
Topic Reply in Email (version 0.1.1)
by Angelo Bertolli
This mod is for phpBB 2.0.22. For people watching for replies to threads, this mod will provide the actual contents of the reply, not just a link to view the post. The post is parsed and sent in an email-friendly format.

Ice Queen Game
by Angelo Bertolli
An old-style RPG game written in Pascal

Macbeth Game
by Angelo Bertolli
Another DOS game--a simple war game based on Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Procreator (exe)
by Bahumuth
A set of text-based games written for GWBASIC.

D&D Treasure Roller (zip)
by Angelo Bertolli
An old program written for DOS which rolls treasures for the original Dungeons & Dragons game. Rolls treasure based either on the Basic D&D Rule Books, or the D&D Cyclopedia. Almost 100% of the treasure charts are in this program (everything except for intelligent swords, talents, etc).

Skull Dice (exe)
by Angelo Bertolli
A mindless dice-rolling game with unique rules. Ronald McDonald's Beer & Ale. Play the game and find out! Title screen made with SigZag99.

Linux on Drugs
(105K, May 31, 2004)

This is what happens when Linux is on drugs.
Please talk to your Linux about Windows before it's too late.