Well That is all I have to say. I hope you Email me with a response, I really want to hear what you have to say.

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 99
Subject: your magnum opus

I laughed at rec.guns, the Teletubbies made my stomach hurt, by the time I got to vegetarians being pagans I was in actual pain and I barely made it through PROBE Ministries.

Then I started reading the e-mail archive.

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999

You think putting 6 million peolpe to dead just because they believe in something else is your idea of a good christian(btw I would think you would know how to spell Christ). Goddess, I thought your kind died out at least several decades ago. Your thinking was the reason 10 million of my borthers and sisters were put to death. I'd say at least 99.9% of them won't even real witches.

And what about the Men are suppose to be better than women comment??? I'm not saying to give out your beliefs. But, do us all a favor and get out of the dark ages. I suppose you feel that if man were meant to fly he would have been born with wings.

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999
Subject: The Anti RPG Page

After Reading that Page I have determined that you are trully demented even worst off than any RPGer that I know. You are Obviously Obsessive and Compulsive and should seek Professional Help befor you Hurt yourself.

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999
Subject: forgot one thing..

Bravo , for putting up such an informative page, we here in America must fight all of these evils, but you left out probably the most evil an oppresive of all of satans works.. That un-nutriteouse and sould stealing canned food called SPAM,, it must be stopped before it takes us all to the bowels of hell !!!!!

Yours in blistfull ignorance

p.s. great page... !!! Its just scary how many people take it seriously.. By the way do you live in Helsinky? My friend just moved there from the US..

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999
Subject: Love thy neighbor website...

Loved your page! I couldn't stop laughing, however I can certainly understand you getting lots of flames/hate mail, in the US these anti-RPG sites could actually be sincere.
Its sad.
Too many people think that freedom of religion means freedom to not think for yourself and freedom to believe anything.
Again, sad.
Good I think I'll page through your REAL pages and see if there's anything cool there too...

Date: 17 Nov 1999

Dear Mr. Paasivirta

Recently my son has been intreested in a band callt "The Greatful Dead could you tell me if this band could corrupt my child? I would really appreciate any information you could give me

[It does not only corrupt, it will send your child into FLAMES OF HELL ALIVE!!! You must immediately BURN all records!]

Date: 17 Nov 1999

cool Joke dude I realy thought it was real for a minute there thats really funny

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999
Subject: RPGs are SIN

Sir, have you ever played a Role Playing Game, or attended a hockey Game? If not, I suggest that you do, as they are both very entertaining. Also does not the Bible state "Judge not, Lest Ye be Judged"? Sir, I fee that you are taking a hobby and sport that millions of people, such as myself, enjoy and are denouncing it to the public.

Thank You for your time, a Reply is greatly appreciated.

This e-mail, sir is from a Christian (Roman Catholic) Role Player, and Hockey fan.

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 Subject: Hee hee hee hee.


I wept, I cried, I nominated it for an Oscar! Truly, sir, your sense of humor is so twisted it deserves a pretzel.

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999
Subject: FYI....

The "bible sex facts" page is down. Pity. It probably woulda been funny. At least... to me!

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999
Subject: Hello

This letter is only meant as a dissenting opinion to some of your arguments. I am a Christian. I disagree with some of the statements on your site.

  1. Role-playing games and cults. The statements seem to assume that gamers cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. I know a lot of role-players (and I'm one myself), and yet I don't know of any that have been "lured" into anything beyond having a fun time playing a game.
  2. Dancing is sinful. I think that dancing is a perfectly healthy and Christian activity. Many dances are sexual in nature, and are sinful, but to generalize all dancing as being of that nature is, I believe, an error.
  3. African Americans often have difficulties due to their inferior race. This statement seems racist. To declare anyone inferior is to judge them.
  4. Some Satanists play tennis, and some tennis players have committed suicide. This isn't a good argument. I could just as easily say that some satanists drink orange juice, and some people who drink orange juice commit suicide. That statement seems silly, but it is no less true. There isn't evidence that one causes the other, just that some people happen to do both.

Like I said, I am a Christian, and I'm not arguing, I'm just disagreeing.

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999
Subject: take a reality check!

you must be joking!!

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999

Im sorry but i find your page to be extreamly funny and im goint to have to show it to all of my "satin-Worshiping" friends.

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999
Subject: Hello friend

I hope the devil swallows your soul DND RULEZ!!!

Satan and I love you *kiss kiss*

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999
Subject: read this!

i'm sorry to say this but ure site ( ) is the most hatefull piece of junk i've read in about 2 years of websurfing. And you call ureself a good christian! the bible dosen't say "you shall not juge" ?

You discust me as a loving and caring christian...

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999
Subject: Almost fell for it

I was reading down through this page actually getting angry at your ignorance. Trying to figure out exactly who to forward it to. I have fallen for a page like this before

So I would like to congradulate you on a well done site thanks for the entertainment,

Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999

Dude, the best humor is free. Kudos to you on a hilarious page.LOL I know your pain with the flames, no one understands a joke when they see it.

Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999
Subject: The Game of Satan page :)

Pretty funny. I noticed you put Esperanto as one of those sinful things, but didn't explain why or how ...

But the Care Bears and My Little Pony -- that's just too hilarious!

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999
Subject: read..this is not a flame...:)

Greetings and salutations . . . I do so hope that you read this....

I must admit, when surfing through your page, I was angered more than once . . . and then, when I decided to actually do something about it, I thought...Hell, I'll read his answers...Well, I'm sure glad I did . .

I'm just writing in to say, CONGRATULATIONS on fooling so many people...

It must be a pleasure to know that you have fooled and angered so many people out there...keep it up :)

I must admit though, I do know quite a few people in reality who believe that RPGs are evil, and what not...

It's quite amazing, really...

Anyway, just thought I'd send in a letter of encouragement, as I'm sure the flames outweigh these by thousands...

Your faithful reader . . .

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999

fuck you you nazi your page will be torn one day not by me (yeah right)but by someone

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999
Subject: You are a dumbass

you are stupid do take your sad ass web site and shove it P.Soh yeah and it is a joke so go masturbate with you rJ.J binks doll

Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999
Subject: I'm glad there's more than one of us! are sick twisted and messed up in the head. I'm so very relieved that I'm not the only one. This is the biggest and best laugh I've gotten in a loooooong time. You should definately consider writing a book. You'll replace Douglas Adams as my favorite author. After reading your hate mail I was in tears with laughter! Once I got over it I realized how many sad and stupid people there are if they can't realize when something is a joke (especially when you tell them flat out)! Maybe a new page denouncing rampant ignorance and using your hate mail as an example? By the way, this page is getting sent to everyone in my AD&D group, since they're all sick and twisted too.

Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999
Subject: holy shit

I thought this was not a joke but still TAKE OUT THE hitler is a good christain shit because that is not a joking matter I am not demanding but simply suggesting that you do because a few of my relatives have been killed in the holocaust and no matter what you consider to be a joke pleeeeeeeeeeeez take it off

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999
Subject: YOU ARE A VERY ****** UP HUMAN-BEING!!!

Do you mind if I call you human-being? You are one of the sickest people who's site I have ever visited! Have you come out of your cave and realized yet that the bible is a load of horse**** that wasnt meant to be taken literally?? It teaches morals you sick ****. You need to get your head checked! Go to ****! God has damned you!

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999
Subject: Down w/ Satan!!!


I am a christian, not unlike yourself, but I think you're going way to far w/ your site. The only reason you think shows like Star Trek and Star Wars are bad is because of 1 or 2 people who go nuts and do crazy stuff lke worship satan. You have absalutely no right saying that those shows or games (dungeons & dragons) are bad at all, You are just taking a few "for instances" which you heard from someone and using them to make other people become prejudice just like yourself. Bye,

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999
Subject: question

are you sure this isn't a humor page?

if it isn't, banning abortion is a good idea, but why are rolepaying games evil?

you spelled hitler wrong

hitler a good christian? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

yeah i know carbon dating doesn't work

Darwin was a christian? interesting

the picture. . .is that you? all in black. very dramatic. and standing taller than the rest.

how did you get the picture to bend like that?

[Easily, with Adobe Photoshop.]

star trek evil? bad plot yes, but evil?

Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999
Subject: RPG players will rule!

hey just wanted to say that me and my D&D freinds need to go out and kill innocent people all while feasting on our canteens of virgin blood. We dress in all black and have chalk white skin, which greatly shows off the trails of blood from our lips.

Oh wait-- RPGers arent evil, and we dont drink blood or kill people. And (most of us) dont worship satan either. Oh i had a good laugh at your site, especially after reading many ACTUAL pages that were convinced of the evilness of various things. No joke- i found them. Only after i found yours did i find others that were fake, though nowhere near as funny.

Oh well got to stomp some kittens- no wait, i dont do that.... even though i play dnd.

Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999
Subject: uh

i disagree

Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999
Subject: game of satan origional page

I recently tried to find the old page and voila' I found the new background...I agree that you page did make everyone seem to be a Devil worshipper ..adn I liked the old background any chance of you putting the old background up again...or on another page... just because I found it and after about 5 minutes I discovered that you truly have a sick sense of humor.. and I laughed so hard.. I pointed the page out to a few people i know who were a little hard core christians... and thye actually believed it... but it was an inside joke to my gaming buddies....

[Old page is available at]

<<rolls dice and succeeds in saving throw...>>

I wanted to thank you for the entertainment value of the previous page and sorry you had to explain it all to people who did not see the fact that RPG's are fun and not for those who lack creativity... heck... your page is proof that it is indeed a very creative aspect which is cultivated by gaming.....LOL

thanks for your time...

Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999

You are pathetic...

Its people like you that give roleplayers and christians a bad name.

Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999
Subject: thank-you for saving my soul from satan!

hehe... NOT!

BULLSHIT. All of it! Everything you say is bull-fucking-shit! if there is any New World Order trying to run the world its fuckers like you! You are just another lying acultist. Your site is based on YOUR beleifs and not beliefs of the bible. but you won't listen to me... i'm just another role-playing, sci-fiction watching "satan" worshiper, even though i don't beleive in a "satan". if there was an evil of this world looking for chaos and destruction it would be you!

Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999
Subject: You need support

But you're not going to get any WRITING LIKE A NUT and using HYPOCRITICAL statements.

Ask me to explain, and I will.

I can help, no doubt.

Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999
Subject: If this is not a joke

If this is not a joke I am calling my lawyer, I have read your page and you have deeply offended me and my friends. This is prejiduce and illegal, if this is not a joke for your information I roleplay and I play D&D, I don't worship satan, I do love god, my girl friend plays D&D she is a christian, I know many religeos people who believe strongly in god and roleplay. If you cannot understand that roleplaying is simply using our imagination then I doubt god will save you, he would not have given us one otherwise. Do you believe movies are evil? after all people who make movies are playing different roles must be evil and worship satan, What about t.v shows? they must be evil too. Oh yes and lets not forget books, they also must be evil too, tell me the difference between, a game and a movie, paper or acting it out? If this is not a joke you are truley very pathetic and need help, and if your site is not changed or mentioned as a joke I will direct other religeos people here and the police for being prejiduce and trying to force belief's on others, in reality it is you who are creating a cult and trying to turn people against one another, good people who believe strongly in god, your a hypocrit and you make me sick. So if this is a joke then you certainly got me, but if you truley are serious then I will take legal action

Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999
Subject: lol lol lol

Well forgive my last email, I really did believe this page was real untill I read it all, at first I only read D&D section, but then I read on and laughed my ass of, it could be more believable if you removed some stuff :) but you wouldn't get the same effect

Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999
Subject: Love Thy Neighbour Webpage

Please read this and don't just ignore it. It's not just hate mail, but more my attempt at intelligent debate. Firstly, I wish to ask, what, er, school, of christianity are you? You are obviously anti-catholic and don't seem Protestant to me, though I could be wrong... Anyway, you say RPGs are sinful and evil. You say they promote violence and occultism, yes? However, we who play the games know that it is not real, magic and occultism doesn't exist, etc. etc. Those who may have committed suicide because of them must have been so sensitive to thoughts promoted to them that they would have ended up doing some other (or the same) sin for a completely different reason anyway. You say that Dinosaurs didn't exist, and that the Earth was created only 5000 years ago. Ahem. I really don't want to be simply insulting here, because it means you are likely to turn off, but, are you serious? Really? I mean, aside from the huge and entirely unignorible bones of dead dinosaurs, and the parchments and tombs made by the first developers of writing, the ancient Egyptians, there's the simple fact that a World this complicated couldn't possibly have been made in just a few thousand years. Where in the Bible does it say that, anyway? Genesis somewhere? I haven't studied it fully, but from what I have read, I can't remember that being said. And from what I've read of your site, there's very little that ISN'T sinful. Blah blah blah. There are loads of points I could add to this, but You're probably bored of reading this by now, so I'm going to love you and leave you.

Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999

it's too bad that some people take themselves so seriously. Please don't ever lose yours.

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999
Subject: evil pages

if i had seX with your poodle wooldy you wach Me

may you be attacked by bRujah!!
malkav pisses on your flower bed


role-play your ass doWn to enid and see how SooD your dripping in cum

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999
Subject: Is this a joke?

I read all your nonsence, now read all of what I have to say.

Are you stupid? Get your facts strait!! RPG players have a LOWER suicide rate and a HIGHER IQ. They combine math, problem solving, vocabulary, quick thinking, memory skills, and most importantly fun. It is a fun way to raise IQ levels. And if you think ANYONE could lure young children by playing RPGs you are retarded. They are not easy to comprehend and play. You have to at least be 13 to have the attention span to even learn HOW to play and most 13 year olds don't even have that now. You seem to hate a lot for a CHRISTIAN. Ever wondered why areas that have high christian percentages of people also have low education? Not just chance.

Your page is complete bullshit. What education level do you have? 1st grade? Did you think of ANYTHING on your OWN?!! Why cencor everything and make everything something bad so that all that is left is reading the bible. Which by the way is full on contradicting stories and false facts. I am at a loss for word of things to say in here because I have so many agruements going off at once!

As for Magick: The Gathering.. it is MAGIC!! Not magick, and it also promotes good thinking skills. Maybe if you had played something like that when you were younger you wouldn't be such a dumb fuck now. They are all just games, and on the grand sceme of things they are some of the more helpful ones. And NO, I don't worship Satan! I don't even BELIEVE in Satan. The idea is retarded. And NO, I am not Atheist either.

Left-handed people are sinners?!! Do you just pick every minority and claim them to be evil? Inteligent people are a minority too, so I guess we go to hell right? You must be some white redneck with an IQ of 2 and no ideas of your own to be the majority. That is just America though. The majory for the world is not white.

MUDS are perfectly fine too. Don't get me wrong, some PEOPLE on the muds may do sick shit, but none of it is worship of ANY kind. People of all religions play them and program them. Most are set in a fantisy setting with wizards and knights and rouges. I help program one and I asure you there is no satanic plotting going on in its creation.

Also I see in here where you read some of the books to these games. Your problem is that you THINK the readers believe this to be true.. No, it is a game. If it says a certain symbol will protect you, it means the CHARATER, not the player!! Only idiots like you would read it and think it is really telling how to cast a spell or summon a demon!! It is in the GAME, not LIFE!! The books to not mention 666 because that is a christian belief and the books are a fake religious system for purposes of the game. And there is no sacrifsing done. Have you ever just watched one of these games played?

There is only no assassin char class. Not in the main books anyway, and any spell is again just part of the game, nothing in REAL life happens other than someone saying, "I want to cast raise dead". Then the player may roll for something and that is it. That is the whole extent of the spell. No latin, no blood, no one is dead. If you had to kill people to play the game NO ONE would play it.. come on man, people are not that stupid, only you are!

Your signs that tell if your child is a Role-player or not are retarded. They make no since. ESPECIALLY failing grades. 80% of my 12th grade Calculus class has or does role play. About 1% of people in low classes have.

Ice hocky is evil because they didn't let a man found to use drugs play again?!!! How stupid are you?! Hockey sure didn't make him take the drug because MOST people taking that drug DON'T PLAY HOCKEY!!

Anyway I am done bitching for now cause I have work to get to. I would love to hear your retort. I am SURE it will be full of great thought and fact 8P.

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999
Subject: oops

Ok, I mailed you earlier and went off... then saw where you said that the page was a satire. So I am really sorry... and rather embarassed. Sorry about the earlier email.

Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999
Subject: You people have lost your minds.

The subject pretty much says it all. I'm so sick of all these christian websites that are like "blah blah blah is bad because jesus said so" Really? Great! When's the last time you talked to him? How do you know that Jesus said that? The bible could have been written by anyone, you don't know for sure who was the origional author. So anyway, what's with you saying EVERYTHING is satanic? Pokemon is the devil! Role playing games are for satanists! Why must you make everything a scapegoat? I don't see why you even need one. Satanists accept christians as people, why don't you do the same? Try to see people for who they are, not their religion. That's like only seeing a car for the color. Ooh that's a nice truck! Um... it doesn't have a motor. I don't care I want it! You people are so blind as to see that there are NON-CHRISTIANS in the world who are HAPPY the way they are, they're not happy when people run around trying to convert them. I mean you're already brainwashing millions of children from birth that christianity is the only way to go. What's up with that? You're not letting them choose what they want to do in life, and sooner or later they're going to rebel. I guess what I'm trying to say is, let people make their own decisions, don't spend your entire life trying to fix people's "faults" (well they're faults in your opinion I'm sure). I'm sure your "god" or whatever wouldn't want you spending your entire life doing nothing but trying to convert people who don't want to be converted.

PS. Lemme tell ya, there's a looot wrong with kids playing RPGs and finding creative ways to get through real-life environments. Wars happen, fighting happens, as much as you try to deny it, countries to go war, and people are drafted, that someone doesn't need to get killed because they've been filled with thoughts that fighting is a sin. I mean why shorten their life only to realize there's no heaven anyway? Actually... nevermind, good idea, go with it. Do whatever you want, it's your life, I'm not trying to control it. (Not saying you would try to control mine, of course ::whistles innocently::) Anyway. Have a nice day, and try not to get pissed off at this, it's supposed to be more of... constructive critisism. :)

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999
Subject: I found something on your site...

Yes, I was poking around in your site(or more specifically looking for something to steal), when i looked at the pentagram, and found this is a joke on it. I took it off and played with it. I have it edited to perfection, and you can clearly see it in the attached file. What I want to know is if you could link me up (im going to get a really cool site), for finding your "joke", as I may be the only person to have ever found it on that pentagram. Maybe we could share some tips, I would like to find some sources for images(hence the "poking" around in your site.

[Lots of people had noticed it already...]

Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999
Subject: hey

Hey Niilo Paasivirta,

I like your style, though that prob'ly doesn't mean that much to you since I'm no one in particular. I was kind of dissapointed to read that yer site was a joke, and yer not really some crazy religious guy. You should get rid of that spot where u admit it's a joke. It's funnier if people aren't sure if yer joking or not.

Anyway, u prob'ly won't believe this, but I'm a student at CCNY (City College of New York,) and I actually wrote a wrote an ethnographic essay on role-players, (for a writing on the social sciences class,) wherin I quoted yer "Sword of Vengence Against Roleplaying," using u as an example of an anti-roleplaying fanatic. Pretty funny, eh? I acually got an A on the whole project, though that didn't have mush to do with yer site. I'll send u an excerpt from it. Yer parts in bold. In my actual final essay I cut some of this out. (Hope yer computer likes Word Perfect.) Read it if ya want, if ya don't, I don't really care.

Good luck with the mocking of crazed religious figures,

Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999
Subject: Your Site

After reading your site, I can safely say your a thorough little nutball.

Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999

I couldn't have done it better my-self. Really funny! I'll forward your adress to some people i know...

Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999
Subject: Blasphemy

Dear Dilusional Cult Worshipper,

From the explanations of your web site, you describe our religion Christianity as a cult. You seem to be twisting god's words to your own lies, in my opinion, you need to open your heart and mind to the lord. The lord that you describe has only forgiveness for white people of a cult following blindly all that he has fought against, the forgiveness, the love, the harmony and the truth of the human soul. Though little of your points have virtue of truth, many are true lies. Nowhere in the bible have I found words against females at the work place. In many cases, they enhance our knowledge and our lifestyle through their mind and work. To be against vegetarians is to be against the lord's way. All life works in a circle, we feed the plants and the plants feed us through plants or animal meat. Many of the grains, such as the bread that our jesus christ ate before his death are made from plants.

Signed, A concerned Friend. May the Lord take no offense on your words and bring the angels forth.

Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999
Subject: hello, just need an explanation

At the bottom of your page, it is written that, Hitler was a good churistan... How can that be possible ? Do oyu really think this is what loving your neighbor is all about : killing people because of their race and beliefs... You have lost yourself in your propaganda.

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999
Subject: hI!!!

I have read your page and think that you should revluate your sanity. You have severe mental problems. I play RPG games and I do not worship or glorify Satan. Honestly I think you should take your page and read about RPG games than change it also...I have studied Satanism and I have studied every religion known to man....I have never seen that so called language in my life and that is not satanism it is just a bunch of confused hicks (Kinda like yourself).


P.S. You guys are really sick because I don't even find child mastubation stuff on porn sites and I think you glorify child pornography.

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999
Subject: Mita Hellvitti

Just to let you know that if you are trying to be serious then you should not link to a site that is a parody of Christianity. is a JOKE. It is meant to MOCK Christianity.

Don't link to them if you really are a true christian.

IF you are a Christian you must be the only one in all of Finland. I have lived Suomessa and I found it to be a Godless country.

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999
Subject: Website

Hi. I'm writing an e-mail in refrence to your web site.
How can you feel that hitler was a GOOD CHRISTIAN?
I mean, what happened to "Thou shalt not kill"
Forgot about that one, huh?
How can you feel that role playing games are a sin- and yet Hitler was a GOOD CHRISTIAN?
Oh, and by the way, carbon 14 dating does work! it has been proven! MANY MANY TIMES!!!!!
Well that's how I feel- you are a sick man and should seek help.
Yours truly

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999
Subject: now that is FUNNY!!!! =)

I love your site! HAHA! I think i'll send a link to everyone I know, and not even tell them it is a joke, and see if they catch on. Keep up the good work!

Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999
Subject: You are Satan

I hope THE LORD is forgiving to you, speaker of evil. You preach hate in the families, you ask for violence in families and you are destroying trust in GOD OUR LORD and his ways.

GOD is our father, and he will never use "the rod" when we think and act differently. He conquers with withdom and love, not hate and fear.

YOU are the Satan, YOU are the one to bring SATAN to OUR life....

It was here I realised that there must be a "Guestbook" somewhere - and I found the "explanation" ("HITLER was a good christian" gave me the hint.) I am glad you do this, as I am playing RPGs for 14 years now and have spend weeks of discussion with different priest, parents, clergymen and politicians to where the games go and what all is about.

Keep up the good work - lets have the comments, so, I guess we need them.

Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999
Subject: web page

Your a sick fuck!!!!

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999
Subject: your web page

Sir you are messed up. In my country the US we are allowed free speech and that applies to all areas of life, including the Internet and by the way as my being a catholic I find your page blasphemous and maybe it ought to be removed. If you attempted to shut down Internet based rpgs you will have no chance. I think you also have a sick twisted idea of what you post on your page. Where do you get your information, is it made up because I am a hockey fan and know of no such incidents as you have said on your page? You also need to realize that some people do not share your beliefs, in fact almost none do. OK and about "Babylon 5" it refers to a space station. And who's to say that your god id not one of many "Gods." In fact it has been proven that there is life on other planets. Also it was proven many Centro ago that the universe is heliocentric not geocentric. You may want to look that up in the dictionary you ignorant excuse for a pile of shit! May I remind you of what Barney teaches, TOLERANCE!!!!!! something you do not have enough of? And the beetles so what they had fairly short hair and again they spoke of tolerance and I also wish to remind, or inform you that Jesus Christ had long hair. Is he evil to? And the world is in jeopardy due to fools such as your self that do not realize the plight of the earth our mother. And if evolution is wrong then why is it taught in all American and most schools world wide? And homosexuals? Your crazy thinking of the "gay gas." You are evil you are Satan. Dancing is not evil if it was would it have been practiced in the middle ages one of the most religious periods of history? It is a fun and simple way to help unwind and not smoke pot or have premarital sex. If HTML is so bad why do you use it to code your site? How can you say all inferior races? You seem to be promoting hate and war you self in fact I shall go so far as to call you a devil or agent there of. And sucicide and tennis? Well, I can tell you some people that partake even in "good Christian activities" have taken their own lifes. And drinking of blood? Christans do it in mass actually it dates back to the most powerful no deity beings in this world vampires so i guess that makes christinity a pagan and evil religion? Burn the evil pagan blood drinking foolish christians such as your self and i will stand by idly and laugh at you fates.

Actually role playing is one of the best forms of education, it helps you see through someone else's eyes, i think you ought to try it. In conclusion you contradict your self so much that you make you are in fact blasphemous and on those grounds you page ought to be removed not from "our lord's web" but the world wide web.

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999
Subject: Love thy Neighbor?

I honestly hope that you don't belive all the things that you write on your page. I am a Christian in the truest form of the word. At the age of 11 I was indoctrinated in the ways of the Occult and worship of beings called the Elder gods. About five years later I met a friend by the name of Jerry. Through the nourishing friend ship that I had with him I came to know Christ and His salvation of love that He has provided for me, and for everyone. I grew up Catholic and to this day my father is a Catholic and believes not in some pagan worship of the "virgin" Mary but in his personal salvation through Christ. I am in a band as well called the Fraidy Cats...we are signed on a Christian label (and guess what we were even on TBN, that sounds like your kind of TV station) we asked them to never play us again because we don't belive in their mission. Money grubbing isn't the way to save souls. And neither is your page. By slandering people and dismissing all role-playing games a patently evil you alienate people who would probably listen to you if you weren't telling them how horrible their "sin" is. Are you not aware of the fact that all sin is equal in God's eyes. Slandering on of God's creations is just as horrible as homosexuality, or murder. By telling these people how bad they are you only help to harden their hearts. For example judging a band because they have long hair (one of the many links of your web site does just that) you would look into a band called Mortification and a record label called Rowe Productions. Steve Rowes miraculous recovery from cancer is attributed by him to only one thing, THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST. You know what his hair goes down to the small of his back. Also the bottom of your home page says "Hitler was a good Christian".

That's interesting then why did he obsess over his pagan heritage, the use of magical runes (Especially Tyr, the rune of physical and spiritual prowess and Ur the rune of virility). You claim how horrible the assassin book from TSR is because you learn how to be a murderer, did or didn't hitler murder 6 million Jews (because of their race no their religion) and hundreds of thousands of other people like blacks, homosexuals and poles, or a re you a revisionist who believes that these are all slanderous lies against Hitler, and his quest for the holy grail (also a item of occult fame, but not CHRISTIAN significance, our eternal life is not of this world but another). Now that i'm done writing i hope that you reply. Open discussion is the way of reconciliation for if we cannot talk with each other we are no better than beasts.

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999
Subject: anti AD&D.

I read your anti - AD&D page. I enjoyed it very much and hope you come up with some more material soon. I have recommended it to many friends, who I suspect will enjoy it also. I think you are deserving of further awards.

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999
Subject: you're an idiot

You're stupid. If you are against this game so much why the hell are you reading the books. It's just a game I play it all the time. Most of the game you don't kill anything. You usually have a mission to go find something in old ruins and the biggest thing you kill is a rat. You seem to me like some little dumbass that has nothing better to do than bad mouth a game that I enjoy very much and it's really starting to piss me off.

Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999

The address of this page was sent to me as a joke, and when I first began reading, I was laughing. Five minutes in, however, I wasn't laughing anymore. You must be joking when you say all of these things. I have, on occasion, role-played, and am a perfectly healthy, church-going teenager. You have a closed mind, and the things that you say on this page are ridiculous and ignorant. If you say that anybody who is even remotely interested in role-playing is evil, you seem to be very well-informed yourself. You quote pages and name sources; even the die-hard role-players that I know can't do that. Take a look at what you are saying, please. This is ridiculous.

Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999
Subject: Your Site ROX!!!! ROFLMAO!!!

My God! ROFLMAO! This is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen! I’m partially colorblind so I couldn’t see the clues and I was about to flame you, but I looked on the answer page. Now there’s a link to this page from mine so a lot of people could get a laugh!

You should send all these people e-mails telling them they fell for the biggest RPG joke ever!! Then post their apologies. People say I’m really sadistic, so COOL!

To those who know me I won’t use my real name: Here is my Palladium Chat name: Dash the D-Bee! (Delete that I dare you!!)

I’ve noticed that the people that send you E-Mails on your Grammar misspell word themselves (Unless that is your last laugh, then ROFL!).

A few suggestions:
If you talk about how good wrestling is they will know it is a joke!!
Call Bill Clinton a good Christian! (LOL, I know!)
Put up a Nazi Symbol on your page it would fit right in!

My thoughts: Have you ever tried RPing drunk? Stoned? It’s kinda fun.

Just a few comments: psychopathic Christians- aren’t they all? you are one sick fucker!- you would be if this was for real. Inbread, Fecie smackin, Slack-Jawed, Beer Chuggen', Wife Slapping, Red-Neck, Fuck!!- now that is an insult to all Inbred, Feces smacking, Slack-Jawed, Beer Chugging', Wife Slapping, Red-Neck, Fuckers everywhere!(say that three times fast!) YOU ARE GAY-well if you are that’s cool, but You Dumbasses! If you sent a flame you better be smacking yourself right now becouse I’m still laughing! Hoo! BIMBO-Now that’s just harsh. Calling all Hockey fans sinners- now, being an Alaskan, I can appreciate the humor of this!

P.S.- Try quoting Rage Against the Machine as good Christians! (LOL)

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999
Subject: your page

I myself am a satan worshipper and I resent your assumptions that all satanists are horrible and evil people. I myself am a very kind and caring person. I happen to enjoy myself and am not the tormented lost soul that all christians make me out as. Your beliefs do not define you as a person your actions do. And i for one wish that your kind wouldn't judge people like me so prematurely.

Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999
Subject: A meSSaGE FROm heLL

You weak sissy:

I'm a satanist. I've been playin this games for years. It started when a friend invited me to play D&d. I went. In the middle of it, a voice appeared in my head, saying he was Satan, and that he offered a pact. Later i realized all the other players (already "experienced") were around me. They were five. Later I was told there was a five pointed star drawed under the carpet. So the offered me a deal, which I accepted, so my soul is His now. But i serve him proudly. I've caused the fall of lots of souls. But i must tell you this:

  1. Even if i'm lefthanded, not ALL of us are.
  2. We are all machos in hell, so the fags are not to be blamed on us!
  3. All the other sexthings,... well, yeah. Except Sadism, that part of rip your eye (or arm) off from the bible shows who created that...
  4. We may have invented the teletubbies, but not that stupid dinosaur! I hate it.
  5. The Jar-Jar toy was an economical manneuver to sell the doll not only in toy-stores but also in sex shops.
  6. I'm particulary offended of you not mentioning the In Nomine RPgame. U mentioned SJG, but i think a game that allows you to play as a demon or an angel (the latest you would consider improper to say the least) deserves a special mention. I mean, the Game Master gets -not just to be a worshipper- but to act as Satan himself! I'm particularly happy about what this game does to youth. The ones that don't commit suicide eventually become sadist pagan psyckos who rape, kill and do strange orgies.
  7. You also didn't name Punk as a satanist music type/philosophy. Tremendous mistake.
  8. We are not to be held responsible for microsoft! That is a mess humanity got into by itself!!!!
  9. Nor are we to be blamed of Budhism, nor any other crappy religions (except whichcraft, necromancy and other CULTS), nor Pokemon or any crappy japanese show.
  10. We know where you are, and trust me, we are going to get you, unless the inquisition gets to you first. No one interrupts the spreading of evil and lives... You will be seeing your creator soon...

Waiting to meet you soon... Death Prophet.

PS: I had the best laugh ever reading your bollocks!! You are worst than i though... And my friends call me a psycko. Well, they may be right, I roleplay after all.

Please you page constantly. I guarantee i'll come to check it out again soon. And I'll send the URL to all my satanist communist jewish gay heavymetal-listeners necrophilic necromantic siamese bald ugly unemployed junkies leather-clothed piss-drinking blood-sucking kid-raping and pyromaniacal friends (also co-workers, slaves, lawyers and shrink).

PS2: If you or any other "worshipper" lives in southamerica o knows spanish they can visit our sinful page If you happen to live in Argentina, worst for you!

Ps3: Hail SataN! The End Is NeaR!!!!!

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999
Subject: I don't get it.

You can't possibly mean this drivel. You obviously play the game yourself. You have the books, do you not? Is this some sad excuse for a joke (despite what you say) or are you just a book-burning Nazi pig? You are the stupidest excuse for a human being I've ever met. All I can do is laugh at your sorry, pathetic ass!!


I'll make sure to tell anyone I meet about your site. I'm sure they will believe (as I now do) that Finland is full of simpletons, fools, and Nazis. Have a great day moron. You are the pus that infects the mucus that lives upon the slime that grows upon scum! You were born without mental faculties! I'd like to see your argument from your perspective, but I can't shove my head that far up my ass! May God (who doesn't agree with you, by the way... my Rabbi plays AD&D with us at Temple youth group) have mercy on your soul. I fear he will not...good luck you incompetent loser.

HAHA! I laugh at you!

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999
Subject: Now I understand.

This site is a joke. I get it. You had me going. You see, I actually have met people like this in real life, so I wasn't surprised. I believed every word you printed was as you believed it. That doesn't mean it's right to have a site up like this. I believe in the freedom of speech, but I think you've gone a little too far. Some people might take this drivel to heart. Some people could end up paying for your fun. What if you managed to deprive some youngster of AD&D because his stupid guardians decided you sounded sane? If you want to reply (though you said you would not), my email address is .... It's the mailbox I check the most.

Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999
Subject: Your web site

Most people probebly write you and cuss you out or get really angry with you. However, I, being a strong christion and firm believer in pasifism will not do this. I will however state my opinion that I feel your opinions are wrong. I have been playing Magic: the Gathering for many years now and it hasn't weakened my relationship with God and Jesus in the slitest bit. I agree that you should love the sinner and hate the sin but where in the Bible does it say that playing role-playing games is a sin? I also enjoy live action reenactments such as Solar. ( I would also like to say that the constant "Halahluah" in the background gets really annoying after a while.

Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000
Subject: Your webpage


I must tell you that your webpage is one of the biggest pieces of horseshit that I have seen in a long time. The mere fact that you list links to all of the sites you regard as evil, leads a reasonable inference that you have read and studied what is on the pages. Are you evil? I guess you would just say that you have a strong, Christian conviction that is capable of allowing you to overcome the evil you have been studying. You obviously spent a lot of time on your webpage. Perhaps you should remove your blindfold and create a useful webpage, instead of your hateful page disguised as love. And for God's sake, get rid of that damn Halelujia music.

Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000
Subject: Thanks

First off I was raised Southern Baptist. Second my brother is a class three firearms manufacturer and I own several firearms myself. Third I've been playing RPGs for about 20 years.

Now that that's out of the way I'd just like to tell you how much I enjoy your site. I like to check it out every couple of months to see if you've added anything and am rarely disappointed. I too am sickened by the rampant hypocrisy so prevalent in today's society (primarily in America). We all need things, like your site, to help us see everything more clearly. RPGs aren't bad, religion isn't bad, guns aren't bad, people are. We take things and turn them into something they were never meant to be. I'll stop yammering now before I start to sound like the people that you make fun of on the site.

Thanks for listening

P.S. keep up the good work O' the LARD.

Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000
Subject: RPG and christianity. where is the salvation?

I believe I just entered your page about roleplaying. I became very curious. A little about my self: I`m norwegian(therefore the bad language). I`m 20 years old and live on the south-west coast. Enough about that. As I said I read your page(s) and started wondering about the truth of you. Are you a christian(so do I believe) or are you just faking(like many do). I am part of the Salvation Army myself, but, if I understand you correctly, I am "game over". We are a group of salvationists and other christians who are playing the RPG "EarthDawn". I do react with anger when I read yout texts, cause they are attacking every form of roleplaying, which I completely disagree with. There are many nice people playing RPGs and many good people enjoy themselves in a good game and a good adventure. You could say that all the cars are sent by Satan, cause many people die in car-accidents. The same way is it with RPGs. Many(or more corrcectly: SOME) people are very easy, or weak, on their minds. But that these people represent the entire RPG-groups in the world, I do doubt that! "All roleplayers are "connected" to Satan", that is a true lie(if a lie ever can be true).

I`m looking foreward to hear from you(if you have time to read this txt), and: where is the salvation?

Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000
Subject: I am confused.........

I came across your web site, quite by accident, when I was searching for info on the D&D roleplaying game. I was shocked to discover that you call D&D anti-christian. I play D&D with many christians, infact, I am the only non-christian player in our group. It is NOT YOUR RIGHT to say that a harmless D&D game is anti-christian, no matter how religious you are. The only harm that has come of D&D is in the U.S.A, but that is only because the players there are American, with their terrible educational system, and legalised GUNS. In the U.K., no one has ever been killed over a D&D game, or taken legal action against someone concerning D&D. Some of the things said on your site are quite contraversial, and are no more correct than the things that my collegues and I have to say in response. Your website conveys a powerfull message, which may have disasterous affects, I hope you site is shut down, along with your narrow-minded views.

Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000
Subject: website

You are about the biggest dumbshit on the web, next to the guy with the website the seemed to make fun of your website, but secretly thought it was all true.

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000
Subject: you fanatic!!!

that was one of the goddammed funniest things i've ever read!!!!

i had a feeling it was a joke because the yin-yang symbol, but after a while you even had me convinced.

great job!!!

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000
Subject: Are you for real...?

Dear Mr... whatever your name is.

Is this some sort of sick joke? I just accidentally paid a visit to your anti-roleplaying site. I've pondered a bit, and I honestly can't tell. If you're for real, I won't tell you just how damned looney I think you are until I know for sure. But in any event, I will say your remark about Hitler (Hilter?) is very offensive. And I'm not even Jewish! Real good Christian, that one, torturing and killing millions of people. Satan supposedly tortures sinners too; I bet you think he's a real good Christian as well. Heh.

Please tell me this is just an elaborate joke. And take some friendly advice, and remove that little comment about the world's most-hated son of a bitch.

xxxx (Someone with enough time on his hands, and enough experience with religious radicals to want to smack you around for spewing all that gibberish.)

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000
Subject: yeah....

seriously, demon worship? has somebody forgotten to take their prozac? surely you don't believe any of the things you put on your site. if tv was the "devil's" tool then the whole free world would probably be worshipping demons right now. in all honesty can you say that YOU don't own a tv? thought so. anyway, your sites a load of bullshit.

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000
Subject: The Role Playing Gmae is evil


Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000
Subject: Sheer genious!!!!!

Hey there,

I want to give you majr kudos on your website.... this is the greatest thing since sliced bread! You even had me worked up a bit until I actually took the time to read the background and the last little part of your site. Keep it up, there are alot of fools out there who will eat this up!!!!!

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000
Subject: Senkin orava!

Yes, well, actually your extremely well-thought pages raised quite different feelings in me. Whilst the satin&lard thingies made me laugh, reading the comments of other people had quite another effect. Not a funny effect really, I actually became so agitated and annoyed of the UTTER STUPIDITY of all those americano fucks who ...ARGH!!! Reading some of the most stupid comments made me want to rip off my monitor and throw it out of the window. Now I ask you but one favour. Please, I BEG you to give me one address of some really stupid commenteer so I could let out all my emotional steam on him and finally be freed of all this HATE for everyone too stupid to see the obvious. Please...

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000

why dont you not worry about others and worry about yourself?? so what if someone is satanic are they you?? no. so dont discriminate against others what if i started dissing christians you are doing the same thing.almost all religons think that their religon is the best one.

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000
Subject: please clear something up for me?

Please clear something up for me, you are telling me that the "Game of Satan" page is a joke, and that you didn't burn those books. I read that page 1st then landed on your explination, please please tell me that your explination was true?

[Well, you can check my collection of RPG books if you are worried :)]

Worred AD&D player, and lover of books

Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000
Subject: hey, hate monger!

Have you no brain?
You want to go toe-to-toe with someone who knows the FACTS about AD&D and all other RPGs? Send me a mail and prove your misguided convitions.

Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000
Subject: What, no Pokemon?

Hi there once again

Still enjoying your page... but there's nothing about Pokemon, the cartoon show / movie / computer game / card game / line of toys that is taking over the minds of our children. If you decide to put something about Pokemon on your site, you can mention how it's causing parents to spend large sums of money on Pokemon cards -- and that in Quebec last year, a schoolboy stabbed a classmate during a dispute over the ownership of some Pokemon cards.

Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000
Subject: Lies!

An interesting thing to say considering the fact that YOU are on the internet. God gave us the internet so that we could further GOOD things like GENEOLOGY, and bring the truth of GOD to the world. Your website is one of the most obsene, distasteful "acts of God" I have ever laid eyes on. Get a life and leave people alone.

Internet - the ANTICHRIST!!! This is more alarming that I first thought! INTERNET is used by SATAN WORSHIPPERS, BLASPHEMERS, HOMOSEXUALS and other PEDOPHILES!!! I should say that the Game of Satan is raging IN OUR LORD'S net!!! DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS SAID IN INTERNET! They lie there! Only believe those that are true christians!!! I've hear they offer child pornography in Internet! I tried to check if this was true, but had no success yet! INTERNET is the ANTI-CHRIST! Armageddon WILL come soon! Pedophiles and other satan worshippers use Internet to distribute blasphemous stories and pictures! We must get a good, churistian censorship to Internet soon! Every newsgroup and e-mail must be inspected, and every case of illegal or blasphemous material must lead to prosecution!

Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000
Subject: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000

have you gone to therapy for what appears to be a psychological disorder. were you raped as a child or are you so weak minded that you can not think for your self?

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000

Please do not mail me back, I do not want mail from a zealot, I have things to conceder in my life.

p.s. work on your spelling

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000
Subject: . . .

Godbless you, because you need it. Even if you're not joking, sorry to say, but you're making a joke out of Christianity. Really, consider those who follow Christ and embrace love. There is such a thing. We don't need to be squabbling like this. I'm sure God has his eyes set on more . . . important things.

Maybe it's not in my place to judge you as wrong. It's notin my place to judge anything about you. All I gotta say is "Judge and you will not be judged, Condemn and you will not be condemned." A very famous individual once said that, and I think that if you are real or not, you could use this bit. For the better of God and/or for the human race.

Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000
Subject: Man, you're insane....

I pitty on you, poor and lonely soul...
What kind of childhood did you have to became so bitter????
I hear Heavy Metal, play RPG's, dance and I don't think I'm a sinner...
But you are, because with your dark and limited mind you're spreading lies on the web.
And you know, to lie is a sin....

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000
Subject: Loved your webpage!

Ah, it warms my heart to know that my children are still doing my work. On with the rang of Lucifer! Continue the work that you do most ignorant one, as it only guides more lost souls to me.

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000
Subject: hey im a dumbass...

hehehe i just read your page that says its a joke...i thought your were some psycho..n/m sorry

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000
Subject: Great page

Your page is one of the funniest ive come across, funnier than some self-proclaimed joke sites even :-). Im writing to let u know that, while i picked up the wording in the background straightaway, when i changed color modes to a lower setting, it disappeared, so the light nature of your content might not be that obviously nonserious to some ppl :-) again, sick page, humour makes the most biting protest>

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000
Subject: i looked over your site on AD&D being satanic

I read over your site. i must say, you have some points, but AD&D is not satanic unless the players make it so. Trust me on this, I have been a Dungeon Master with that game for a good year or so now. I will not put out wisecracks or cus words, because i understand how you feel about it, i saw it as satanic too, at once, but i didn't go to all the trouble of making a webpage about it, not that it is a bad idea, i am just saying. that AD&D is not as bad as you think, try it out sometime.

I know a Christian Minister who played AD&D, and he turned out quite well, which goes to show that it is not the game that warps the mind, it is the people that play it. This Minister is a good spirited guy that also drives my bus going to school. Sometimes we get involved in religious conversations, so it is like having church on the way to school each morning, which i find kinda cool since i can never get a ride to church. And you say the game is filled with Pagan gods and stuff like that, but it doesn't have to be. I myself am making a Role Playing Game that takes place in Medieval England during the Christian Crusades. Note that i am not placing polytheistic religions in it or magic and sorcery or enchanted items and stuff that doesn't really exist. So Role Playing in general is not bad. But i admit, it is a bit bad for young children and people with weird minds {no names mentioned}.

Also, there are programs like Netsurfer {i think i said that right} and Netnanny that parents can use to block out certain types of Sites, like RPGs, Pornography, stuff like that. you might want to put a link of their homepages on your site {unless you already have} so that people can download them and put them on their computers and protect their children against these sort of things.

I'd also like to add that Dungeon Masters, such as myself, who run the game, don't always have to involve the AD&D campaigns, such as Ravenloft and Forgotten Realms, they can often times make up their own campaign settings, which i like to do. Take a look at some AD&D materials sometime and you'll see. Cause in fact, the Player's Handbook's description for the Paladin and Cleric classes gets into describing where they originated from in Earth's history, in fact, i'll attach the 2 excerts from a computer copy of the Player's Handbook to this e-mail so you can read them. you'll see, maybe. but if you don't want to read them, i don't rightly care, although i would appreciate it if you took the time to do so, as i took my time to send em. thanks.

PS. I am not quitting AD&D, so don't bother trying to encourage me to do so. and another thing, I am a 15 year old, Christian Male living in Pennsylvania, a state in the United States of America. I don't believe in multiple gods, i honor my mother and father, i try not to Lie, Cheat, or Steal, and I am a part of JROTC, which is training for the military, which also trains you to have discipline for authorities, just like honoring thy mother and thy father, as the Ten Commandments say. Thank you for your time, Good Sir.

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000
Subject: Hahahaa...!!!! Satire is a wonderful thing, neh?

Hahaha....Hi, my name is xxxxxxx and I live in Ca, USA. I found your site by accident while looking for some RPG stuff that i had been after....

I must say that when I first began to read your site I almost shit my pants...

I thought: "There is no freaking way that this crap is real...!!!!!" Well, after i continued reading I realized that it WAS just too outrageous to be true...HAHAHAHA!!

Let me say that I am SO glad it is a joke....(and a damned funny one at that!) At first I had half a mind to send you a ripping flame too...But..luckily my brain kicked in and intelligent thinking prevailed...<chuckles>... I realized..this guy HAS to be an RPG fan and a fierce anti-christian as well..!!! (Just like me :-) RIGHT ON MAN!!!

You see, I live in a small farming community in california and I often hear Christian pigdogs spewing out crap just as outrageous as your satirical website, only they seriuosly believe it...!! HAHAHAA..... Thank you my friend for a wonderfully amusing website and a great laugh!! Keep it up and keep it anti christian man!!! Power to ya!!!

Later, and write back if you want to ..I'd like to hear from ya...thanks

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000
Subject: hello this is about you site

there is no poison gas that turns people gay
Role Playing Games are not evil
MUDS are not evil
Hockey is not evil(how did you think hockey was evil in the fiurst place)
Bisexuality and Homosexuality is not evil
by the way call african-americans inferior is RACISM

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000

you are one messed up know that?, this fanatic christian bullshit is way out of hand, you need to take you lying hipocritical cocksucking ass on to hell which is where you're going no matter what you say you closed minded cunt whore

Praise be to Anton Seandor LaVey

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000
Subject: hahahahaha

rpg's are evil... rolemaster is fun when played with enthusiasm and correctly... glad there are still people out there playing...

Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000

To whom it may concern,

Are you people on crack or what? Not everyting in the world is devil worship, just because it doesn't directly promote the Christian faith. The role palying games are nothing more than that, games, the're about story telling, like generations of people did, before the advent of electronic media. By the way, the name of the game is Vampire: The Masquerade, not Vampire: The Massacre.

Vegitarians are not occult worshipers. You shound not be so quick to label something as a cult, my I remind you that Chrisanity was a CULT, when it was first practiced in Rome. And besides that, the Chrisanity more closely fits the definition of the word cult (a group who blindly follow someone and give up material possessions for the group).

You people need to get a life. Judge not, least ye be judged!

Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000
Subject: You are

only a stupid mother fucker...

AD&D is the best game to stimulate intellect and imagination, go fuck your goat.

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000
Subject: Game of Satan

I have had the link to the Game of Satan page for about a year know. I don't even remember how I stumbled accross it in the first place, but it has always been one of my favorite sites for a good laugh. I was never sure whether or not it was actually a joke (I think I actually preferred it to be real because that made it that much more bizarre). But after reading it for a while I figured it had to be fake because it was just too outlandish.

I think it's one of the greatest satires of christian fundamentalism I have ever seen. It was incredibly clever and I love some of the reasons that things were evil. My personal favorites were that people who bathed were evil (it brings focus on the body), people who don't bathe are evil (cleanliness is next to godliness), and that left handed people were evil (Jesus sat at the right hand of God).

I just wanted to say thank you for providing me a really good laugh for quite a long time, and I actuall think it's even funnier that people are outraged at the opinions expressed on your page. That just shows how good of a satire it actually is. I always thought that it was far too strange and off-the-wall for people to actually become offended, but I guess you can never underestimate the level of offense people can raise.

a fan.

Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000
Subject: Praise for a Great Satirist (if there is such a thing)

Dear Naali (Assuming that that is your real name)

[Not quite...]

You must be one of the greatest satirists alive today!

In case you are confused, I have just been to your "Game of Satan" web-site.

I read through it, reading some, skimming through most, and I was totally duped!

The entire time that I was reading it I was expounded to myself the evils of such vehement fanatics who are prepared to say anything and do anything to get their religion, their mode of thinking, and their set of beliefs, morals and thoughts, on any one and every one else that they might encounter.

I was totally taken in by the subterfuge of your 'site!

I, who think of myself as a learned, intelligent and open-minded person (so what if I'm flattering myself, who else will!), was going through your 'site, marvelling at the level of ignorance and prejudice that the author of such thoughts must possess.

After a good five minutes-worth of going through your site, I was becoming more and more incredulous at the level of ignorance and brain-washing that this individual must have!

So much so, that I even tried to psychoanalyse him, with my very limited psychoanalytic skills. And he was turning out to be a very disturbed individual who was most probably brought up in a VERY conservative society, was a closet guy, was sexually-abused as a child, and indoctrinated and brainwashed by some freaked-out con-artist into believe such radical and separatist views.

You had me laughing and rolling in the aisles.

Being an avid role-player myself, I was very interested to hear what this person had to say. When I started reading it, I started to become exceptionally shocked at it, and then incredulous at its even more incredible claims. I couldn't believe that such a web-site could be more than some elaborate, and exquisitely executed hoax or practical joke! But I kept reading and shaking my head, none the less.

I had been sucked into believing that this guy was real.

Imagine my surprise to find a little link, right at the end of the article, that said "this is a joke". I couldn't believe it. I clicked on it, read it, and then was absolutely chagrined that I had let myself be so thoroughly duped! But that didn't matter, because I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my cheeks.

I must commend you on an exquisite 'site and hoax, as well as the way in which it was intelligently executed. It was thorough and authentic in its presentation and satire.

Your 'site, is one of the greatest e-works of all time, and one of the best satires that I have read in a long time. And you should be thoroughly commended for it.

I would like to thank you for such a great 'site, and for a 'site that is so rich in web-links, many of which lead to 'sites that I, as a role-playing enthusiast, have found very interesting and relevant to me and other role-players.

Your site has now become one of my favourite 'sites to explore the content on role-playing games, beneficial or malevolent, that are available on the Web.

I'm not a freak, or a wierdo (I though that I'd just throw that in with every thing else), just a newly acquired admirer of yours.

If there are any other 'sites and 'links, other then those already linked to your web-site, that you think are especially are good, and should be recommended to role-players in general, I would appreciate the gesture.

With much applause

Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000
Subject: This place has to be a joke!

As a normal human being you can not possibly believe that half of what you have on this page is true. I used to play AD&D and I didn't kill myself or anyone else and I never tried to act out my roles as the character. If you even had half a brain you would relize that it is a fantasy world. FANTASY as in not real. Guess what else I'm also a homosexual! I didn't choose this either. I have always been this way. You want to know why so many gay people kill themselves? Because of people like you preaching about the evil homosexuals. You make us think we are wrong, but it was not a choice for me. If you believe in god so much where is his love? Nowhere. Because you are the blasphemer not roleplayers, homosexuals,dancers, etc. I just thought I'd let you know because i'll see you in hell one day and I'll be laughing my faggot head off.

Thanks for contributing to the misinformation of people,

Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000
Subject: Gamer

Man...this page is hilarious...I love it....Good job man...

Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000
Subject: Comments

I would like to say................. great site man. Funny as hell. Wish I found this earlyer.

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000

sir all I can say to you is some people are sicker than others.

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000
Subject: You're Sick

I hope you know how incredibly fucking sick you are. You'll sit there and tell people that Star Wars is "evil" yet you'll turn around and say Adolf Hitler was a good man. ADOLF HITLER SLAUGHTERED MANY PEOPLE, HELD THE JEWISH IN IMPRISONMENT, DID TESTS ON THEM!!! He was a cold heartless son of a bitch!! As for DnD, and other roleplaying games, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with them! NOW YOU HAD BETTER TAKE THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT OFF THE INTERNET!!! IF I COME BACK, AND SEE THAT WORTHLESS FUCKING BULLSHIT ABOUT HOW EVIL A GAME IS WHEN I'M SURFING THE NET, I'M GOING TO CONTINUE TO EMAIL YOU UNTIL IT ISN'T THERE!!!! You're very, fucking sick.

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000
Subject: About your webpage on "Satanic" games... Please Read.

I am appalled at your belief in what you think Christianity is. There is a difference between Christianity and fanatacism. I've played White Wolf (Werewolf, Vampire, etc.), Magic the Gathering, and AD&D before and you know what? It didn't have jack to do with "Satan" or rape or anything like that. It's not the game, it's the people who twist it to their own sick intents. I could care less for those people, they are beyond prayer.

First off, these games you slander and their companies have good intentions like you would not believe. White Wolf by itself is a Canadian company that donates some of it's profits to help keep wolves from being hunted and killed, is that not what God would want people to do? Have you ever looked at one of these books without being against it because it is different? The story is based upon a dying world where fear, ignorance and apathy are killing Gaia, who is Earth. A triat of creation, form and order (which was twisted to corruption) run the show with a diest type of rule. The werewolves are out on a mission from Gaia to rid the world of the Wyrm (the corruption). Notice I don't use evil, why? It's palpable. Some can touch it. And also, IT'S NOT REAL. People who take this game to the extremes like yourself to slander and defame it's purpose have no real faith, a true Christian would atleast make a fair judgement on it by it's content, not appearence.

Second, who gave you, a meager person... the right to judge other things and people? Geez, ya know something? No one gave you the right. If you had half the decency of a Christian, you would attempt to help those who defile the games, not destroy the game.

Third, think about it. If thousands of kids killed themselves because of a game, what would happen to that game? More than 3/4 of the people who did something bad were under the influence of alcohal or drugs, not in the thrall of Evil. Maybe if you would think about what you're saying you'd see there is no sense what-so-ever in your ramblings.

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000
Subject: you sir, are a genius

I LOVE a good joke, and this is one of the best ones.... im just surprised you had the dedication to make it so elaborate! just wanted to write you and say i positively busted a nut laughing, as i had been cruising around xtian bigotry sites all day and soaking in the ignorance; you can imagine how i felt when i stumbled onto this gem. I only have one point: Clows such as ronald mcdonald should always be considered sinful, because clowns are scary damnit. Keep up the good work!

P.S. One question: how come i didnt get any drugs while I was playing D&D??!!

[Well, I've always wondered where all the young, pretty, virgin girls were...]

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000
Subject: Parody

I'm glad I read the 'Answers' section - I was sitting there going 'God, this is unreal.', although I'm basically far too lazy to send 'Hate-mail' or even start a good flamemail myself (Usenet Veteran - [G])

The scary part about your page is simply this - I've seen pages just about as bad out here on the net - as parody it has a problem because so much of the fundie movement can actually *believe* this stuff. This (The U.S.) is a nation that had a respected (By the religious right) religious and political leader accuse a character on a childrens show called teletubbies of being gay.

These are the *respected* Fundamentalist viewpoints in the U.S. My deep surprise was more that a site of this nature had a finnish domain than that it existed. Nonetheless - I'm glad it's a joke.